My Dream Marriage

Chapter 42

“All I want to ask from you is you let me start my antenatals. It is almost four months now. I don’t want to develop any complications and not know about this. You have Valen now so whatever I do shouldn’t bother you,” I am tired of this, I feel so tired I am missing my beauty sleep.

“It’s alright, suit yourself. But you are not allowed to leave the house for any other thing apart from going to the hospital. If you want peace between me and you in this house, you will do and follow my instructions carefully. Ben will be with you everytime you go,” Edward says.

“You heard my son.” Piper says.

“Alright then, I guess I should be leaving now.” I need my beauty sleep now that everything is settled.


One month later

My phone rings in my pockets while I am in the kitchen making some juice. Martha is outside doing whatever she is doing while Sheal is cleaning the rooms. Everyone else has left to work. I pull it out and see that it’s Azila calling me. I am happy that even if I am always ghosting her, she makes an effort to talk to me and know how I am fairing on. She isn’t my best friend for nothing.

“Hey Neera,” she greets.

“Hey Azila, how are you?”

“Great but Neera, how are you?” She asks. “Not bad thank you,” I answer checking my clock. I should be leaving in a few minutes time. “How is my goddaughter doing? I know she is all grown now,” she says excitedly and I don’t know why she thinks my baby might be a girl. “Oh, but I haven’t had any gender reveal, though I am not going through that process of knowing if it’s a he or she.”

“Why don’t you? Don’t tell me that you don’t go for your antenatals?” She gasps.

“I do, I even should be leaving now except that I am on phone with you.” Actually I could just go on with my phone call in the car but I wouldn’t want that poker faced Ben eavesdropping on our conversation, he was hired by Edward to spy on whatever I do, so I don’t want to say anything infront of him that could get me into trouble.

“You should have said that one first, which hospital? I am coming there right away,” she says. “I also have some good news for you.”

“E&P L Hospital, see you there.”


“Hey, you look pretty,” Azila says as she hugs me in the hospital lobby. “Oh please, I look bigger and heavier,” I correct her. “That is why I said you look pretty.”

“Let’s go, we have an appointment to go to.” I pull her towards Doctor Sompton’s office.

“Neera why wouldn’t you want to know the gender of your baby?” Neera asks when my checks are done. “I have been talking to her about the same thing,” the doctor says. “It’s because regardless of the gender of my baby, I want to love it just the way it could turn out to be.” I don’t know what’s good if I could know the gender.

“See, maybe your husband could be more than happy to know the gender of his child. You never know, he could even throw you a gender reveal party to celebrate that. You can talk to him, if he would love that then it could prove that you are being selfish right now,” Azila says. If only they knew, Edward doesn’t even care for the child not to talk of him being interested in knowing the child’s gender.

“There is a form here, if you think your husband could approve it then he can sign it then you can tell me and I would know if I would plan for surprise results, you know, where you plan for a party. Or just the normal one, where you can collect the results and know from there.” The doctor says.

“That is what I am trying to say, Neera if it isn’t for you then think about the father, or anyone else that is going to be in that child’s life, for example, me.” Azila adds.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay then, you can give me the form and if he agrees then I will call you and let you know.” I hope this could make Edward think twice about accepting this baby. “Alright then, see you on your next visit.

“You know, I nearly forgot to tell you one of the reasons I called you. You remember Jackie telling us about a baby shower?” Azila asks the moment we are out of the doctor’s office.

“Yes I do, the last time we talked she had told me that she will let me know the date.”

“So it’s actually tomorrow in the afternoon. I hope you are gonna make it because of late you have been having too many excuses. No way out this time.” She shakes her finger at me.

“Okay then, I will.” I know with poker faced Ben with me, no one in the family especially Edward will snap at me when I leave the house.

“Let’s go, poker face must be waiting for you,” she says and we laugh.

Ben opens the door for me when he sees me. I wave at Azila and she waves back and leaves.


It is in the evening and I am waiting for Edward to come back home so that I can tell him about the plan of knowing our child’s gender. He could be with another woman but I want him to not miss anything concerning his child.

I hear Martha greeting them downstairs. They are here. I wait until they are settled in their room and that is when I decide to go and meet him. I pick the form that he is supposed to go through and leave my room.

I can hear their voices as I draw nearer to the room. Their door is ajar and I walk carefully on the side so as not to attract attention from them while I am still a distance away.

I get to the door and raise my hand to knock. I can’t even imagine that this used to be my bedroom where I used to come in and go as I pleased.

“Edward, I didn’t know you were this conservative.” Valen’s voice cooes from the room.

“Why would you ask that?” Edward asks her.

“I can see you still have the receipt from the spa day we had at the resort back in Marina,” she answers him. What? Could it be the same one I carried from the villa we stayed at at that time? I peek through the door and I can see it from where I am that it is the one since Valen is standing next to the drawers I had kept it in.

“What? I thought I had left it back there. Maybe I forgot it in one of my files.” Edward says and I can sense uncertainty in his voice, he should be smart enough to know that he wasn’t the one who brought it. I sensed something on that day, I saw someone who looked just like her and to top it off, Alex looked nervous as hell when I had come off from the spa.

I contemplate pushing the door and confronting him about it and even tell them that I was the one who brought it here but I decide to stay back. I know whatever I say or do in there won’t make any difference to them. They have already done the worst so the receipt is only a drop in the ocean. I walk away, my shoulders sagging towards my room as it is the only place that offers me solace.

I tear the paper into small pieces and throw them into the small dustbin. I get on my bed to get a rest, tomorrow I have somewhere to go to, at least that will keep me busy for the better part of the day.


One week later.

We are seated on the dining table having breakfast on a Saturday morning. We always sit like this on weekends as if we are a one happy family. Edward’s parents have now accepted Valen as Edward’s new partner. I am just like a third wheel in this family because Piper always treats her like her own. They even attend formal functions together while me, as the real daughter-in-law have never gone with any member of the family to any function. Given that I know they have been having launches here and there but have never even been invited to one.

Valen abruptly pushes her seat backwards and runs to the sink. Her choking sounds tell everyone that she is emptying whatever she had taken into the sink. Disgusting.

Edward runs to her and holds her tenderly. Piper follows him and I just feel like throwing up like her when I look at them. “Valen, what’s wrong with you?” She asks. “Let me call the doctor.” Piper offers but Valen raises her hand up. “It’s okay, I have my own doctor.”

“Then call her,” Piper encourages her. Valen cleans her mouth and they both come back to the table. She takes her phone and calls who I think is her doctor and directs whoever it is to the house.

In less than an hour, a male doctor comes in. “Hello miss Taylor,” he greets Valen and waves at everyone else. “Welcome doctor, please check up on her, she is not okay,” Piper says concerned. “Let’s go,” Edward takes Valen’s hand and together with the doctor they go to their room. After a moment Edward comes back. I am only listening to their conversations as if watching a film. I don’t say anything but just sit and scroll through my phone. I am just wishing that they could leave so that I could have some peace.

Moments later, Valen and the doctor comes back to the leaving room. Valen’s face seems satisfied with whatever it is that is in that filthy mind of hers. She goes to where Edward is and holds his hand. “Edward, I have some news for you,” she says smiling at him.

“You do? I hope they are good news,” Edward says smiling back at her.

“Yes they are. Doctor, the floor is yours,” Valen says.

“Well, I conducted some tests and I am pleased to inform you that you are going to be a father.”

I thought as much. Edward engulfs her in a hug, swings her around and kisses her on her lips. So much for happiness when the other woman is pregnant for a married man.

“I am going to be a father, I can’t believe it. Thank you Valen,” he says and hugs her again.

“I am gonna be a grandma, I can’t wait to see my grandson,” Piper says excitedly and hugs Valen as well and kisses her on the cheeks. “How long is it?”

“Almost a month now,” Valen says. “Oh great, I will be taking you to your first antenatal check-up,” Piper says. “Oh no mom, I should be the one taking her as the father of the baby. You still have time to take her.” Edward says.

“You don’t think I care for my grandson that much right? It’s okay Edward,” Piper feigns hurt and I feel like laughing at their dramatic celebration.


“Okay, okay I get it. I need to go for my meeting now,” Piper says, raising her hands and making her way towards the stairs. “This calls for celebration. Valen, you can choose the best place that you think we can go to and celebrate.” Edward takes her hand following behind his mother.

“Edward, you know that she shouldn’t be drinking anymore,” Piper warns him. “Surprise me then,” Valen says looking at Edward as they climb the stairs. “Prepare to be surprised then.”

I continue scrolling through my phone as their voices sound in the background. I don’t know what Eric could have said concerning his son having a child with another woman other than the one that he had approved. He left after breakfast even before the doctor came. I am surprised that I am not even shocked or feeling bad that my husband is expecting a child with another woman.

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