My Step Sister And I: Pregnant For Me

Meeting Jennifer

Meeting Jennifer

I laid down on the bed thinking what to do to the nonsense am going through and my phone rang. I looked it was Jennifer.

I met Jennifer during few months ego in college. I was sitting in the student union reading When she came and sat in a chair facing me and began reading a newspaper. When I looked

up the newspaper was blocking my view of her above the waist but I could see the lower half of her body. I did a quick appraisal, starting at her delicate ankles and moving up her nicely shaped calves and on up to her knees. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I could only see a little of her thigh where it disappeared under her skirt. I turned my attention back to the book I was reading until I saw movement in my peripheral

vision. I looked up to be greeted by a vision of erotic beauty.

The newspaper was still in place blocking my view of her upper body but now her knees had separated far enough that I

could see clearly between her thighs all the way up to her white cotton panties.

The view only lasted about ten seconds but it froze me to my chair for the next half hour causing me to miss my next class. The reason I was frozen to my chair was that I wanted to see what the rest of this woman looked like.

Finally she put the paper down and I found myself staring at a very lovely creature. Her hair was a very dark brown, almost black, her eyes were the most beautiful blue I had ever seen, her nose was the perfect size and in perfect alignment with the symmetry of her face.

Her neck had a long graceful flow from her chin to where it ended between her shoulders. Although I couldn't see her breasts through her sweater it was obvious that she was well enough endowed in

this area. Her dark complexion had an almost olive hue.

Except for the blue eyes I would have guessed that she might have been either Greek or Italian. I was suddenly aware that she was staring at me and had caught me staring at her.

I relaxed a little when I noticed that she was smiling at me, so I said, "Hi."

She said, "I noticed the way you are looking at me, do I have something on my face, some food or something?"

I said, "No. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just that I was wondering who was behind that newspaper and I was looking your way when you put the paper down and you caught me staring. By the way, my name is Randy." I stood to offer her my hand.

She said, "I'm Jennifer Krupp," as she stood to shake hands with me. I was surprised to find that Jennifer was about five feet eleven inches tall only two inches shorter then me. Standing she was even more beautiful that she was sitting. "Nice to meet you Randy."

I said, "Oh, you're German."

"My father is German, my mother is Italian."

"Great combination." I said smiling at her.

We sat back down and started chatting. We talked about our courses and current events. when it came time for my next class I didn't want to leave but we were having a test in that class and I couldn't afford to miss it.

As I got up to leave I asked her if I could see her again. She said, "I'll be around. You'll probably see me in here again."

That wasn't good enough so I said, "I meant like go out together somewhere."

"You mean like on a date?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes." I replied.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have a steady boyfriend. But thanks for asking." she said.

I walked away feeling a little foolish. Later that day as I though about it, I was glad I asked her out. If I hadn't I might never have gotten the chance again and it would have driven me crazy or Make me regret not doing it.

I didn't see Jennifer again for about a week. I was sitting in one the bars frequented by the students from the local college having a few TGIF beers with my friends when I heard someone say, "You're Rick aren't you?"

When I looked where the voice came from I found Jennifer standing there.

"I'm Rick and you're Jennifer right?" I said.

"You remembered." she said smiling at me.

"How could I forget someone like you." I meant it but I said it like I was joking, using an bbvious line. She said something else I couldn't hear in the noisy bar, so I stood up and lead her farther from the bar where it was a little quieter.

Then I said, "What were you trying to say."

"I said that I wondered what happened to you. I go to the student union almost

every day and I haven't seen you in there since the day I met you." She said.

I couldn't tell her that the reason I hadn't been back was because of her. It was just that I was so taken buy her that the idea of seeing her, talking to her, and knowing I couldn't have her was something I didn't want to endure. So I said;

"I was a little behind in some classes

so I have been hitting the books to catch up."

"Are you caught up now?" she asked.

"Yes. All caught up." I replied.

"Good, then I'll see you around the union?" She asked smiling.

I wasn't sure how I wanted to respond to that question so I blurted out, "How's you


"Gone." she replied.

"Gone? What do you mean?" I asked.

"We broke up." She replied.

"I'm sorry." I Said

"Don't be."

"Okay I won't. Instead I'll take advantage of the situation. How bout going out with

me?" I said hoping she will accept.

"When?" she asked.

"Now." I said.

"We're already out." she said and laughed.

"Right. I'm out with my friends and you are out with your friends. I mean you and me out together without our friends. Not here. We'll go somewhere else." I said.

She though for a moment then said, "I'd like that. Let me go tell me friends I'm leaving."

I watched her as she walked away with a feeling of excitement no girl had ever given me before.

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