Reborn Heart of Steel

Chapter 18: Truth


“It’s not Lucy,” I blurted out, speaking just above a whisper. The words lingered in the air, revealing the truth at last.

Chase’s eyes widened in shock, then a moment of realization passed over his face. “Aren’t you Brianne?”

I shook my head, unable to articulate clear words. The heaviness of the deception, the hijacked identity, was overwhelming.

“Then who are you?” He spoke with a quiet, cautious tone tinged with curiosity.

I paused to take a deep breath in an attempt to collect my thoughts. “I have no idea how to describe it,” I started, my voice shaking a bit. “I’m Lucy.”

Chase’s eyes became thin slits, his facial expression impossible to interpret. “Lucy… like Lucy Abrams?”

I nodded, finally revealing the truth openly. The revelation felt extremely heavy, as if a huge stone had been removed from my chest.

“How on earth?” Chase sounded confused. “I watched the news. The burial ceremony…”

“I’m confused too,” I whispered, barely able to hear my own voice.” I found myself in her body upon waking up. I now exist in her world, but I am not her.”

A lengthy pause lingered between us, interrupted only by the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Chase’s thoughts were quickly running through his mind, evident in his eyes.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered at last, his voice tinged with disbelief.

“I understand,” I whispered in response.

We remained quiet for an extended period, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on us. At last, Chase uttered words.

“We have to solve this,” he stated, his voice filled with determination. “We must uncover the truth about Lucy’s… your situation and how you came to inhabit Brianne’s physical form. It’s like some kind of sorcery.”

I nodded, thoughts racing through my mind. There were numerous inquiries left unaddressed, numerous parts to this mystery.

Who was after my life, or rather, who was trying to end Brianne’s life? What part did Alessandro play in all of this? Or could it be that…

“We must be careful,” Chase said quietly. “The person responsible for what happened to you will do whatever it takes to conceal the truth.”

A cold fear settled in my stomach, making me shiver. I had not fully realized the level of danger I was facing. This wasn’t solely about uncovering the truth about Lucy’s death; it was also about staying alive.

“We need a plan,” I said. “A strategy to ensure safety, and a strategy to uncover the truth.”

Chase nodded, his expression serious. “We could involve the authorities.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I had doubts. The authorities? The idea of getting the authorities involved filled me with fear. However, Chase was correct. This was not a task I could manage independently.

“Good,” I whispered quietly. “But we need to proceed with caution. We need to keep the switch of bodies a secret though.”

Chase nodded, his face showing a strong and serious determination. “I understand,” he stated.

As we left the park, it felt like the burden of the world was on our shoulders. The future was unpredictable, teeming with hazards and mysteries. However, it was evident that we were united in this experience, both strangers connected by a sad destiny.

Walking through the deserted school halls felt like carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. Chase’s arm lightly touched mine, silently assuring me of his support. The halls I knew so well suddenly felt strange, every footstep echoing as a reminder of the life I had abandoned.

Chase said in a low voice that we had to head to his house. “There, it is more secure.”

I gave a nod, my thoughts were moving quickly. The grand estate, with its high walls and tight security, appeared to be the least desirable location for me. However, faced with the imminent threat, it was the sole choice available.

Upon reaching the parking lot, a smooth black car arrived. Alessandro exited with a worried expression.

“Brianne, what happened? You’ve arrived late.”

Chase advanced, his posture defensive. “We must have a conversation.” His voice was strong.

Alessandro’s gaze narrowed, a glimmer of doubt appearing on his face. “Alone,” he answered, speaking softly.

Chase paused briefly before nodding in agreement. “Okay.” He faced me. “Stay here.”

I observed the two men involved in a tense discussion, speaking quietly and urgently. I was engulfed by a feeling of loneliness. I was by myself in this situation, a foreigner in an unfamiliar country.

After what seemed like forever, Alessandro came back, his expression showing no emotion. “Come inside,” he murmured quietly.

I entered the rear seat, my thoughts swirling with confusion. What was their conversation about ?

The car raced along the urban roads, the breeze tousling my hair. The colorful city lights merged together, standing out against the dark background that surrounded me.

We reached the mansion faster than ever before. The impressive building towered above us, representing prosperity and authority. Upon entering, the luxurious surroundings immediately overwhelmed me. This world belonged to Brianne, a world where there was abundance and entitlement. However, it also acted as a jail, a luxurious cage that confined her to a lifestyle that wasn’t hers.

Alessandro showed me into his study, a space crowded with dark wood and books covered in leather. There was a palpable sense of tension in the air.

“Share all the details with me,” he whispered softly.

I gasped, feeling the heaviness of reality bearing down on me. I informed him about everything, even Lucy and the fact that I wasn’t Brianne.

He muttered under his breath. “That explains the change of behavior.”

With intense focus, he listened, his expression showing deep concentration. After I completed my task, there was a prolonged period of silence from him.

He then mentioned with a slightly cautionary tone that the game we are participating in is risky. “Regardless of who is responsible, they will continue until our voices are silenced.”

I agreed, understanding the importance of what he was saying. I was no longer simply a piece of someone else’s plan. I was viewed as a target that needed to be removed because I posed a threat.

“We must find the real culprit behind your death… and the reason behind it.”

I nodded in agreement, speaking barely in a whisper. The path ahead was filled with risks, but there was no going back at that point. The truth had been revealed, and there was no turning back.

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