My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

I hear a vehicle pull up, and I know my mother and Adam’s father have just arrived. Adam and I separate, but I’m upset that I didn’t get a chance to ask him more about what just happened. I needed to find the answer to that question; he had to tell me.

The power inside of me was one that you usually saw in a fire whisperer, but the power that came out of Adam just now was one that you’ll only spot in a dark whisperer.

Just how much did I not know about Adam and his father? His power was strong enough to contain my fire, and unlike me, he had to have some experience. This meant he had to know about it all along. Adam must be familiar with a lot more than he was telling me.

Was this how he knew that touching me would stop the fire in the cafeteria? Was it also how he knew touching my body today would bring the flames out from inside me?

My fists are sweating even though I was in the lake just a few minutes ago. This is almost too much for me to take in.

I hear footsteps and try my best to mask my emotions. I didn’t want my mother to ask any . unnecessary questions. I would do anything to avoid that. There were things that I had to find out without her knowing.

“Did you guys get into the water without us?” She asks the moment that she spots me.

Henry takes one look at us and laughs, “it seems that we were worried about them not getting along for no reason. They must be getting along pretty well to jump into the lake before we could even reach.”

Igrab a towel from my mother’s hands and wrap it around my shaking body. My trembling has nothing to do with the water; it has everything to do with what just occurred between Adam and me.

My gaze finds Adam, and he seems to be deep in thought. The pulse on the side of his neck is throbbing, and I can tell that he isn’t as unbothered as he’d like everyone to think. Whatever happened between us is affecting him just as much as it’s affecting me.

Good. I didn’t want to be alone in this.

“How long will we be here for?” I ask my mother. “I need to get home early; I have school tomorrow.”

I also needed to corner Adam and get him to spill everything to me. How much did he know about what was happening to my body? What was he not telling me?

And would I only be able to create fire when I was angry or when he was touching me? I had so many questions, and I wasn’t sure if I should tell my mother about this. She wasn’t honest with me all along; why should I be honest with her?

She also had this tendency to overreact at times. I wouldn’t want her walking into my school and demanding an explanation from my teachers. Then everyone would know that something was wrong with me, and I didn’t want that to happen. I needed this to stay a secret untill understood what the hell was NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

going on.

My mother looks at Henry and then back at me, “we just got here, sweetheart.” She points out. “We were hoping to stay out for a few hours again.”

“I can take her home.” Adam offers.

I’m surprised that he said such a thing. Is he as desperate as I am to be alone with each other

“But we wanted to have some time as a family.” My mother tries to reason with us.

A family?

How is that possible when we barely knew each other? How is that possible when I feel things for Adam that is in no way appropriate for someone that’s going to be my step-brother soon?

“We have plenty of time left. We can just reschedule and come another day.” Adam explains.

She sighs, “Okay, but the next time you both are free. We will have another one of these trips, and I don’t want to hear no from either one of you.”

I nod, “of course, mom. You two have fun.”

I follow Adam out to his vehicle; I’m surprised that he offered to drop me home. I mean, I did come with him, but I expected him to try and avoid me. He pulls my bag out of the car and hands it to me, “You can change, and we will leave after.”

Inod, and he gives me some privacy to get the wet clothes off my body. After changing, we are on our way back home.

“Are we going to talk about what happened?” I ask him. “And what happened exactly?” He answers my question with a question of his own. I narrow my eyes at him, but he doesn’t notice because his eyes are glued to the road.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a commoner?” I ask him. “Then how are you able to possess such strong powers that only a Royal dark whisperer can have.”

“Aren’t you a commoner?” He asks me. “I can ask you the same thing.”

While that was true, I didn’t think it was the same case with him. “You have experience. Someone has clearly taught you. You can’t do that on your own. What school did you go to?”

He sighs, “not the Royal Academy if that’s what you’re asking.”

“So you’re telling me that you’re also a commoner that possesses powers like me? And that isn’t weird to you at all? We should not be able to have this unless things are changing in our world. But that doesn’t make any sense. Why would it change now after all this time?”

He pulls to the side of the road and pins me with an intense glare, “let’s not talk about any of that right now. Okay?”

I’m about to respond when something catches my attention. We’ve stopped in front of the Royal academy. I couldn’t see much except for the vehicles in the parking lot and the front of the building.

There is a jeep parked that has my attention for some weird reason. I feel like this isn’t the first time I’ve seen it before; everything about it seems familiar to me. Like I’ve been in it before.

‘I loved you!’ Igasp. Who said that?

Before I have a chance to understand what just happened, the visions are hitting me one after the next. They’re all broken, and it’s hard for me to put the pieces together.

‘You let me fall in love with you even after knowing you were going to betray me in the end. How could you, Adam, how could you betray me like this?’

“I’m a monster. Yes, I am-a monster who never deserved you from the start. I’m glad that you know that now.”

It’s the same girl and guy that are always in these crazy visions. They are having an argument, and they have it right in front of that same jeep. It has to be the same one from my vision. Nothing about it has changed, absolutely nothing.

How many Adams were there? “Amiera?”

I’m back to my senses, and the visions no longer surround me. Adam is next to me, and again I’m reminded of how much he looks like the guy in my vision. And he also happens to have the same name? That’s just not possible.

Why am I getting these visions? What am I supposed to do with them? Is it supposed to be some sort of warning to me?

My eyes sting. I want to cry, and I have no idea why. What are these weird emotions? I feel heartbroken about something; it must have something to do with that jeep or this school or even the argument between that boy and girl that I don’t know.

Whatever the reason, I’m trying hard to hold back the tears from falling. “What’s wrong?” Adam asks in an alarmed tone.

“You sound just like him,” I say before I can stop myself. I’m not even sure if I’m the one that’s speaking right now. My voice sounds alien to my ear.

“Sound just like who?” He asks, confused. I don’t blame him. I’m confused as well, these visions are beginning to mess with my head, and I have no idea how to stop them. What I don’t understand is why I’m constantly bombarded with emotions whenever I see those visions. Why does it feel like I’m the one experiencing everything that they’re going through?

I sigh, “it’s nothing. I want to go home, and you don’t have to worry about me asking any more questions for the rest of the trip. So you can relax.”

He doesn’t say anything else as he pulls the car back onto the road. We don’t say anything to each other, not even when we reach home. I step out of the vehicle and rush to my room so that he can’t say anything to me.

Thear a knock on the door a few minutes later, and even though I hope that it’s my mother, I know that she must still be out at the lake. That only leaves one person. I do nothing for a moment until I hear another knock, this time louder.

Thesitantly open the door, and Adam is standing in front of me. I try not to get consumed in his eyes, and so, I look everywhere else. It’s truly ridiculous how much he affects me. I shouldn’t let him, but somehow, I can’t help myself.

“I need you to promise me something,” he tells me. “Promise you something?” I ask. “What’s that?” I’m confused as to what I could possibly promise him about. He takes a step towards me but stops when my body goes stiff.

“Promise me that you will not tell anyone about what’s happening to you. No one must know of the power that you possess. No one. I don’t care who it is; not even your closest friends should know.”

I draw my eyebrows together in confusion, “and why is that? Why must no one know?”

He doesn’t look happy that I’m asking him this question. Did he expect me to obey him just like that? He takes more steps towards me again. This time he doesn’t stop until he’s next to me. Our faces are inches apart, and my body instantly arched towards him like it’s used to doing things like this around him. “Because it’s not safe. I’m asking you to do this so that I can make sure that no one hurts you. If the wrong people find out, you will be in danger. I’m not just saying this to scare you. It’s the truth. So no one must know, do you understand?”.

I can tell that he’s being serious; it doesn’t feel like a threat either. It does feel like he cares. And this is

No one will know. At least for now.

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