My Billionaire Boyfriend

Chapter 35

All of them were fooled by him.

At this moment, Chase’s lips curved into a smirk.

Chloe never let him down She spread the news so quickly.

That so-called Quinton never existed.

The wrinkles on Rosaline’s old face became much apparent. “Ethan, Madison, how much money do you have in your companies that can be used now?”

Madison immediately answered, “I have around four million left”

Jane was delighted. That’s a lot, Madisoni i dont know that you’re so capable.”

“Ethan, what about you? Your company is doing better than Madison. I think you should have around five million yuan, right?” Rosaline asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Ethan felt a rush of blood from his neck upto all his facial muscles.

Five million yuan?

Where could he get that much money?

He lowered his head and mumbled, “I only have two million…”

“What?” All the Song family members looked at Ethan in disbelief.

Their gaze made Elhun so ashamed of himself that he dared not lift up his head

“My goodness! You have to explain it to me! If you can’t give me an acceptable explanation today, I will drive you out of the Song family!” Rosaline was so furious that she picked up her walking stick and knocked on Ethan’s head.

Ethan let out a groan. “Didn’t I just sign a contract with the Rx Pharma before? I had spent a lot of money to get on good terms with them. He explained, feeling wronged and upset.

Fury roared through Rosaline at once. Her vision turned blurry and she almost passed out. She hit Ethan’s head hard twice until it bled.

“You’re such a disappointment! I have been wondering how you manage to secure these – moblematic orders from the Rx Pharma. It turned out that you were playing tricks. Now, we have lost the contract along with themoney You’ve even offended the Helping Hands Medical Center. You have brought disasters to the Song family! I’m going to kill your Anger grew in Rosaline like a tumor.

All of them knew that there was no way they could turn back time.

The only way was to raise money.

“Who else here has some spare money?” Rosaline looked at Bella.

Bella bit her lower lips and muttered, “You all know how my company is doing. I can only take out one million yuan at most.”

“One million, two million, four million. There are only seven million in total. We are still short of three million. I have one million in t my private account. What about you guys?” Rosaline glanced at everyone present.

Everyone shelled out all the money they had. In the end, they only had nine million yuan at most. They still had to look for one million yuan.

Rosaline glowered at all the members of the Song family. She was enraged and saddened by the fact these people could never contribute much to the family.

Back then, they were a huge and prestigious family.

Everyone respected them.

However, at this moment, they had to resort to crowdfutid to cough up ten million yuan.

On top of that they couldn’t even fork out this sum of money.

What a bunch of useless trash !

Jane called Alfred and asked carefully if they could contribute nine million yuan only.

Without hesitation, Alfred rebuked Ten million yoan is the minimum Besides, this is just a rough estimate of mine. They will definitely ask for more it is going to be more than ten million.”

Everyone in the Song family looked at each other in dismay. Rosaline glanced at Bella’s wrist and asked, “Didn’t you say that this bracelet is worth more than one millionthem one millionthem yuan?

A wave of fury crashed through Bella when she heard this. “Grandmal This is a gift from Chase for me!”

“C’mon Bella! Don’t you know what’s happening right now? This is an extremely urgent situation. Do you still care who’s the one who gives you that bracelet? Everyone should contribute to our family at times like this! Rosaline was being domineering again. Realizing Bella trying to keep the bracelet to herself, Rosaline could not help but look at Bella with disgust.

Bella was furious. Before she roared back at Rosaline, she was stopped by Chase.

Chase’s lips curled into a grin and said sarcastically, “Well, it’s true that the bracelet is worth more than one million. But, unfortunately, it’s broken now. It’s not going to be worth that much.”

All the people in the Song family were dumbfounded.

Yes, the bracelet was broken.

“Demn it! Alfred, you b*stard!”

He had ruined the last resort they were left with.

All the members of the Song family went mad and reprimanded Alfred.

Madison glanced at Chase with a smirk She did expect that her brother in law was so good at roasting others.

Rosaline looked at Bella, a hint of fierceness flashed across in her eyes.

“If that’s the case, we could only do this now.

Rosaline then glanced at Jane and said, “Jane, sell the house that you’re staying now. We need to get the money immediately.”

“What? Mom, you want me to sell the house? I can’t do this. Where are we going to stay if we sell the house?” Jane rebuked.

All the Song family members were stunned at this very moment.

Rosaline was truly merciless.

She looked at Jane and replied coldly, “Your house belongs to the Song family. Our family is in trouble now and we need your house Do you have a problem with that?

“This house belongs to my father…”Bella mumbled, her eyes turning moist.

The house was bought by her father back then.

Although it was only a house, it contained a lot of memories she cherished so much.

The memories of her father and she.

There were memories shared between Chase and her in this house too.

If the house was sold, then her home would be gone.

Jane’s face blushed crimson as she stammered, “Mom, why do you want to sell our house? Why not…”

“Because you contribute the least. You guys are the ones who bring this upon our family! Do I have to make myself clearer? Can’t I make a decision on such a trivial thing?” Rosaline roared.

Jane was at a loss of words, feeling disheartened.

No one in the Song family dared to disobey Rosaline.

Selling this house…

She would not have to do this if it werent for this b*stard!

Jane glared at Chase as if she was about to eat him alive.

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