Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


Before Adia could ask anything, Sebastian was already continuing, “My mother and my brothers are all here right now. Normally, it would only be us in this place. To top that off, everyone obviously likes you a lot. Due to that, I won’t have a choice but to force myself to tamper down on my usual style and be as gentle as I possibly can tonight. Or else…” he let go of her chin.

“… the entire family will come at me mercilessly tomorrow. And we can’t have that happening, can we?”

Adia blinked, speechless. Her mind immediately wondered how his family would even know if he was gentle or rough with her as they did the deed. He must really like it extremely rough in bed like he had told her before, if he was this worried about his family’s reaction!

She forced herself to stop the urge to swallow nervously. Somehow, she was suddenly really glad at her decision of not postponing tonight.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“But don’t expect too much from me.” Sebastian’s deep voice echoed again. “I don’t do gentle… so my kind of gentle might not be up to your standard.”

He looked serious as he said those words. She could see that he was trying to be as clear as day to her about everything. And his statement once again had her relaxing a bit. The fact that he was even willing to try and hold back was enough to calm her frantic heartbeat a little. Though she had mentally prepared herself for a rough experience for her first time, she still would get bouts of nervousness that needed to be suppressed so that she would not chicken out at the last minute.

A small smile tipped at the corner of her lips. “Don’t worry. You already know that I’m pretty pessimistic, Sebastian. So, I am not and would not be expecting too much.” She shrugged her shoulders elegantly.

A smile appeared in his face but only for a split second. Because in the next second, his expression had changed into something that had her heart stuttering and threatening to stop for a moment. This man could really switch gears in the blink of an eye!

He cupped her face again. And oh lord… the feel of his hands touching her skin was electrifying. Was it just her nervousness and the atmosphere affecting and overwhelming her senses? Or was his touch really a little too hot? It was like he was burning with a fever!

He possessed her lips once again as he kissed her hungrily, soon silent moans were heard in the room as Sebastian began to ravage her naked body.

Adia tried very hard to keep up the stance, it felt so hot and too much to bear.

He moved his lips from hers and he moved to her neck trailing hot kisses there.

She felt his lips on her shoulder as his hands moved from her waist, caressing her skin until he reached her breasts. The moment he squeezed her there, a silent gasp escaped her mouth. Oh dear…

“Your breasts are so soft yet pliable to the touch, my lovely wench.” He whispered huskily as he continued massaging her breasts.

Sweat started to break out on her temples and forehead. And when he rolled her nipples between his pointer and his thumb, another gasp was torn from her lips as her whole frame trembled within his hold. Her eyes squeezed shut as she could not help but drop her head back on his shoulder solid and hot as hell. “Yes, just like that my Adia. Relax and just let me prepare you until you’re ready for me.”

This was not what she was expecting. At all!! Oh, good lord. He was not supposed to whisper these sweet words with his erotic and deep voice while touching her with burning strokes like this. He was not supposed to… Wait, what was he not supposed to do? Adia could feel herself spinning out of control as her mind somehow just could not make sense of things.

Another twist on her nipples had her letting out a sharp sound. A sound she could not believe had originated from her own lips.

“Shh, Adia…” came his vibrating whisper as his one hand clasped around her throat, tightening its hold on her slightly. It was a secure grasp but not one that caused fear or doubt. “I need you to be quiet, my wife”

“That’s my lovely Adia,” he praised when he pinched the other nipple, yet no more sharp sounds came out of her. “I just love how obedient you are right now…” he murmured into her ear as she bit down harder, holding back any sounds from escaping her mouth.

He trailed his tongue from the spot just below her ear, down to the dip in her shoulder. His tongue was so hot. Like liquid fire that was threatening to burn her whole.

She could feel powerful muscles bunching and tightening under her ass and thighs as he continued touching her everywhere, except below her waist. She wanted him to touch her more, in there. But he only took his time and played with her breasts with ruthless and delicious patience.

“Spread your legs open for me, Adia.” He commanded in a deep, vibrating voice. His hand had ever-so-slowly and finally crossed below her waist and was now resting on her legs. To be specific, it was placed right on her upper thigh. His palm was so hot, it was as though a flaming brand was being placed there, marking her as belonging to him.

Adia found herself obeying without any struggle, wanting him to bring his fiery hand to touch her now aching place so badly. Her face was blazing red as she opened up.

“Wider.” He breathed, giving her a sharp nip on her earlobe. That almost tore another sharp sound from her mouth. “Not enough. More. Yes! Just like that. Mmm… That’s my good and lovely wife…” he murmured words of encouragement and satisfaction when she did according to his wishes. Normally, she would have found this appalling and demeaning even. However, what he was doing was only causing the heat to burn even hotter down there. She could feel herself getting so wet.

Adia could only shut her eyes whether in embarrassment or anticipation, she did not quite know as she felt his hand trailed on the insides of her thigh. Intense anticipation gripped her as she waited for him to touch her there, where she was most sensitive. But again, he took his time, delaying and making her wait, driving her crazy. But all she could do was bite down on her lip and stay docile and patient in his arms. She did not want to beg him like some desperate and wanton woman again. But oh lord… this was much harder than she had ever anticipated. She had not expected for herself to be stuck in such a situation.

When his fingers finally brushed across her there, Adia heard his curse rumbled low in her ear. “F*ck. Look at that wet pretty c*nt…” these words left his mouth as he suddenly palmed her center. “Do you know… do you have any idea on just how wet you are right now? Huh? Adia?”

She did not know what she should say. Her mind was no longer working normally as before. Her mind was blurred, and her focus was fixed on nothing else but these delicious sensations and his… his hard, hot and throbbing manhood against her behind.

“Answer me.”

“I… I d-don’t know…” Was all she could stutter out with labored breaths.

“Fine… I shall show you then.” He replied delightedly before starting to play with her folds, sliding his fingers up and down with sweet shallow motions. And without warning, he sunk his fingertip into her wet entrance. Adia stiffened at the invasion of his thick and blunt fingertip as she stifled a sound that he had elicited from her. “Easy there…” he whispered, “relax your body, Adia.”

That coaxing deep voice was like magic that had relaxed her jolted nerves. And before she knew it, she could feel nothing but pleasure as her focus was fixed to where he was touching her. Her whole universe had sharpened and was fully concentrated on that one place. Until his finger was sliding in and out inside her in a delicious rhythm.

“F*ck.” She heard him curse again. His voice seemed to be getting more strained.

And then he suddenly stopped and pulled his finger out of her. A protest was about to be torn from Adia’s lips when he lifted his hand right before her face. The moisture on his finger all the way to his palm had her eyes stretching wide in embarrassment and shock.

“This is how f*cking wet you are right now, my lovely wife” He drawled and then he moved his hand towards himself.

Adia turned her head over her shoulder to look what he was going to do with it only to see him putting his finger inside his mouth and wrapping those seductively sexy lips around it.

“F*ck.” He cursed after licking his finger clean. “You’re f*cking delicious.”

Her lips parted and she felt like her mind fritzed out in another shock. His expression was as though he had just tasted something glorious. And what he had just said and did, as well as his expression and the look in his eyes drove spikes of something intense through her.

He entered her again, impaling his finger inside her as his one arm hooked around her throat again, pinning her against him. He glided his thick and long digit in and out of her as the heel of his hand ground against her nub. His actions sent pleasures shooting through her that left her gasping and moaning helplessly as she arched and jerked around in his hold. She had thought that being restrained; it would be an unpleasant experience. However, what she was feeling so far is nothing but heavenly.

Soon he added another finger to the one already effortlessly gliding in her depths. The heel of his hand moved in circles against her sensitive nub in a rhythm so perfect and mouth watering that she could feel her head spin.

“Se… bas… tian…” she began to call out his name between her ragged breaths when he increased the pace and pressed the heel of his palm down a little harder.

“Shh… Adia… can you hear that? Listen to it. That’s the sound of your incredibly wet c*nt.” He whispered and the scandalous and erotic squelching sounds suddenly seemed to echo out louder in her ears the moment he mentioned it. Oh dear lord…

He suddenly stopped his fingers just when she started to writhe uncontrollably in pleasure, causing her to nearly cry out in protest. He seemed to be waiting for something for a moment. Was he waiting for her to beg him to continue? Or could he be deciding if she was finally ready for him?

Whatever it was, Adia could no longer take it. Pure instincts took over her body and her hips moved on its own, her hips grinding herself onto his hand. And he cursed again. This time, it sounded like a growl rumbling in her ears, sending even more delicious shivers through her.

“Gods! You’re so hot. You really never cease to surprise me. Look at you…” his other hand guided her head forward. “Look straight ahead, Adia.”

Adia was shocked to see herself being reflected through an antique mirror before them.

She could not believe the sight she was seeing and all she could do was gape at the image of herself that was almost unrecognizable.

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