My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Carol’s POV 

Aiden and I fall onto the couch in a rush of sudden passion. We aren’t able to pull each other’s clothes off fast enough. Our bodies ache to touch once again, and soon enough, they do. 

The kiss turns into something more languid and heated as Aiden flips us over, holding me against the couch. The intensity of his touch is even more palpable when I’m sober. He presses his fingers between my legs, slowly working me up until I can’t bear to wait a moment longer

“Please, Aiden,” I call out to him. Aiden’s sucks in a breath between his teeth. 

“I could never deny you,” he whispers, and presses inside of me. 

This time, there’s something more certain about our movements. Every time our bodies connect, I can’t help but be reminded. of the bond between us. The end of our tryst is even more satisfying than the last, Now, resting with my head on Aiden’s chest, I think I might just be in heaven. 

I am more content that I have been in years. I am relaxing, watching the sunset from the most incredible house I’ve ever been in, with the most incredible man I’ve ever met. It’s difficult not to imagine how perfect our life could be if I accept that this is 

all true. 

“Why do people say a human and a werewolf can’t be fated mates? What we have feels like fate,” I say 

y eventually 

“It surprised me too, Aiden says, “but I can’t deny what I feel. Is there anything strange about your family?” 

I laugh. “I’m afraid not,” I say “We’re just about as normal as they come. My parents are ordinary people from a small town. Perfectly peaceful, perfectly human.” 

Aiden wraps an arm around me. “I’d love to meet them someday. Anyone who raised you is extraordinary to me.” 

I try to ignore the way my heart flutters. “And what about your family? I don’t know much about the world of werewolves, but I would love to learn.” 

Aiden chuckles. “That’s a steep task, but I’ll try my best” Both of us sit up now, opting to have this conversation face–to–face. 

Fated mates are a serious matter. Many werewolves spend their whole lives searching for their other half. When fated mates are finally united, they hold a marking ceremony as soon as possible. It’s similar to a human wedding. Most consider it even more binding” 

I’m fully sitting upright, now. “That quickly?” I breathe. I can’t imagine marrying someone so soon after meeting them. Aiden nods. “Most don’t see any reason to wait.” I try not to think of the unvoiced question in his words – why should we wait? 

“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” I confess. “I can’t deny that I’ve always longed for something like a werewolf mate bond. The idea of a stable and peaceful marriage, completely guaranteed? 

“I know postponing a marking ceremony might not be traditional, but really, there’s nothing traditional about the two of us. You’re a famous hockey player who gets chased by paparazzi everywhere he goes, and I’m… Well, I’m just a human. A human who knows next to nothing about any of this.” 


my surprise, Aiden doesn’t look upset. Instead, he has a gentle look on his face. “I know this must be difficult for you. don’t mean to pressure you into anything –” 

I raise my hands and wave them frantically. “No, no, it isn’t that I don’t want this! I mean, who wouldn’t want this? Even putting aside your kindness and fame, you’re obviously dropdead gorgeous.” 1 freeze. Did I just say that out loud? 

Judging by the amused expression on Aiden’s face, I did. “Oh? So I’m dropdead gorgeous, huh?” I feel my face grow hot. “I’m certainly not the first one to tell you that, am I?” I mutter awkwardly. Aiden chuckles. 

“It’s different when it’s coming from the most dropdead gorgeous woman I’ve ever met.” He says. My face grows even hotter. 

Before I can reply, he continues. 

“We take things at your pace, OK?” He says reassuringly. He takes my hand in his with a sincere expression. “I don’t want you to feel rushed. Still, it’s important to me that you know how badly I want this. How badly I want you” 

To my surprise, when he pulls his hands away, there is a key left in my palm. I recognize it immediately as one of the keys that I handed him earlier. I look at him in shock. 

“You can’t seriously mean..” I trail off, too flabbergasted to speak. 


“Please, have a key to my place. Take all the time you need, but I want you to know that when you’re ready, I would really like you to move in with me.” 

Every mo 

moment feels like a dream that might end at any second. The truth is, I can’t think of a single reason to say no. As long as I don’t drop my lease just yet, there’s no harm in spending a bit more time here, right? I tell myself. Something deep within me knows I won’t just stop at that

I clear my throat, finally gathering my wits about me. “Well,” I begin, “neither you nor I can live here until you have some groceries in the fridge.” I check my watch. “There’s a nearby grocery store that closes in an hour. Should we go?” 

As nervous as I was to propose the outing. Aiden’s bright expression makes it all worth it. “Of course. If I let you starve, what sort of fated mate would I be?” 

The two of us begin to get ready to leave the house again, I looked down at my work clothes piled on the floor and feel a tinge of remorse. I really need to stop leaving my clothes crumpled up on the ground, I think wryly. 

Aiden notices my conflicted expression. “Do you want a fresh set of clothes?” He asks. 


pretty sure we’re not the same size,” I say with the teasing smile. Aiden laughs. 

“No, maybe not, but I think you’d look good in my clothes,” Aiden says. I feel my heart flutter yet again. 

“I can wear my own slacks,” I say quickly to avoid acknowledging my embarrassment. I look down at my blouse, which is certainly wrinkled by now.“… But maybe a sweater might be nice!” 

Aiden looks pleased at the request. “I have some bags in the car. Let me go grab you something. 

Aiden returns a few moments later with a stylish gray half zip. He puts it in my hands — I can tell just by feeling the fabric that it’s expensive. Just as I am about to insist on something less expensive, Aiden shoot me a knowing look. 

“I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I didn’t want to see you in it,” Aiden promises. “I want to see you in my clothes.” I finally acquiesce, my face flushing yet again. 

This time, Aiden drives us. We pull up to a nice–looking grocery store and climb out of the car. Going on something simple like a grocery trip together makes it almost feel like we could be just another normal couple. Aiden takes my hand and we enter the store. 

Of course, our normalcy doesn’t last long. I hear the familiar sound of a camera clicking, and turn to see a small group of girls taking photos. I feel an immediate rush of dread. Having strangers pay me this sort of attention is uncomfortable. 

I’m just about to whisper something to Aiden when he turns around, too. He lets go of my hand and walks up to the girls, covering the camera lens of the closest one with his hand. 

“She would rather not be in any photos,” he says politely. “Would you please delete them? I would be happy to take a photo with you.” 

The girls, who at first looked mortified, immediately begin nodding. Aiden takes a few photos with the group and ensures all of them delete the photos they took with me in them


How is it possible for a celebrity to be this kind? I wonder. I find myself more and more impressed every passing moment with how humble Aiden has remained despite his fame

The rest of our shopping trip goes by smoothly. Aiden and I talk about what meals we like to make and end up picking out 

12:30 PM 

Chapter II 

groceries for a few of my favorites. Everything is surprisingly idyllic. Aiden insists on paying Finally, with bags of groceries in our hands. Aiden and I head toward the door. 

It only takes a glance through the front windows to see the large crowd of reporters that have gathered in the parking lot. The paparazzi try to elbow closer to the door. It’s obvious they’re trying to be in the perfect spot to photograph Aiden on the way 


My heart sinks yet again. “How did they find you?” I glance around the store to see if there are any other exits, but have no luck. We have no choice but to leave this way. 

“Follow me,” Aiden whispers. He turns toward the door and confidently walks out. I follow closely behind. 

The reporters catch sight of Aiden and raise their cameras. A chorus of cries break out around us. 

“Aiden! Aiden! Look over here!” 

“Mr. Cruz, I want an interview!” 

A few of the paparazzi seem to notice my presence and turn their cameras toward me.. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who are you?” 

“Is that Aiden’s fated mate?” 

With the 

With the paparazzi on all sides, I await the next flash of cameras with dread. Before I can duck my head, Aiden turns around and pulls me into his chest. 

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