Mated to the vampire Mafia Boss

The Dispute

The Dispute

Subtitle : In the Lion’s den

Mrs George sat down on the bench reluctantly , sighing dejectedly ,how can she tell her daughter the reason behind the no touching of silver items , no staying out in the woods nor staring at the moon when it's full , well it is what itis .

Standing from the bench , she stared at the moon , releasing a soft sigh , "

another full moon today “ she whispered underneath her breathe and walked out of the garden .

Back in the house , Sapphire read to the kids about the legendary vampire book titled" Dracula"

“I do actually believe vampires exist ” Sapphire said as she clamped the book close while the kids were lost in their world of thoughts . "Miss Sapphire , what do they feed on ? “ Leah asked immediately

“Human blood " Sapphire said to them as the kids let out a loud gasp .

“You mean they feed on our blood ?” Ivy asked eyes bulging out

“ how do they do that ? . Like with some sort of syringe or something ? ” Leah asked while Sapphire burst into laughter

"Kids . they are not doctors so you know they have fangs which helps them in the process of feeding on humans “ Sapphire explained demonstrating with her fingers.

“I would appreciate if you don't tell them such myth Sapphire ” Riel said interrupting the discussion as the kids looked away from the door where their Mum steod while Sapphire muttered an apology instantly.

“ Let me excuse you girls ” sapphire said immediately as she got out of the bed while the kids frowned their faces .

“Are we going to continue this way girls ? I mean we should iron things out before I leave for the trip ” Riel spoke softly

“well I don't think I will be having any of it , I'm actually feeling sleepy, I will nap now ” Ivy muttered immediately as she yawned

“I'll pass also " Leah mumbled pulling the duvet over her head while Riel walked out of the room dejectedly as tears dropped from her eyes . "Fuck you Jackson Hewitt” she cursed as she closed the door gently and turned left heading to her room .

* Triple Rr’s clan *

“ Master , the man from Venice wants to speak to you” Drake said as he brought the trolley of Rod's goodies .

“let him in” Rod said sniffing neatly from the coke in the saucer

" Hello " the man from Venice greeted calmly

“Hello” Rod responded coldly as he sniffed from the saucer

“ How are you ?” The man from Venice asked gently

“May I? "The man from Venice asked referring to the coke in the saucerContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I'm fine” Rod replied , “ and you may take from the saucers but I'm not a cheerful giver ” he added.

“ Enough pleasantries and let's talk business ” Rod probed coldly

“I need ammunitions , a huge one at that” the man from Venice said pushing a paper across the table which contained list of the ammunitions. “How much does the ammunitions worth ?” The man from Venice asked sniffing from the saucer with a satisfied smile on his face.

“ That would cost over two billion dollars " Rod replied letting out a smug smile .

“I need it before dawn ” the man from Venice said immediately after giving a quick peek at the wrist watch .

“deal is on " Rod said clicking his fingers

“it's a deal ?” the man from Venice asked gently

“it's a deal” Rod probed coldly

“ See you at the church yard ” Rod said shifting the saucer away . as he picked up his phone , “ that's discreet enough

“Well. see you soon * the man from Venice added

“consider itdone " Rod said as he took a puff from the coke while he watched the man from Venice leave afte dropping two bundles for the sniffed coke , he walked outof the office . _~ -

“ Drake , prepare the ammunitions . it would move before dawn " Rods said as he picked up the bundle throwing it into the counter . “ Church yard and be swift with that” Rod added as he gestured at him to leave . while Drake bow his head and left . “*

.. Be right there ” Riel said over the phone as she quickly put on her boots and ran out of the house when she suddenly came across a large animal moving out of the house .

It jumped out of the house from her mother's room precisely through the window , grabbing a pistol from her waist coat she aimed at the animal howling aloud .

"This thing is damn big” she watched the wolf which had white and black furrwhich looked very x fluffy , the Wolf has blue misty eyes staring atthe wolf Riel remember her mother in the room , she wanted to goback to the room and sheck up am her but she just couldn't bring herself to do it after the altercation they had .

Sighing she aimed for the large animal and shot it at it's leg while it howl loud ,it ran into the woods just as she was about to release the shot again .

“I missed it” Riel added as she walked back to the lawn , got into her red car and ignited the engine and zoomed off heading for the basement where the secret agents met.


* The basement *

bees Well, theNviple Rr's clan would be trading artimunitions with the man fromVenice before dawn II was informecby Lefty ” Landon said s> immediately after the Team << merabers seemed settled on-their seats I Content belongs ta S

swnovel. net

“ Woahhhh , this is great News ” Mr Brookes commented .

“ How can we nab him once and for all without having to make use of plan B” Mr Brookes asked as he pl aced his hands under his chin wearing a serious face .

“I don't have any idea at the moment but we can think from now before dawn " Landon replied pacing around the room . “Any ideas ?” Mr Brookes asked referring to the rest of the team

“we would pass ” the team members replied in unison as each person seemed lost in their thoughts while Landon goes to prepare coffee for them all

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