One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 70 – Oops! My mistake, ex-girlfriend.

” I’m so sorry!” Bianca squeaked out, looking like a deer caught in headlights. ” I honestly didn’t know this was real.” She said, gesturing between Emma and Asher.

Asher held a stoic face while Jason seemed distressed.

” Hi Ash,” The lady greeted with a smile and Emma couldn’t help but notice how perfect she seemed.

It was hard not to when she had everything in the right places. Slim and slender legs, check. Symmetrical face, check. Curvy in all the right places, check. Glass skin, check. Dimples that added to an already breath-taking smile, check. God sure took his time creating her.

Emma seemed out of sorts, unsure of how to relate to this new and beautiful woman. The fondness in her voice when she spoke to Asher told her that she wasn’t an ordinary person. Not an outsider. At least not to the Braxton Family.

Asher cleared his throat, then held her by the waist. ” Rebecca, meet my wife, Emma.” His grip tightened, ” Emma, Rebecca.”

After the introduction, Emma couldn’t help but notice the woman countenance fall. Suddenly, it felt hot, spiteful daggers were hurled her way. ” Hi Rebecca, It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She awkwardly reached for a friendly handshake, wanting it to be done as quickly-possible.

Rebecca got a hold of herself, then smiled- a smile that seemed ingenuine to Emma but she wasn’t complaining- ” Allow me to Introduce myself, Ash.” She said and Asher grumbled at her nickname for him, ” My name is Rebecca, Asher’s girlfriend.” She stated and everywhere grew still, everyone looked like a fish out of water with their mouths slightly opened,

” Rebecca.” Asher said in warning.

Rebecca laughed, it sounded like fingernails scraping on chalkboards, ” Oops! My mistake, Ex-girlfriend.” She confirmed sassily, looking over Emma, studying her before finally connecting hands with her for the briefest second.

That was not a mistake, they all knew that. No one spoke though.

” Mummy, I’m hungwey.” The little voice of Rooney, standing beside his mother, broke the strained environment. He was so oblivious, Emma envied him.

” Okay sweetie, Ma Adams would be here in no time.” She cajoled, ” Is there something he can hold on to? Where’s Mrs. Adams anyways?” Bianca asked, looking around.

” Come, baby boy. Let’s get you something.” Jason said, guiding his son away from the scene. Seeing them walking side by side, Emma could see the resemblance.

” So, How did you guys meet? How long did you date? How come no one knows about this marriage?” Rebecca asked, her faux eyelash batting like a damned feathery hand-fan.

Before Emma or Asher replied, Bianca intervened. ” That’s their business, all you really need to know is that they are happily married.”

Emma couldn’t help but notice Bianca stressing the word, ‘happily’ during her sentence. Asher winced, seeming uncomfortable with the conversation. He drew Emma even closer, she felt electricity sparks being generated from where they connected.

” Dinner is served!” Came Jason’s voice from the dining room. Emma’s stomach growled in cue.

Asher’s head swerved at her, and at that instant, she felt embarrassed, ” I skipped lunch.” She stated as an explanation. Asher’s nose flared.

” Let’s go.” He urged her, momentarily letting his gaze sift through the other women before leaving with Emma. The other’s followed and soon they were having dinner.


The next day, Asher and Jason resumed office. Having slept in the comfortable hands of his wife, Jason was in a good mood all through the ride.

” Why didn’t you tell me she was coming? You were in on the surprise, weren’t you?”

Asher huffed, ” Trust me, I’m as surprised as you are.” He said flatly,

” Whatever, I’m just glad they’re here. It was getting old, always third wheeling to you and Emma.”

” I’ve hardly been with my wife.” Asher stated with raised brows.

” The fact that I live in your house, a home where you live with your wife. already makes me the third wheel.”

” You know you can always get yourself a place for the meantime. Coupled with Bianca’s and Rooney’s return,” he paused, ” You might need the privacy.”

” Nonsense! The house is big enough for us all.”

Meanwhile, back at the house, Emma woke up. She knew when Asher left the room, even felt him press a chaste kiss on her forehead- something he did more frequently- before he exited the bedroom but she was too lazy and tired to get up. After the night she’s had, he was kind enough to let her be.

She couldn’t help but notice the little things that he did for her in recent times. Despite their marriage being in every sense, contractual, he seemed to be playing by different rules. Everytime they were together, he always found a way to touch her in the most innocent and basic ways possible.

As a result, her body reacted differently when he was around. She hated the fact that her body seemed to respond well to him and notice his intense presence from a mile away. Her heart was a mess and when he stood up for her, or protected her from certain things- people- she found herself with less hate for Asher Braxton.

Emma took a quick bath, and headed downstairs for some food. After fixing herself the perfect breakfast, she ate and was headed to her room when she came in contact with her. Rebecca.

Her smile was still quite faux and unreal like the day before. ” Good morning!” Rebecca greeted, looking up the stairs, ” Where’s Ash?”

Again with that nickname.

” Work.” She answered, desperate to end the conversation in the quickest way possible.

” And you? Do you work?”

Her question felt like a slap in the face. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation.

” Do you?” She threw back.

” Of course I do, I’m a supermodel, Ash didn’t mention?” She spoke like it was simple, but Emma didn’t miss her implication.

” Must have slipped his mind, He’s busy.” Emma excused, then made to return to her room. She was stopped by Rebecca.

” It’s early, let’s chat a bit.” She proposed and they headed to the living room. ” Tell me, when did you guys meet?” She inquired, Emma felt uncomfortable.

She didn’t know how to reply to the disturbingly batting eyes of Rebecca. Coupled with the fact that Asher didn’t shed light on how they were to answer such questions, she was reluctant to speak.

What if they ended up contradicting themselves? It was a recipe for disaster.

” Not too long ago.” She said, pushing a stray hair loft back in its place.

Rebecca waited, and when she realized that she wasn’t planning on explaining, she continued, forcing a smile in. ” Come on! You have to give me something better than that.” She critiqued. ” For instance, I met Asher as a child. We grew up together, fell head over heels in love with each other too and continued even after I left to pursue my career.”

” Wow. That’s a lot of history.” Emma muttered, unsure of what to do with the amount of information poured on her lap.

” Exactly. That’s something I don’t seem to find in your relationship with him.” She lashed, then smiled, ” No offense.”

Emma tried the hardest not to roll her eyes, ” Marriage. None taken.” She gritted out, hating the conversation and seeking ways to get out from the hidden verbal taunts and well poised attacks on her marriage.

Unfortunately, she’s been dealing with women of her kind for the major parts of her life and knew how toxic and superficial they were. Honestly, she had an inkling that she’d be best friends with Talia; they had so much similarities that they’d be able to kick it off cleanly.

” Mrs Braxton?” A familiar voice distracted Emma from her thoughts. She couldn’t be happier when she saw it was Chara.

Again, she was a life saviour! Always at the right place, and at the exact right time.

” Chara! Oh dear I almost forgot, I’ll be behind you.” The way she delivered that speech, Chara looked confused.

Emma turned to Rebecca, ” I’d have loved to continue this discussion but I have an important engagement. Have a great day!” She said with a dismissing tone, already on her feet and dragging Chara along with her.

When they got to the staircase, Emma took a turn towards another door, which led to the garden. After that, she needed some time out, feeling the natural breeze and inhaling the sweet floral scent that exuded the area.

” What was that?” Chara spoke as they sat, confusion heavy on her voice.

She took a deep breath, mulled over the question and ended up laughing. ” I know right. I just needed out of that conversation. When you showed up, I had to do that, I’m sorry.” She said between laughs.

A look of understanding slowly etched on her face, then a shrug. ” I have news for you.” She spluttered,Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

” Oh yeah? Good or bad?”

She bit her lip, ” It depends.”

” Okay, let’s hear it already.” Emma relaxed into the chair,

” There’s been a recent development, as regards looking for a place to establish the company. We have a couple places highlighted and ready to be viewed; that is, when you are ready.”

Emma sat up, ” Of course I am ready! What are we doing now?” She asked excitedly.

Chara bit back a smile, ” I figured you’d say that and went ahead to book a viewing for today.” She looked at her watch, ” The appointment is set thirty minutes from now.” She informed,

” Great! Give me five minutes, I’ll pick up some things and meet you back here.”

” Deal.”

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