Miss CEO Is Pregnant For Her Secretary

Decision with the Slut


While I sat at the restaurant awaiting the arrival of Aiden., My mind went back to the incident, well not exactly the incident because it was well intended and planned by the temptress- Mandy.

I rubbed my jaw, thinking about it and damn I couldn’t deny that it made me ho**y as fu*k or the fact that she was the temptress- indeed. And thinking about it right now I didn’t know what this was anymore; was it my obsession? About the baby? The challenge? Or was this me really falling for her? Before I could answer that question, I heard the light tap on the table, returning me back to reality, when I noticed Aiden settling into the seat in front of me.

“Hey man,” I called and he just folded his hands, staring at me, making me nod my head in understanding.

“Great, so I guess that’s my cue to not initiate any greetings. Got it!” I said and pointed at him while clicking my tongue.

“So you called, I answered,” he said in a cold tone, while I sighed mumbling “right” under my breath.

“Look Aiden, you’re my buddy and the only thing I need from you is just your support and having my back. I can’t deal with my parent’s troubles and have to deal with yours. You’re supposed to stand with me,” I said sincerely, looking at him, when he moved his upper body forward and backward, then releasing a breath.

“I know and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m looking out for you, I’m letting you try your thing with this girl, assuring your parents that you’re safe even when I know my opinions on this issue don’t align with yours,”. He explained staring vividly at me, now unfolding his hands and clasping his hands together.

“Then what’s with the attitude, does it have to do with your conflicted opinions?” I asked him, with wide eyes and he didn’t hesitate in agreeing to that.

“Look man, what did you need my advice for? Cause you said it’s bad and good news,” he brushed his hair backward and said.

“Well I’ll start with the good news,” I paused, making sure his attention was given to me.

“I’m going to be a father,” I said slowly and he looked at me.

“What? How? When did that happen? Is she head over heels for you already?” He rushed, joy and curiosity clearly could be heard in his voice.

“Well she has been pregnant before the whole deal thingy,” I explained.

“What!! So you meant to tell me all this while you were going to become a father and said nothing to me, not even the mere mention of it at all. Wow,” he said and gulped hard the bottle of water in front of him…

“That’s not the case. She doesn’t know I am aware of it, and that’s why I need your help,” I said desperately.

“I’m listening,” he responded…

“Last time I eavesdropped on her conversation with her best friend, she was deciding to get rid of the baby,” I sighed.

“What’s? Absolutely not? She can’t do that? Do you know how much this means to you? Your family? Do you know? The company? You’re supposed to be killed? Absolutely not,” he rushed his words, not pausing to catch his breath.

“You don’t think I know that? That’s why I need your help. How do I tell her to keep the child? She doesn’t even plan on revealing the child to me, and Mandy is so complicated that I could completely lose her if I blow the news about the child and the real reason I’m trying to get her to be with me,” I explained rushing my words too, clasped my hands and for the first time I was afraid.

“Damn. Was this why you wanted to make her fall for you? Was this why you started to pretend to work there?” He questioned and frankly, I had no idea how to answer this question.

“Do I tell him no? Do I have the answer to this? Of course not. But did my priorities for wanting her shift over time? Yes it did, it definitely did,” I did a whole survey in my head, and instead of explaining all of this confusion to Aiden I nodded my head, while forcing a tight smile on my lips.

“This is good news and bad news at the same time. But I think you should tell her, like you said she’s complicated and you wouldn’t want a mistake like her finding out you knew, messing up the whole plan which would lead to then losing everything completely; that includes her and the baby. So when next you meet, tell her about it,” he encouraged and I thought deeply about it.

“We are in a good state right now, and everything is great. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to talk about it on New Year’s Eve,” I drank from my bottle of water when my phone rang and when I looked at the caller ID, I noticed it was Mandy, which caused me to stand on my feet abruptly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, looking at me.

“She’s calling me right now. What should I do?” I was confused.

“That’s great, Pick up and tell her you want to meet up,” Aiden urged and I looked at him confused by that, but later got a hint of it.

“You want me to have that conversation with her now? Isn’t it too sudden? I don’t think it’s a good idea?” I said, disputing the thought and trying hard not to play so many scenes of how bad and crazy this was going to go.

“It’s better early than never. Call her back and meet up with her. I’ll see you later, I think your parents might want to know about this news,” he stood up, and patted my back almost leaving when I stopped him.

“Can you not tell them now? I want to handle this,” I was still saying, when he sang his way out of my presence, leading to me blowing raspberries.

“Mandy,” I said into the phone. Immediately she picked up, but all I could hear was her sniffing.

“Are you okay?” What’s wrong?” I asked, clearly worried…

“I’m not fine Chris, I’m not,” she sniffled and now I could tell she was really crying.

“Where are you? I’m coming over to get you.” I grabbed my keys and rushed outside to get to my car, even before she said her exact location.


I got home full of smiles, and I didn’t know if it was how I acted that made me happy or the reaction I got from Christian that gladdened my heart.

I had my showers, and right now I was walking down the stairs, heading to the dining room to have my dinner, Then I could retire to bed for the day.

“How was your day?” Mom asked immediately as I got close to my seat. The butler dragged my seat backward, I thanked him before sitting on it.

“Good evening mother, father,” I nodded at them, while they smiled at me.

“I had a good day. And if you both must know, we are getting ready for the company’s party,” I filled them in, while they smiled looking impressed. The clicking sounds of the cutleries and plates were mild as we all ate our food in silence.

“You look so happy, Mandy. Does it have anything to do with Chris?” Mom inquired giving me that look. One that entails she knew the answer even before asking.

“Well maybe,” I smiled, continuing to have my meal.

“Great, then I guess you’ve both decided to keep the baby?” She added and the fork on my hands dropped on my plates making a loud sound at her comment.

“It’s my decision Mom, not Chris,” I said, raising my fork up, with intentions to continue my meal when she spoke again.

“What do you mean love? Okay, what have you decided to do?” She tried speaking calmer, as she noticed the change in my expression.

“I don’t know, I’m still thinking about it okay,” I said quietly, hoping my response would get them off my back.

“What do you mean thinking, huh? How long till the world knows you’re having a baby? The father’s supposed to have a say in this. So where’s Chris? Or isn’t he saying anything?” My dad’s stern tone made the whole place quiet. I folded my lips, raising my hands in a firm to stop myself from an outburst, but it didn’t work.

“Chris is not the father, okay? And he definitely has no say in this, so can I enjoy this delicious meal in peace and have a nice evening in this house,” I yelled taking my parents aback by my utterance.

“What do you mean by that? Chris isn’t the father? What’s that supposed to mean?” Her voice was low like she was going to break down.

” It’s exactly what it means Mom,” I chunk my food, while I shrug my shoulders…

“You raised a slut, Jane. Can you hear her? She has absolutely no idea who the father of the baby is. Now how much shame is this girl going to befall this family with?” My dad said, I looked over at him, chuckled, and was absolutely not surprised by his utterance…

“Well, good thing we’re talking about family shame, huh? I mean it is no surprise you called me that. Did you feel better, or guilty that I might be you? The black sheep? The one who drags the family name into the mud, huh Dad? Is it such a surprise because to me this scenario seems so familiar, only that this time you’ve been on this seat a lot of times.” I lashed at him, while he glared at me, but it was later covered with guilt and embarrassment.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mandy! You don’t talk to your father like that. Why are you doing this to us? Is this some kind of rival to get back at us? Are you hurting us on purpose?” Speak to me baby, she tried to come in a hug but I moved away.

“Why do you always take his side, Mom? Why can’t you fight for yourself? Why do you let him have his way with you?” I asked her, breaking down in tears…

“You might as well get rid of that baby if it has no father,” he said angrily at me, and when I tried to bark back and respond Mom shunned me with a slap that stung really hard.

“Bravo Mom, the second time,” I said in tears, grabbed my phone, and rang outside the house, crying loudly.

I dialed Chris’s number and he didn’t pick up the first time, but after a few seconds, he called me back…

“Where are you? I’m coming right now.” He asked in a worried tone, while I broke down in more tears.

“Walking outside the gate of my father’s house,” I answered in pain, sniffing in…

“Alright, just wait there for me, I’ll come see you there,” he said quickly and hung up, letting me sit on the floor, continuing my wailing…

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