One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 51 – Cold feet?

The room was silent, deathly silent while Emma waited for him to speak. She couldn’t imagine the clause that made him appear so frightening.

” If by any chance, you betray me, Emma Steele, I promise to make your life a living hell,” Asher said, staring at the pale woman seated before him.

Emma didn’t know what to make of the information she’d been given. ” You mean, all that was for this?” She asked in bewilderment. ” You are a drama king, Mr. Braxton.” She remarked with a smile, hoping to clear the air.

” That I am, and more. Tell me, Emma, do you agree to my conditions? Are you ready for this?” He asked with an odd smile.

” Yes. Unless you have more hidden agendas, I believe we are good to go. Where do I sign?” Emma picked up a black pen situated on the table, ready to get it all over with.

” At the last page.”

That was it. Emma signed the papers and switched copies with Asher who also signed his name on the paper. At the end of the action, they stared at each other, one looking for some sort of reaction while the other wondering if she had just signed off on the deal.

” Wait a minute.” Emma suddenly said, ” Is that all I have to do?” She asked, threading with caution.

” Yes?” Asher replied, unsure of where the conversation was headed.

” What do you mean, yes? don’t tell me I got this ready, and even early just to sign a contract in your room.” Emma’s face was turning disgruntled.

” Is that some sort of crime?” He asked, teasingly.

” Do you mean that? You got that prepared just to sign a deal in your home? With me?” Emma called bullshit, there had to be something under his sleeves.

” Of course not. This is only the beginning aspect. Now, the fun begins. Are you ready, My lady?” He asked with a voice Emma deemed alluring. Was this man trying to kill her?

” W-where are we headed?” She asked breathlessly.

” We are getting married darling! We need to make it more official, don’t you think?” He cooed happily.

” You planned a wedding? How? When is it happening? Oh my Goodness, isn’t it too early? I mean, I just signed off on the contact.” Emma was panicking.

” Don’t underestimate your husband-to-be. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine, Okay?”

” Husband-to-be?”

” I hate to break it to you but we are only engaged right now. Because of the contract you just signed, you could perhaps refer to me as what is termed fiance. It’s apparent, we aren’t your regular couple.” Asher explained, he seemed like he was enjoying everything going on.

Emma felt stunned. Using the thinking pattern of her soon-to-be husband, an ion of sense could be made out of his weird theorem. ” Okay? What’s next?” Emma asked, desperate to get on with the situation they had going on.

” We are getting married. Ladies first?” Asher said, taking to his feet. Like a gentleman, he led the way and opened the door to reveal Mrs. Adams, standing and waiting on duty.

” Mr. Braxton.” She acknowledged before beckoning on Emma.

” I don’t get it. If we are getting married, why are you staying back?” Emma asked, reading the room while remaining cautious of her environment. She hoped for the life of her that she hadn’t made another terrible mistake.

” Smart. I love that. If you could be more trusting, it’d make things significantly easier. I have to wrap things up here. I would join you in a moment. I understand we are still in the honeymoon period and I apologize for my slight neglect.” He said, throwing a wink at her.

Emma felt paralyzed. Surely, he didn’t just wink at her! She thought, internally freaking out. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Mrs. Adams couldn’t believe her eyes. They were civil with one another. This was news. Major groundbreaking news.

” Take her to the car, I’ll be there in a moment.” He said to Mrs. Adams while picking up the signed copies of the contract.

” Shall we?” Mrs. Adams got to work, directing Emma out and walking beside her.

Emma blindly followed her. She couldn’t be in the same room with Asher anymore, matter-of-fact, she needed some space. It was clear just how much Asher affected her, a fact that felt weird but remained true. At that moment, she was desperate to remind herself of the reason she was in the game. Her eyes had to be on the price.

” Which car would you prefer to use, My lady?” Mrs. Adams asked, cutting short Emma’s reverie.

” Sorry?”

” Pick a ride, my dear.” A significantly deeper voice said from behind, stunning her all over again.

Asher caught up with them and with a smile, repeated the question. He seemed to be having fun with her reactions.

Emma cleared her throat to sound more confident, ” I don’t care, whichever is fine. Remind me again where we are headed to?”

” All in due time my love.” He said to her, infuriating her some more. ” You can leave now.” He said, addressing Mrs. Adams, whose presence had been forgotten.

Asher headed to his black Suv, and with a beep, the car was unlocked. He motioned with his eyes, urging her to come along. Emma rolled her eyes. He already had a plan, why did he have to put on a show of letting her pick the ride? Thankfully, she didn’t fall for his boring little scheme.

Of course, Asher could only imagine the thoughts that went through her mind. It wasn’t hard to guess from the eye-roll she sported. While navigating the roads, he thought of how eventful his day was going to be and the numerous plans running through his head. He just had to finish this phase and then head on to the fun part.

After thirty minutes of driving, Asher pulled up in front of a courthouse. The day was bright and early, just in time to register a marriage. Their marriage.

Emma felt stunned at the sudden realization. That was what he’d meant when he declared they were getting married. She’d thought they’d have to plan a whole wedding but he just meant to register the marriage.

“Cold feet?” He asked with a teasing voice. One that Emma didn’t appreciate.

” What? Does it change anything?” She asked, immediately getting out of the car.

” Don’t be too quick. Remember some people still believe you are dead.” He said, stopping her from leaving the car.

Emma stilled to a stop. Once again, she hadn’t thought things out. She wasn’t even supposed to be out right now. They’d think her a ghost and probably run to her family to inform them of the sighting. Thus, rendering her incredible plan dead on arrival. She can’t have that.

” What do we do? How do we sign it if I can’t get in?” She asked, slightly panicked.

” Just trust me. I’m Asher Braxton. Leave the tough stuff to me.” He gloated, aiming to ease her increasing nerves.

Emma couldn’t understand why she found that line amusing, but she did. Her mind occupied her with the fact of this man being the infamous mad CEO, had such a side to him. She wondered if it was a privilege she enjoyed, being his contracted wife, or if it was a side the public was genuinely ignorant of.

” Okay, Asher Braxton- the superhero. What’s next?” She replied, holding eye contact and almost smug.

” As much as I appreciate the endearment, Asher is fine.” He spoke cockily. ” We seem to use the phrase ‘ what’s next’ a tad bit too much don’t you think?” He asked with raised eyebrows.

” For lack of a better term, Asher. Focus on the matter at hand.” She said, downright tired of the banter at the moment. He talked a lot, and she didn’t feel like talking at the moment. Her purpose was at stake.

If she was unable to contain information about her whereabouts and plans, this deal was as good as worthless. At that moment, the doors of the courthouse flew open and a clerk walked out, holding a file, and headed for their vehicle.

” What’s going on?” Emma asked softly, wondering why despite their glass being tinted, she got the feeling he was headed right for them.

Asher didn’t dignify her with an answer. Instead, he pulled on the camisole, took out a pair of glasses, and stepped out of the car, shades on and countenance tightened. He suddenly exuded an unapproachable aura, foreign to his previous playful countenance. Was he bipolar? Emma couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to go from a hundred to zero within a twinkle of an eye.

Inside the car, Emma watched the transaction and soon enough, it was over and Asher made his way back to the car, holding some file that she presumed to be marriage registration related. Immediately he settled in, Asher handed over a pen to Emma and afterward, with the cheesiest smile, asked her the billion-dollar question.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

” Marry me? “

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