One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 38 – Welcome back.

” Oh my goodness! Miss! ” Mrs. Adams said, hastily attending to Emma. ” I’m so sorry, the doctor will be here soon!”

Emma stared at the woman who seemed very familiar. With her help, she was soon on the bed and opened her mouth but no words came out.

She felt parched. Her throat was dry. So dry that she wondered just how long she’d been in that state.

In seconds, a man came in with a stethoscope and soon appeared beside her with a focused countenance.

” I don’t know what happened. I came in and met her on the floor. She hasn’t spoken a word since then.” Mrs. Adams reported, her concerns grew by the prolonged lack of speech from the little Miss.

” She’s alright. My guess is she’ll need a little bit of easing in before she is able to use some of her limbs. Get her some sips of water and she’ll speak when she’s ready.” The doctor said,

” Thank you so much. The boss is on his way. If you could stay back a little to speak with him, that would be great.”

” Sure, I just need to make sure”

The doctor got interrupted by the arrival of Asher.

” How is she?”

The doctor felt stunned. How did he get here so fast?! Having expected his timely arrival, Mrs. Adams wasn’t surprised. Matter-of-fact, it felt like he took a bit of time getting back after her call.

” She is on the right path of recovery, Mr. Braxton. I believe in a few days, she will be good as new. Health wise.”

” And otherwise?” Asher asked. Noticing the doctor’s odd movements.

” Can we speak outside for a second?” The doctor requested in reply, motioning to an open eyed Emma as reason.

” Your eyes shall not leave her. ” Asher said to Mrs. Adams and followed the doctor outside.

Meanwhile, Emma felt scared. She couldn’t voice out her thoughts and for that reason, nursed many reservations on her whereabouts.

It didn’t help the feeling of forgetfulness that clawed the deep ends of her mind. She couldn’t lay hold on the string of events that brought her into such a place and why it seemed like she was missing something.

Everything felt so nostalgic and familiar. Especially the Greek god who seemed to care for her despite not directing a word to her. Not like she’d be able to reply to it but it’d go a long way in helping her come up with an identity for him.

All that thinking ended up giving her a migraine. It felt like another section of her life wanted to make its way into her consciousness. Like another side of her was there, sitting and waiting to be unboxed.

The only problem being she couldn’t assess it. No matter how much she tried. Instead, it drove her to the point of madness.

Mrs. Adams could tell something felt amiss. ” Was this the amnesia they spoke about? Did the lady lose her memories? ” She thought while she observed closely.

Emma was engulfed in her world. Snippets of the earlier aspects of her life slowly found their way back to her. Each of them weakening her entire system and hitting more than the previous.

The last bit of memory she acquired sent her out of consciousness. Her frail mind and system couldn’t bear such mental pain and in a bid to end the nightmare, she slowly lost consciousness.

An induced sleep by the help of Mrs. Adams who watched her for the longest time before doing the needful.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Asher and the doctor were seated across from each other.

” What’s going on? Why does she look like that? What do you mean back then? ” Asher had a basket full of questions.

” Like I had predicted, there are some symptoms of amnesia but I believe within the shortest period of time, she will be normal. My only concern is about her mental health. Even a demon would be paralyzed if they went through what she’s been through. She’s only a girl.”

” You said they are short term. So we should be having her back soon. How soon is too soon?”

” That, we are going to have to see. I can only advise you to be prepared. I’ll be taking my leave now. Call me if there’s anything.”

The duo shook hands and in seconds, the doctor was gone like he never came. Mrs. Adams was informed of Emma’s current state while Asher got to work.

He couldn’t depend on the lady. Right now, he prioritized getting her in good condition in order to get whatever information she could offer on her kidnap and the case in general.

Holding up a firm belief and standard, all the while, determined to get full reign of his empire, he walked himself through the feedback from the company and continued with the job he knew best.

He couldn’t sit back and let all he’s built up crumble as a result of some stupid and temporal problem. Braxton International was his to protect and until he proved just that, he was going to do every and anything possible.


” Look at me! Don’t you dare close your eyes! I am not a murderer! I didn’t do this! They did! Your family did this! People who you would meet in time are responsible for this! Not me okay?! Not me! ”

One of the three said as he beat her to a pulp. It seemed like a ritual. He was somehow trying to excuse himself of the terrible acts he was conducting on her.

The most bizzare thing was that his colleagues let him. They didn’t seem surprised. Matter-of-fact, they were expecting it.

She was being killed by the hands of a psychopath who wouldn’t let her give up. By now, she had stopped feeling the pains. Her body felt dead. Dead to everything, but her heart was alive. Her mind was alive.

They kept alive, tormenting her and continuously hindering her from ending the painful experience. It employed every means at hand in ensuring that she saw and heard everything.

Maybe she didn’t want to die after all. The next thing she heard confirmed her resolve. She couldn’t die.

” You caused this! Why are you the true heir? Why did he give everything to you?! You put yourself in danger! Don’t blame me.”

Before he could speak any more words, Emma watched her abuser get tackled to the ground and the last thing she saw was a foot to her head and everything went black.

Emma woke up with a jolt. Unlike the day before, she felt full. She could feel her consciousness return to her. Every single memory was filed in place.

How did she live? Was it a dream?

A sharp pain from her head was all it took for her to acknowledge the reality of her situation. It wasn’t a dream. She had lived out those memories.

She had been kidnapped and ruthlessly beaten to unconsciousness by a mentally unstable person who made it a point to equity himself from every charge or blame affiliated to the act.

One thing stood out to her from the horrid experience. The last words of the monster before she was finished off.

” You caused this! Why are you the true heir? Why did he give everything to you?! You put yourself in danger! Don’t blame me.”

What did he mean by that? What was he trying to say that made his colleagues so desperate to keep and caused his possibly unprecedented murder?

There was a story in there. One she needed to unravel. It was as important as her life. How could she get her hands on it?

Emma was engulfed in thoughts. Looking at her body and the general environment and feeling, she was certain her body had been through a lot.

A raise of her cotton sleeved outfit and she had healing bruises to back up her feelings. Her body felt torn apart and weak – an emotion she was used to but managed to top every other feeling of pain she’d felt.

From the level of damage done. It became crystal clear that someone wanted her dead. Presumably from her own family. Or rather her supposed family.

After taking everything, they were still very unsatisfied with her existence. Kidnapping and attempted murder was the height of their evils and she had no plans of taking it lightly.

They were going to hear from her soon. That was certain. She just needed time to get better and find out how she was rescued and whom she needed to be grateful for.

Looking around, everything screamed luxury. Insomuch that she feared if she was indeed safe or under the nets of a bigger captor.

Her thoughts flushed down the toilet upon remembering the little events from her minutes of silence the day before.

She knew that face! It was staring right at her.

” M-mr. Braxton? ”

Emma croaked. Testing her vocals after a while.

” Welcome back.” Asher sported a look of recognition and in seconds, Mrs. Adams entered the room, meeting a wide eyed Emma and a calm Asher, staring at each other.

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