Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 14

Nolan’s POV

With a ferve determination burning in my veins, I stormed into my mother’s chamber, my steps echoing with the weight of my reale. The air crackled with tendon as I conf red the queen mother, my voice a low growl of barely–contained fury.

I know I definitely lossk, unhinged which is net my style but I am far from caring whatsoever.

“Why did you insist on wanting to talk to me about the Healer?” Edemandeid, my words faced with venom.

“You know how much I despise her. Nesta should never be mentioned in this palace again, do you hear me? If I so much as hear her name uttered within these walls, I sell personally hunt her down and end her myself


My mother’s eyes widened in shock at my outburst, her expression a mixture of surprise and concern. But I paid her no heed, my anger burning bright like a wildfire in the darkness.

The mere mention of Nesta’s name was enough to reignite the flames of hatred that smouldered within me, and I refused to allow her to poison my thoughts any longer. She was rejected for a reason and my mother needs to understand that.

With a final steely glare. I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room, leaving my mother to grapple with the weight of my wrath.

For I knew that I could not rest until I had purged the palace of Nesta’s presence once and for all, and woe betide anyone who stood in my way Not even my mother will be forgiven again if she insists on this.

I decided to venture deep into the woods, my footsteps echoing through the dense undergrowth, a sense of purpose burned. within me like a wild fire in the darkness. An unexpected dark fire.

The rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind were my only companions as I sought solace in the solitude of the wilderness. Solace I might probably never find again after the death of my father.

With each passing second, my thoughts turned to Nesta, the source of my anguish and the target of my ire. The memory of her fueled the fire that raged within me, driving me forward with a singular focus that brooked no distractions.

And so, with grim determination, I set my sights on my prey, a hapless creature whose only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am the best hunter in the Lore, it isn’t news. Either human or animals, I track them down.

Nolan the Hunter.

With every step, the anticipation grew, mingled with a sense of righteous fury that burned like a white–hot flame in the depths of my soul. Whenever i am angry, i don’t get the right prey but i do get a prey one way or the other.

I stalked through the underbrush, my senses heightened to a razor’s edge, every rustle and snap of twig alerting me to the presence of my quarry. And when at last I found it, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over me, tempered by the weight of my own consciente.

I stood poised to strike, I knew that it was not the innocent creature -a beautiful blonde fox–before me that deserved my wrath, but rather the one whose betrayal had driven me to this dark place.

And though the urge for vengeance burned bright within me, I knew that I could not allow myself to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume me. Not on this animal.

My heart heavy. I released my grip on the bow in my hand, letting it fall to the forest floor with a dull thud. The fox fled into the safety of the woods, its life spared by a mercy born of a deeper understanding.

I stood alone in the silence of the forest, the echors of my footsteps fading into the distance, I knew that my hunt was far from over. This animal might be spared but a human somewhere might not be.

For though Nesta may have cluded me for now, I vowed to never rest until justice had been served and the scales of betrayal had been balanced once and for all. I don’t care that all the Healers/Faes are dead. I will hunt the few remains down.

I made my way back to the palace, my steps were heavy with the weight of my anger and agitation. The tension that coiled within me threatened to suffocate, each breath a struggle against the rising tide of frustration that threatened to engulf me..

As I passed by Rowan’s room, the sounds that emanated from within cut through the silence like a knife. Of course he would keep getting at it. Nora is his fated mate after all. He won’t suffer through nightmares.

The muffled voices and whispered endearments served as a painful reminder of the love he had chosen to cast aside in favour of his newfound passion for Nora. Well, Nesta was never his love to begin with but I could swear he liked her at the beginning before I brainwashed him.

Anger flared within me like a raging inferno, fueled by the raw intensity of my emotions. How could he continue to revel in his own pleasure while I suffered in silence, tormented by the memories of his betrayal?

With a clenched jaw and fists balled at my sides, I forced myself to continue on, unwilling to allow Rowan’s actions to dictate my own path

But with each step, the echoes of their passion followed me like a shadow, a constant reminder of the gaping wound that festered within my heart. A wound so deep nothing could fill up but revenge for my father’s death so I could decorate Healers heads at the gates of this palace.

I retreated to the solitude of my own chambers, the weight of my anger pressed down upon me like a leaden shroud, casting a pall over the once–familiar surroundings. I changed my mind list minute.

Imade my way to the harem, my steps heavy with a mixture of resignation and frustration, the anticipation that once accompanied such visits had waned, replaced instead by a hollow emptiness that gnawed at the edges of my soul.

Entering the opulent chambers, I was greeted by a sea of eager faces, each one a willing participant in the indulgences that awaited within. As usual the women in this harem are always naked and ready.

But as the women vied for my attention, their seductive whispers falling on deaf ears, I felt a surge of anger rising within me. fueled by the bitter knowledge that my desires were no longer as easily sated as they once were.

Though the harem was meant to be a haven of pleasure and release, I found myself unable to summon the same arousal that had once coursed through my veins with such fervent intensity. Like a fucking teenager but not anymore.

The memory of Nesta, my fated one, lingered like a ghost in the recesses of my mind, casting a shadow over the pleasures that lay before me. The way my….


With a growl of frustration, I turned away from the eager women, my heart heavy with the weight of my own self–loathing. How could I find satisfaction in the arms of a woman whose people, maybe even parents, had hands in murdering my father?

I left the harem behind, the echoes of my anger reverberating in the empty chambers, I knew that could no longer deny the truth that lay at the heart of my discontent.

For though Rowan may find solace in the arms of another, I was cursed to wander through the darkness alone, haunted by the spectre of a love lost and a future that could never be. I was never the romantic one anyway.

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