Pregnant For The Royal Prince

The Dinner Party

THE door to Vidya’s room forcefully pulled back and Vidya barged out, she was fuming in rage.

“Where is that gullible maid?”, she ranted, her voice at the highest pitch.

There was no response, she shouted again, and this time the maid rushed out from her mother’s room, carrying with her a box filled with clothes.

“Fool, where is my box of jewelries?”, she asked.

“Huh? They… they are in your closet miss”, she replied.

Vidya’s face wrinkled in disgust.

“Idiot, come get it”, she growled and barged the door to her face and she flinched.

She exhaled and then opened the door and went in, still carrying the box of clothes.

“Will you be fast with that?”, someone suddenly asked, jolting her.

It was Roshni, Vidya’s friend. She was standing and facing the mirror.

Ava, the maid hurriedly dropped the box on the bed, and then walked up to the closet to get the box of jewelries.

Just then, the door suddenly opened and everyone turned to it, it was Roshan.

“Gosh mom, I feel so nervous”, Vidya said.

“Don’t be baby doll”, she smiled and walked up to her.

“You just have to relax Vidya, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for”, Roshni said smiling.

Vidya sighed.

“The makeup artistes are here Vidya, I hope you are ready for them?”, Mrs Roshan asked.

Vidya sharply turned to the window, looking out.

“Oh, there are here? I am ready mother, let them in”, she replied.

Mrs Roshan nodded slowly turning to the maid, she was busy arranging the jeweleries on the bed.

“Ava?”, she called.

“Ma’am”, she replied, looking up from what she was doing.

“Get the dress out, the exact one I told you about, make it ready”, she said and walked to the door.

“Alright ma’am”, she replied and got down to work.

“This is seriously getting me nervous Roshni”, Vidya said, looking into the mirror.

Roshni rolled her eyes, she was standing behind her.

“Alright, what exactly is your nervousness?”, she asked.

“I don’t know if I’m beautiful enough to get the prince’s attention, like, there is this doubt”, she licked her lips.

Roshni laughed.

“Come on, if it’s about that, then you are hundred percent gonna draw his attention”, she assured.

“You think so?”, she pouted.

“I know so”.

“You know I heard he is kinda cold and arrogant, and difficult as well”, she sighed, then splayed her hands on her face.

“My gee, who told you?”.

“My tutor, the one sent from the palace”, she removed her hands from her face.

“Hmm, and that’s why you need to meet him as a childhood friend, you know”, she winked.

She sighed again, and just then the door opened. Mrs Roshan and the makeup artistes entered.

They were about five of them, four ladies and one gentleman. The youngest among them carried with her a big plastic box.

“So here you go daughter, relax and let them carry out their duties on you”, she winked.

“Alright mother”, she replied as she turned back to the mirror.

“Good, I will go get dressed as well, Ava, come over”, she said and left the room, the maid followed.

The gentleman glanced into his wristwatch as he walked up to the dressing mirror.

“Alright ladies, fifty minutes enough”, he announced and the ladies got down to business.

Vidya placed her left hand on her chest exhaling deeply as she sat still, ready for business.





Raghav sat on his piano seat playing some soft tunes, he had been seated there for like twenty minutes, playing.

Suddenly he stopped and glanced at the big wall clock hanging on the wall, gee, he growled then got up.

Hurriedly, he walked up to his wardrobe, then began searching for a casual wear, he sighed giving up, he couldn’t found it.

He looked around the room, suddenly hoping Rina was available, she would in the next minute help him get a better wear to put on.

He glanced at the wall clock again and growled out loudly, he was almost late for his appointment that evening with a business friend.

It wasn’t a business meeting anyway, it was just something dinner stuff. He looked into his large wardrobe again, then randomly selected out something.

Walking up to the bed with the clothes in his hands, his door opened and his mother entered.

Ugh, he dropped the clothes on the bed, then turned to her.

“Mother”, he bowed.

“Raghav?”, she called, looking around the room with a confused face.

Raghav studied her, she was beautifully dressed that evening, looking all glamorous in her arrays. Like where in the hell was she heading to?

“Yes mother. You look stunning”, he smiled.

“Why aren’t you dressed yet? I just spoke with the maids and they said you didn’t call them up, so I decided to come check on you”, she reeled out, waving her arms in demonstration.

Huh? Raghav was confused, like what was she really talking about? He looked intently at her.

“I don’t understand mother, getting dressed for what?”, he asked.

Queen Arya sighed, oh my gee, does he mean to say he had already forgotten? It was told to him just yesterday.

“Huh? What actually?”, he asked, still looking confused.

“The dinner party Raghav, it’s today. Oh my goodness, don’t tell me you have forgotten”, she said.

“Oh”, he mouthed, splaying his right hand on his forehead.

“I did actually forget, I’m sorry mom”, he pleaded rubbing his palms together in plea.

“But you were informed yesterday Maharana”, she said.

“I know mom, but man got a lot in his mind. I was actually heading for a business meeting with a friend, but it’s nothing anyway, it’s just an informal meeting over drinks”, he said.

Arya sighed, looking at him.

“I wonder what occupied your mind that you totally forgot about meeting with a childhood friend”, she said.

Raghav chuckled, indeed.

“No worries mom”.

“Our guests gonna be arriving the palace soon, get prepared and come over to the large dining room”.

He nodded, picking up the clothes he had dropped on the bed.

“Let me go get the maids so they can come dress you up”, she turned.

“Huh? That should be for Prisha, I don’t need the maids”, he walked up to the wardrobe.

She laughed.

“I see, we will be waiting for you”, and she turned on the door knob, and left the room.

Gosh, he had totally forgotten all about the dinner party and meeting with a childhood friend, he is really thinking a lot.

His mind drifted to the business meeting he was having that evening, he waved it off, it was a minor thing. Just a phone call would take care of it.

He exhaled deeply, what was he gonna put on now? It wasn’t a casual wear but a royal robe, this was a dinner party.

The door cranked open and Rina entered, poking in her head first. She sighted him standing and facing the wardrobe, she smiled.

“Don’t come in like a thief”, he said.

She laughed and entered, closing the door behind her. Raghav nodded, if ever he wanted a maid to dress him up, this was the maid.




Vidya took a look at herself in the mirror for the uptenth time, twirling and inspecting every single touches on her.

The makeup artistes were already done for like an hour ago and they had even left.

“Mom, are you sure I’m looking good enough?”, she asked, even though she and Roshni, including Ava had gushed and talked how beautiful she looked after the makeup artistes were done.

“Of course daughter, you look like a princess”, she smiled, caressing her cheeks.

“Are you sure? I still feel nervous, butterflies in my stomach”, she said, staring at herself in the mirror.

“Aw come on Vidya, you look just exactly as mom had said, like a princess”, Roshni complimented.

“Please tell her dear”.

Vidya laughed, they just wasn’t getting the whole thing, she was the one involved here and the one in the right position to tell how it feels.

“You look real stunning my lady”, Mrs Roshan said.

Vidya finally looked away from the mirror, turning to her.

“You too momma, you look just exactly as a queen”, she smiled.

“Thank you dear. Now you listen to me”, Vidya instantly got up and faced her.

“This is a golden opportunity; a very rare one thousands of girls out there are praying for, you have to make good use of it”, she nodded.

“You are meeting with the almighty prince of Shimla kingdom, right in his palace and he mustn’t leave the dining room the same. You must capture his heart”.

“Alright mother”, she nodded.

“Don’t forget the things your tutor had told you, follow the steps accordingly and don’t step out. Go in there and make me proud, make me the next queen mother”, she grinned.

“I pledge to mom, I just hope the plan all work out”, she said.

“It sure will, now….”.

“Oh, the royal convoy is here”, Roshni announced, looking out the window.

“Huh? The what? Oh my gee”, Vidya voiced out.

“Hold on, while I go check”, Mrs Roshan said and walked out the room.

“Roshni, I hope I’m looking all good? Take a good look at me, my hairdo… my jeweleries, the dress, my makeup”, she said in panic, looking herself over.

Roshni laughed.

“You are good to go Vidya, ugh, the gold necklace, the very one mom said you must put on”, she cried out.

Vidya gasped, huh? Where was it? She looked around the dressing table, why had she forgotten it?

“Oh, here it is”, Roshni said picking it up from the bed where it laid, she walked up to her.

“Turn”, she said and she helped wear her the necklace.

“Thank you”, she said, admiring it.

“Are you guys coming back today?”, Roshni asked and winked.

“Huh? What kinda question is that? Sure we are coming back”.

Roshni laughed.

“I thought you were going to sleep there you know… with the prince”, she winked again.

Vidya laughed.

“Oh come on, stop that crap, we will return once the dinner is over, let me get going please”, she said and began walking out the room.

“Good luck”, she waved at her and walked back to the window to continue her lookout.



Rina put on finishing touches to Raghav’s dressing as he sat facing the dressing mirror, while she dressed him.

Actually she is still a novice on that, he was the one guiding and directing her, while she wore him the robes.

“Ahh”, she sighed, splaying her left hand on her forehead.

“What is it?”, Raghav asked, looking at her through the mirror.

“This job is real hectic”, she said. “The robes and ornaments are damn heavy”, she complimented.

“It’s good you learn how to manage it now, because you aren’t gonna escape from it, you know”, he shoved the seat back and got up.

Rina faced him, admiring the prince before her, admiring her man, her prince in shining armor.

“Oh yeah”, he said, tilting his head.

She smiled.

“The perfume and cologne”, she said and made for them. She already knows the ones he uses for occasions like this.

“You look so breathtaking Maharana”, she complimented in a whisper.

He smiled broadly.

“Thanks sweetheart, it’s all your efforts”.

Her eyes twitched.

“Huh? My efforts?”, she asked.

He nodded.

“You know, I never knew I could ever fall in love. If someone ever told me I, Raghav gonna fall in love, I would so spank that person, I mean, he really gonna take some pain relieving drugs”.

She laughed.

“Really? Is that how cold you are?”, she asked.

“Very cold, it’s still my way though, it only gets weakened when I see you”, he placed his right hand on her left cheek.

Aww, she smiled, blushing so heavily. So this man standing before her was really hers, like… all hers.

“Yes baby, I’m all yours”, she closed her eyes and slowly laid her head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her immediately.

“Thank you”, she whispered.

“Um babe, I’m running late. Can you please let me go”, he glanced at his wristwatch.

“I have really spent time here, I am sure they’re already waiting for me at the dining”, he said.

Her countenance changed immediately, her face fell in sadness. Oh jeez, why this? Why the party?

“Can I ask you for something Maharana?”, she pleaded, raising her head up to look at him.

“Go on my princess”.

She smiled.

“The dinner party…”, she paused.

“Yes, what about it?”, he nudged her.

She sighed.

“I really don’t know the essence of it but please Maharana, don’t let me down”, she was staring at him in the eyes as she spoke.

He returned the stare, noticing little tears about to drop from her eyes. Gosh! She is so emotional.

He brought his mouth closer her watery eyes and kissed the tears on each eye.

“I won’t”, he said.

He understood what she meant and come on… he wasn’t that dumb to ignore good things.

“Fine, I can let you go now”, she released him.

“I prefer you stay here and wait for me”, he said.

She nodded, of course, she had actually planned to lock herself up in his room while the so called dinner party lasts.

“I will”, she nodded.

He smiled, then planted a kiss on her forehead and turned to leave.

“I will be back before you know it”, he called back and then left the room.



The dining table was already set and the guests had already arrived, now sitted.

The hosts weren’t left out as well, except for the prince, he alone was yet to arrive.

What the hell could be keeping him waiting? Vidya thought to herself.

“Don’t worry about the prince, he would be here soon”, Arya said trying to pacify her guests.

“That is exactly how our son is, you can’t just predict or comprehend him”, King Neel supported.

“Oh no it’s no problem your majesty, I understand”, Mrs Roshan said, with smiles all over her face.

Then she turned to Vidya who sat next to her and winked, she smiled, looking down at herself to be sure she was okay.

“Vidya has actually grown into a beautiful young lady my Lord, can’t you see?”, Arya said.

Neel nodded.

“Of course, I never knew Roshan had such wonderful daughter”, he said.

Vidya was full of happiness within her, but showed it out a little.

“I’m grateful your grace, I feel honoured to be here”, she replied.

Neel nodded, Arya laughed.

“She is really a pretty girl. I’m sure my son gonna like you”.

“Awwn, I will be the most happiest person on earth if he does”, she said.

“It’s okay, he will”, she turned to Prisha who sat aloof, next to her.

“Come on Prisha, say something to my best friend’s daughter, the one I told you about”, she said.

Huh? She had already told the princess about her? She smiled broadly, looking at the little princess.

Prisha made a face and turned to the girl, then looked her over. Would this one be fit for her brother, the prince?

Hmm, she kept mute, saying nothing.

“Prisha?”, her mother called.

“Yes mother”.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said say a word of compliment or welcome to her, you have actually not welcome her properly”.

She scoffed, then looked away. She wants no recommended bride for big brother, none.

“I really do hope my big bro get to like you as my mom has just said, mm”, she made a face.

What! Vidya couldn’t believe her ears. Did this small rat just talked to her anyhow? My gee, she turned to the queen.

“Stop it Prisha, that isn’t what I asked you to do”, she said.

“Whatever mom”, she replied, looking away.

Vidya overlooked it, she wasn’t the prince anyway and even though anyone is to come in her way of getting the prince, it shouldn’t be this little pumpkin.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

Just then, the prince came in, looking all glamorous in his royal arrays.

Oh my! She looked intently at the breathtaking man walking in from the door looking all dreamy and sweet. Wow, was this the prince? Finally, she had met him.

She watched him walk in as all the guards and maids he passed kept bowing to him.

Mrs Roshan got up immediately, then silently ordered Vidya to join her, she did.

Raghav walked further into the dining without glancing at any one’s face, he just majestically walked up to the dining set.

He finally got there and halted, that was when he looked into all the faces of all present.

Well, they weren’t much, it was just his parents and sister, then a lady, and a younger lady.

But jeez, hold on… this lady, the younger one looked familiar, and oh yes, it hit him.

Instantly, the royal staff in his right hand, fell off.


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