Say, you are mine!

51) Let’s do it!

Authors pov

Rosetta frowned at him.

“Get out of my way”

Vlad glared at her with clenched jaw.

“You are very lucky that we are surrounded by people… Otherwise I would have beat the shit out of you for becoming his whore…”

Rosetta scoffed.

“I am his legally wedded wife…”

She gave him mocking look.

“And you can’t touch me now… Just try it, I dare you… You are lucky that we are surrounded by people otherwise I would have kill you… Don’t worry, that moment will come sooner or later…”

“I gave you fair chance to become mine… And you are paying me back like this for being a gentleman. I am hundred times better than him in everything…”

Vlad spat.


Rosetta scoffed.

“You are anything but gentleman Vlad. You are the most disgusting man I have ever seen… You raised your hand on me just to show that you are stronger than me and I should choose you for that, because you think that the woman need strong man to protect her… You treat women like your shoe, you abuse them. You think I haven’t seen your submissive’s bruised body… You are drowning in a bog of patriarchy and accept from me to come with you. It’s a suicide for me… I will gladly embrace death instead of being with you…”

“Are you flying this high because of your husband… You think he is stronger than me. He might be powerful but I can turn his empire into dust with snap of my fingers.”

Vlad threatened.

Rosetta Smirked.

“I don’t need anyone to fly high Vlad. I am capable enough to take care of myself but you should be grateful that my family and husband doesn’t know about you…”

Vlad was irked by her confidence.

“Have you ever thought that what my mother will do to you…”

She chuckled at the thought.

“You might defeat me but you won’t be able to stand in front of her, she will snap your neck before you could even realise… My father can destroy you and your whole existence just by one word, he doesn’t even have to snap His fingers… And you shouldn’t mess with skyler, he is from royal family and they hold immense power in underworld. You are too blind to see that because of your ego… I am dealing with you by myself because I don’t want to bother my family because of small problem like you. You are not even worthy enough to make my people bother about you…”

She walked passed by him.

“You will regret it”

Vlad said turning around to look at her.

“You will regret your each and every word… I promise you I will drag you with me in front of your family and they won’t be able to do anything. You will beg for my mercy. You will lick my shoes Rosetta and that time I will crush your ego under my shoes… I promise…”

Rosetta rolled her eyes.

“All the best…”

She mocked and walked away.

She went to the washroom and did her business. She was washing her hands when she saw someone through mirror and gasped.

She quickly turned around to look at him.

“What the fuck are you doing in ladies washroom?”

She asked looking at the masked man.

“I wanted to see you”

He replied Smirking.

“Haven’t I made myself clear that I am not interested in you. Can’t you men understand that one simple thing…”

She growled.

That Masked man looked at her calmly.

“Why did you accepted his praposal… Skyler is not a good man for you…”

“It’s none of your business…”

She glared at him.

“Leave me alone…”

“I should kill him, that will solve the problem…”

He chuckled wickedly.

“If you think I will come to you after that then you are living with biggest misunderstanding…”

She replied.

He released a sigh.

“You are so naive Rosetta… You are not capable enough to understand people around you… Can’t you see that skyler is using you. He wants your body because you weren’t giving it to him, it’s just about his ego. Once he have you he will throw you aside like a trash…”

Rosetta clenched her jaw and slapped him hard. He bit his lip and glared at her.

“You have no right to say anything about my relationship… Stay the fuck away from my life..”

“You will see…”

He chuckled bittely.

“He doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings…”

Rosetta frowned at him. Why this man is stuck on ruining skyler’s image.

She was doubting that he is Skyler. It was good Chance to clear it.

“Stay here.”

She said and took out her mobile from her purse.

That man looked at her confused as she dialled something in her Phone.

Rosetta video called Skyler. She was impatiently waiting for him to pick up. She was confident that this man is not Skyler but clearing her doubts will be good thing.

She will be relieved but what if skyler doesn’t receive it? What if he is Skyler?

But to her relief Skyler received the call.

“Rosa?… Why are video calling me when we are at the same place?”

He asked confused.

Rosetta saw his background, he was in the party between crowd. She sighed in relief, she was right. This man is not Skyler otherwise he would have been standing there.

“Actually I couldn’t find you… It’s crowded, that’s why?”

She reasoned.

“Ohh… I’ll be at the counter. Come there… And come fast I am bored…”

He said and she nodded.

She disconnected the call and looked at the masked man. He scoffed at her.

“You really thought that I am Skyler?…”

He asked offended.

“You think I am a fool… Here I am trying to turn you against him and you are thinking that we are same.”

“I will suspect every man until you reveal your face”

She replied.

“And then what?… What are you going to do with me?”

He asked.

“Why you want to see my face?”

“Because you are bothering me… Interfering in my life. You know my every weakness, I want to know yours too… I can’t let anyone control my life…”

She replied.

“You want to know my weakness?”

He stepped towards her.

“It’s you… You are my weakness Rosetta…”

Rosetta sighed and turned around to leave but stopped when he said.

“Don’t be a fool Rosetta, I am not your enemy. I am your well-wisher… Don’t let him ruin you… He is using you…”

Rosetta didn’t reply as she straight away walked out.


She muttered. She is fed up by these men.

She looked around to find skyler. He was standing by the counter waiting for her.

“He is just messing with my mind. Skyler won’t do anything like that. His confession was genuine…”

She shook her head to push disturbing thoughts aside.

She walked towards Skyler and he smiled when he saw her. Rosetta directly engulfed him in a tight hug.

Skyler embraced her with concerned face.

“Rosa?… What happened?… Did someone___”


She stopped him by breaking the hug.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.


He looked at her confused.

Rosetta closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She stood on her toes and pulled Skyler in deep kiss. Skyler was quick to wrap his hands around her and respond to it. She was pulling him towards her by his collar.

“Are you drunk?”

He asked after breaking the kiss. He wasn’t expecting this from her but he would be lying if he said that he doesn’t like it. It was heaven for him and he was already turn on.

Rosetta shook her head.

“No! But I want to forget about everything and everyone…”

She gulped and he raised his eyebrows.

“I want to consummate our marriage…”

She declared and he frowned not believing in his ears.

“I want you, Skyler”

“Are you sure?”

He asked still not believing her. He was doubting that she is under the influence of alcohol.

“I am sober… And I am sure about it…”

She replied.

“Make me forget about everything…”

Skyler smiled as his heart filled with happiness.

“Your wish is my command”

He captured her lips in passionate kiss.

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