One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 43 – Took you long enough!

Emma was all dressed. Mrs Adams had informed her of the surety of her dinner with Asher and suddenly she felt choked.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Somewhere in between the chaos and general situation, a side of her must have relaxed on the idea of meeting him. Being a person who thought things out until it became easy, she was once again shocked to hear that the dinner was being held after the situation on the news.

How could he still have time to entertain her? Was it fake news? Did they all make a mistake?

Emma wondered as she waited in her red sleeveless gown, oozing all sorts of appeal. She felt the prettiest she’s been for the longest period of time.

Somehow, staying in a home where all she had to do was recuperate and get attended to was all she needed to regain flesh and healthy skin. If not for the state of her mental health and the horrors she’s been through, she was a hundred percent fine and happy to continue her newfound lifestyle.

Emma sat with fidgeting hands, awaiting the presence of Mrs Adams who promised to return within a few minutes. Her growing anxiety stemmed from the fact that it was well over thirty minutes and she had heard the distinct arrival of a vehicle in well over twenty minutes.

Her system reacted to the presence of Asher unknown to her. By this time she was more than ready to finally get it over with.

When the door finally revealed Mrs Adams, Emma was well on her feet.

” I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, Ms. Steele. Are you ready?”

Emma felt taken aback by the overly formal address she got from her, she believed they were over the use of formalities in their budding relationship but that was apparently not the case.

” I’m not quite sure, I might need a second to check.” She said, breaking into a nervous laugh while adjusting the upper parts of her evening gown.

” No need to be nervous, my lady. You look breathtaking.” Mrs Steele assured with a smile, urging her to come along.

Emma breathed a low thank you and followed in silence as they went round the block. Her jaws were on the floor throughout their little stroll. The house was a clear picture of a modern day palace.

There was nothing, typically nothing she could use in describing the regal beauty it exuded. The phenomenal night view was something she could speak about for days.

Emma followed blindly behind Mrs Adams, taking in everything and all the while, eager to explore more. She was forced to a stop by Mrs Adams who prevented her from bumping into her standing frame. She was so awed by her surroundings, she didn’t realize she had gotten to her destination.

” You can go from here.”

Looking ahead, Emma came face to face with a candle lit dinner, close to the pool area under open sky. The entire section was parted by a door frame which held a curtain of African beads.

Signaling the end of the road. At least for Mrs. Adams.

” W-what?”

” I’m not allowed to cross this boundary. The Master’s on the other side, you can handle yourself.”

” Are you going to be around? You know, waiting till we are done here? I honestly don’t know my way back!” Emma was panicking.

” That’s not a problem. Mr. Braxton will see to your safe return back to the quarters. Do have a lovely night.” She replied with a smile, took a little bow and turned back, heading the same way she came.

Few steps gone, she turned around and added, ” Hopefully, tonight’s not your last. It’ll be a shame to lose you again.” With a knowing wink, the elderly lady continued on her way, going even faster than usual until she was out of sight.

Emma didn’t know what to make of her last remark. Albeit the sight of a sixty year old woman attempting a wink was nothing short of hilarious, she couldn’t react to that as she had a greater task ahead.


After two deep breaths, Emma crossed the threshold with her shoulders squared. If there was one thing she learned from her Steele’s household, it was the art of never backing down.

She had a goal and if it took one dinner with the devil to move on with her life, she might as well get started. She was dead anyways.

Walking into the area, Emma stared at a mop of curly black hair, seated on a table carrying all sorts of delicacies and facing an empty chair she assumed belonged to her.

Her sounds from her heels filled the air, announcing her presence even before she spoke. The night air embraced her, distributing her natural essence to all and sundry.

” Took you long enough.”

The baritone voice of Asher said, his eyes fixated on the empty chair.

” Good evening?” She muttered and took a seat.

” How are you, Ms. Steele?”

” F-fine?”

” Do you always answer questions with questions, Emma?”

This time around, Emma felt choked. She wasn’t prepared for the beauty she saw. Neither did she expect such…voice.

Clearing her throat, she replied. ” If the situation called for it, Mr. Braxton.” She found herself saying, it felt like banter. Playful banter.

” I assume you are feeling quite well. Why did you keep me waiting?” Asher asked, picking up his fork to eat.

It was hard to gauge if he was serious or joking. He barely looked at her and despite everything going on, he managed to somehow remain calm.

” I feel alright. I have you to thank for that. I apologize for keeping you waiting.” She said, playing it safe.

” Eat up. You don’t want it getting all cold.” He directed, sliced another piece of beef and munched without a care whatsoever.

Emma on the other hand wasn’t following. She’d expected something and prepared herself mentally but she was yet to receive anything. Everything was too normal, it gave her anxiety.

Silently complying, Emma joined in the dinner, eating slowly with her mind open, waiting for the questions she felt were coming.

Halfway through her meal, he spoke again. ” The doctor mentioned a temporary amnesia. How much of your memory was affected?”

” So far, so good. I’m good as new.” She revealed, unsure why her health seemed to matter.

” That is to say, you remember our previous meeting and the string of events following that day.” Asher raised his head, staring directly into her eyes.

” Yes I do. What I don’t know is what it has to do with my being here. Why am I in your home and why are you sitting here playing house when your business is ablaze.” Emma said before she could vet her words, only afterwards, covering her mouth with wide eyes.

Yup. She’s always known that her mouth was one day going to be the end of her. She might as well enjoy her last meal before she got put out in the cold.

” You seem like you have a lot of reservations. Go on, don’t let me stop you.” He said with a smile. One that Emma found beautiful and chilling.

Who was this man?

” How did I get here? ” She was surprised that her voice sounded so confident. The exact opposite of how she felt within.

” As much as I’d have loved to answer that question, I’m still searching for the answers myself.”

Emma was having a hard time determining whether she’d been answered or swept under the carpets. A gust of wind came, leaving behind goosebumps on the arms of Emma.

Asher stood up, revealing his stylish tuxedo and walked around the table, removing his tux to the surprise of Emma who sat still while his face lingered dangerously close to hers.

” Forgive me. ” Asher said, placing his tux over her glass skin.

” T-t-thank you.”

The heavenly scent of Asher, close to her, drove sense out of her.

” My pleasure.”

” Ahem why am I here Mr. Braxton?” Emma couldn’t wait anymore. She wanted to leave the presence of this gorgeous confusing gentleman before he rids her of the remnants of her senses.

” Because you are my guest.”

” I know that. But why am I still here? I’m all good and you obviously know exactly who I am. What’s keeping you from ordering me away?”

” Do you want to leave?” Asher asked Instead.

” I-I-I- that’s besides the point! ” She managed to say.

” What’s the matter then?”

” Okay, why are you having dinner with me while your company crumbles by the second? ” She asked, destabilizing him.

” I see you’ve been busy. I thought you’d be recuperating, away from the drama.” He said, regaining momentum. ” As much as I’d loved to leave you with that promising image of my person, I can’t. As you know, my company is in crumbles, which believe it or not, is as a result of some stupid and unbelievable shit.”

Emma was stunned upon hearing him. She never expected such a mouthful of information but wasn’t deterred anyway.

” So? You’re just going to sip wine while it crashes down?”

” Would you marry me and make it go away?”

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