Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“Adia shivered as her teeth shattered, it actually felt like death.

Sebastian told her to wait whilst he got help, but she’s been waiting for quite some time and Sebastian was no where to be seen, or did he abandon her at the last hour, she was fucking freezing and was already having problems breathing.

‘did he really leave me here?’ Adia thought as she trembled, maybe Sebastian has ran off to get help for himself and left her to freeze to death.

“Monster, you’re just a cold statue without a heart” she cursed loudly through gritted teeth, she’s been lying here for more up to Thirty minutes now and her so called husband is no where to be found.

‘or is he dead too’ this part of the city was considered dangerous at night and it was already past eight, maybe he was attacked ‘oh poor Seb’ she whimpered sadly as a year dropped from her eyes.

Different thoughts were currently running through her head now, and she’s someone really high on emotions.

She blinked her eyes several times trying to fight the drowsiness and maybe find help, somewhere, that was when she noticed a sturdy built silhouette approaching.

‘who the hell is that or have they come to take me too’ Adia sobbed quietly as the person approached, soon the lights from the head mirror of Bill’s car caught her attention, that was when she caught a glimpse of her husband’s heavenly face approaching her.

He came for her, he actually came for her, she watched as he approached her.

“Are you alright?” He asked as she nodded weakly.

“Were you able to find help?”

“Hmm” Sebastian nodded slowly as he was busy fiddling with some things he needed before me going to Adia.

“Come on I’ll carry you” Sebastian offered placing his phone inside Adia bag alongside other stuffs.

He lifted her up in a bridal style ensuring she’s properly covered before making way for Bill’s car.

Adia buried herself in his warm embrace as he took her to the car.

“Who’s that?”

“A friend” came his curt reply.

He tucked her in, in the back sit, sliding in after her before shutting the door.

Bill started the ignition switch before driving slowly.

Adia who was still buried in Sebastian’s arms, wondered how he was feeling.

Before he left her, he was not looking so good, but now he’s looking refreshed wearing an unbothered look.

“Hello am Bill, you must be Adia nice to meet ya” Bill introduced himself cheerfully making Sebastian grunt inwardly.

He wanted some peace and quiet and totally forgot to compel Bill to be quit throughout the ride, he only told him to be nice and he was a friend, that’s all.

“Yes, thanks so much Bill”

“Anything for a friend” Bill answered smiling at Adia.

Adia was feeling a little refreshed since Bill put on the warmer in his car and Sebastian’s embrace was also providing warmth.

‘He’s been so quiet throughout, is he exhausted?’ Adia thought craning her neck to see if he was asleep but his eyes were shut.

Adia took that precious time to admire this handsome God, his full pink lips looked so enticing, his scent and lastly height.

He was so tall and handsome that any girl would drool over him.

“Stop staring lady” he warned with his eyes still closed, Adia quickly adjusted herself and averted her gaze, making herself comfortable in his arms while she enjoyed the ride.


“Thanks so much Bill, you’re a life saver” Adia appreciated as Bill drove off.

She was still in Sebastian’s arms who carried her inside the small house.

“Your house is so small” Sebastian complained bitterly as his eyes craned the small but neat house.

The house was completely dark, probably the power was out, but Sebastian could see quiet clearly with his vampiric side.

“I’ll go see if I can get the power on” Adia offered as she made way to leave his arms, but he held her even tighter.

“Stay put, I’ll take care of that” he whispered to her making way to her room using her scent to find his way.

“How did you..?” Adia asked utterly confused.

“Cause this’s the only room in your house” Sebastian reasoned dropping her on the bed.

“But it’s dark”

“I have good eyesight you know”


“Shhhh” Sebastian shut her up tucking her in bed.

“Have some rest, you know your present situation is not good for the baby” Sebastian reasoned as Adia nodded slowly.

The baby that’s right, he’s only caring because of the baby.

“I’ll be back, I’ll see if I can get the power on” Sebastian murmured before sliding away from the bedroom.

After performing some little tricks, he managed to get the power back on making the whole room light up.

He returned to the bedroom where he met Adia cuddling her self up.

“Thanks for today” Adia appreciated softly.

“Hmm” he answered working on his phone trying to reach Rowan.

Adia watched him silently, his clothes was slightly wet and stucked to his body showing his taunt muscles, Adia could see his tattoo perking out from his hands, she couldn’t decipher what the tattoo was since he was still wearing his shirt.

“I’ll be back” Sebastian said as he strode out of the room.

He found his way to the kitchen wanting to make tea for Adia, he boiled some water on a kettle before dialing a number.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey Sebastian, where have you been? Seems like you’ve been enjoying the weather with your little wifey” a voice peered our from the phone making Sebastian scoff loudly.

“Oh shut up Evans, I think we have a problem”

“And what’s that?”

“We got stuck in the rain and…. um she said she never felt this cold before, so I want you to check if it has anything to do with the pregnancy” Sebastian informed whispering softly.

“On it, I’ll let you know” Evans answered enthusiastically.

“And also I’ve texted Rowan her address, you’re gonna come with him, and come with some drugs” Sebastian ordered as he checked the water that was boiling.

“For what, you can just come home?”

“My clothes are kind of wet and my car broke down and i can’t possibly leave Adia alone she’s freezing” Sebastian explained only to hear a loud chuckle from the other side, Sebastian was pretty sure Evans would be wearing a wide grin on his face.

“Woah, looks like someone’s in love”

“Shut up asshole and get your fucking ass here immediately, lastly am just being caring, that’s all, no strings attached”

Sebastian stated, bringing out cups and other tea ingredients.

“What are you doing?” Evans asked immediately he heard the sound of rustling cups.

“Making tea” came the Curt reply.

“Tea!!!!!” Evans exclaimed but never got to finish his words as Sebastian hung up the call.

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