Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 13 The Wrong Kind of Feeling

Chapter 13 The Wrong Kind of Feeling


Why am i this way? One moment I want Livy to be so far away from me, so we don't even breathe the

same air.

And when she is, I still find myself feeling restless and anxious, wanting to know what she might be

doing at every given time.

I guess what they say it's true about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. I would rather

she be close enough so I can keep an eye on her than keeping her far away.

But did I really have to say all that, I thought as I recalled my conversation with her the day before.

' I never had intentions of playing house with you, but I'm compelled to. So with that being the case, I

don't think there would be any need to hold back anymore. I would play house and everything that

comes and goes with it. In fact, things would go according to my rules and none of them would favor

you I promise'.

Its not like I want to do anything serious with her anyway, especially since she's the last person on

earth I would ever want to be close with.

My only wish is to make her live with me more miserable than I felt, which means I have to trade on all

ground to achieve that, and until I do, I won't rest.

As if that wench and her mother wasn't enough, now I also have to deal with Daniel's imprudent


Is he legit trying to get on my bad side or what? It's been almost 24hrs and I haven't been able to reach


There is nothing worse than what he did today, and whether he did it knowingly or unknowingly, he

won't go unpunished.

I even tried calling my uncle to ask him the reason why I wasn't aware of the change of hand before

now, but he is also ignoring my calls.

It's no news that he had always envied the position of the President of Castlehill, a position which I

owned perfectly.

He keeps looking for new ways to either sabotage or derail my efforts, but I've been a tough nut to

crack even for him.

With every passing day my dominance and authority grows making it difficult for him to outrightly

declare a war against me. So, even though we are family, he completely hates my guts and so do I.

He must have devices a new plan this time around, making Daniel his ace.

Don't get me wrong, I may have treated my cousin like a minion, but that was the only way I could be

wary of him.

If you grew up in a family like mine, you'ld learn that life is a jungle. And if you become careless, you

get eaten like a prey.

Knowing just how manipulative my uncle can be, being very close with Daniel wasn't an option and I

was right. It may have taken longer than I assumed, but it's happening eventually.

As my mind went on a survival search on ways to clip Daniel's wings before they become incredibly

strong, I couldn't help but wonder what my wife could be up to.

I mentally slapped myself in the head. Not her again, can't I just go 5mins without thinking about her?

Just as I was mentally torturing myself of how mindful I was becoming about Livy, I felt soft slender

hands slide from my back to my stomach, embracing me gently.

I was at a bar in a city I haven't been to in a very long time, and I sure as hell don't know anyone here

who is close to me enough to dare touch me.

I stared at the hands with long red painted nails that circled my waist, and I could feel the slow

breathing of it's owner behind my ear.

I wasn't wasted so I could tell it was a woman, so as a gentle man I slowly turned to reveal who had

such guts as to give me a back hug and gently turn her down.

I almost choked on my thoughts when I saw the culprit, and my lips parted in surprise.


I managed to speak as she just stood there smirking menacingly.

Felicity was a girl I had an on and off relationship with in high school and college days, before the

Luthel sisters came into my life.

It wasn't love or anything like that, she just knew how to draw out my wild side and she was hella hot.

The last time I saw her was 3yrs ago, we were intimate that evening at the after-party of my birthday,

when she told me she was getting married to a man 3 times her age.

It's true that with her I was able to be wild and do certain things that Markian, President of Castlehill

wouldn't normally do, plus the sex was always epic. But if she was getting married, I sure as hell

wouldn't like to be caught up in an extra-marital affair.

So I broke up with her and never saw her again, despite all her calls, texts and emails to hear her out,

until today.

"In the flesh. Hello Markian, I thought that must be you. After all, no one in this world knows you better

than I do." She spoke still smirking.

I composed myself and took a sip from my glass, putting my seamless face on.

"So, what is the mighty Markian Winfrey doing in Dominican Republic?" she asked taking a seat beside


I saw how enticing her posture was as she crossed her legs letting her high slit gown open revealing

her sexy smooth thighs, while making an order to the bartender.

I swallowed my drink, it was always hard to think straight when she was around, so I looked away

straight forward.

"I'm on a mini-"

" trip I presume? The same old Markian, and here I thought maybe you tracked me down

because you missed me" she interrupted.

She was one of the few people in the world that could interrupt me and go free. I smiled at how wrong

she was but didn't try to correct the misunderstanding.

"And you? Weren't you getting married the last time we met? What happened to your husband, or is he

here with you? I should say hi, don't you think?" I replied sounding sarcastic.

If she held me so intimately liked that then I needed to know if her husband was close by or not, after

all I had a reputation to uphold.

"If you mean Gerald, he and I got divorced right before he passed away. Actually I'm currently on my

3rd husband who is a very benevolent and generous old man with billions in his account," she replied

with a straight face.

She must have caught on by now that I was being sarcastic but what she said next mortified me to the


"Bernard and I have an open relationship, so don't worry about a thing. He understands that I'm a

vibrant energetic young woman who have desires he can't fulfill, so he lets me explore other options if

you know what I mean." She said winking at me.

Was she being serious right now? I knew Felicity had a huge sex appetite and her sex appeal is off the

chats, but to think she would act on it even as a married woman 3times in a row was baffling.

Still I can't say I was totally surprised because, well, she was Felicity. She gets what she wants when

and how ever she wants it, and I guess that's what attracted me to her the most.

"What are you doing here, Felicity? I thought I told you that we should treat each other like strangers

whenever we meet each other again, so what are you doing now?"

She dropped her glass of drink and stared straight into my face, like she was searching for an answer

or clue. I wasn't comfortable anymore, so I advanced to leave but, she held my shirt by the collar and

pulled me in for a steaming kiss.

I didn't pull away, I didn't freeze either but I didn't kiss her back.

With Felicity, my sexual desires and urges spikes off the charts, so I was careful not to move a muscle

or give her the satisfaction she needed.

She pulled back and laughed loudly like I said something funny. Then she wiped her lips with the back

of her palm leaving a little smudge by the side of her lips, as she took a sip of her drink.

"I like this new you, you seem more like a man than you were 3yrs ago. Marriage must have done a

thing or two to you over the years" she said smiling.

How did she know I was married? Even though I was in love with Sophy, our marriage wasn't so open

to the public.

Yes, we appeared on shows and events together, but I guess people most times tried hard enough not

to associate 'Minnesota's rich and handsome' to a single woman.

They'll rather call on my dates as acquaintances than put any romantic caption to them, seeing as I can

be very mean and arrogant most times.

"Well, I guess you have your ways of finding things like that out. But you are right, marriage did a lot to

me." i replied as I took out my handkerchief and softly wiped off the smudge by the side of her lips

which was compelling me to do lots more to her than just kissing her again.

She looked at me with those deep blue eyes and moved her face slowly towards mine.

For a moment there I thought she was going to kiss me again, but for some reason, I didn't move.

Then she whispered to my ear, "but, I know how to push your buttons still", she smirked again


"There is going to be a party tomorrow in honor of my husband's birthday, you should come. Everyone

that is anyone would be there, you might even meet some investors too. I'll send you an invite to you

hotel room" she said.

"How do you know my hotel room?" I wondered.

"It's one of my husband's hotels I manage, so from the very first day you booked into Barcelo Bavaro

Palace, I knew." She smirked and kissed me goodbye on the cheek.

She must be married to Bernard García. Wow, she really have out done herself. I'll think about going to

the party later, but now I have 'a wife' to catch up with.


This place is amazing, but for some reason I wasn't happy.

It was suppose to be my honeymoon, but here I was alone with sore feelings each time I see a happy

couple pass.

I haven't seen Markian all day, same as yesterday. It's not like I want to go with him but, would it kill him

if I went along with him to his meetings? I just don't want to be abandoned in the hotel room everyday.

Maybe, I should just go back to our suite and look for something to do indoors.

As I walked back to the hotel, I could felt someone was following me.

My heart beat spiked up and I became scared, unable to control my breathing.

I walked very fast almost about to run, but I got to the hotel reception before I knew it.

I just stood there in front of the reception counter trying to catch my breathe as I noticed the

receptionist staring at me like I was a cat on display.

I waved my hand to assure her I was fine, then I slowly turned to see if anyone was really following me,

but I saw no one.

I must be imagining things, why was I so jumpy all of a sudden? I stood up straight after catching my

breathe and turned to walk away when I bumped into a hard object -no wait, it was a man's chest.

Someone was following me, I wasn't imagining. My heart pounded so hard I thought it would jump out

of my chest, but I took courage and looked up at the person standing in front of me.

Suddenly, the person smelt familiar as I was finally able to put a face to the body.

"Daniel? You scared me to death. What are you doing here?" I asked feeling relieved that I wasn't in

any danger, it was just Daniel.

He smiled with that Winfrey charm, exposing him perfect white set of teeth. "Trying to surprise you,

surprise!!!" he said in a jolly tone.

Why did he need to surprise me by coming here, it was my honeymoon.

He could see the confusion in my face so he added, "it's your birthday silly, so I wanted to surprise you

for your birthday".

Wait, its my birthday? Oh my goodness, how could I had forgotten, I thought I set a reminder. So I

slipped out my phone to check but realized it's been switched off, probably all day today.

I tried putting it on but it had a flat battery. "Oh, I see why I couldn't reach. You must be having so much

fun you had to turn off your phone to avoid distractions?" he asked jokingly.

I gave him a little shove and told him the battery was flat and I wasn't aware.

I couldn't take him upstairs to our suite to put my phone in charge, I didn't think it was a good idea. So

we just went to the hotel's restaurant and ordered dinner.

We talked for a while and for the first time since i got here, I was having a real conversation with a


I lost track of time and by the time I realized it, all my chances of getting Markian to see me as his

woman and not just a nuisance was flying away.

I quickly explained to Daniel that I had to leave, thanking him for remembering my birthday, and left him

at the restaurant alone. I felt guilty but thought I would explain things to him next time we see.

Before I slipped the key card in, I prayed a silent prayer.

My hands were shaky and my chest was pounding, I was sweating like a ran a marathon or something.

What is wrong with me? because last time I checked, I didn't do anything wrong. He was the one who

left me alone all day, what was I suppose to do all day in this room.

I held my breathe and opened the door, as I stepped inside Markian was nowhere to be found. I sighed

of relieve and disappointment.

Where did he go to and why wasn't he back yet? I looked at the clock which read 10:47pm.

I reached for my charger and plugged my phone in, turned it on and was about to call him when I felt a

chilling feeling behind me.

As I turned, there he was in front of the bathroom door staring furiously at me. I felt my breath freeze,

he was angry again and I knew it.

Along with rage there was something else, I could see something else in his eyes, but what was that?

He walked straight towards me as I took a step backwards and realized the bed was obstructing my


As I tried to make my way out of his sight, with just a single step forward he caught up to me.

Grabbing my waist with one hand and my hand with the other, I was trapped. My strength was nothing

compared to his as he pushed me onto the bed, displacing my dress and exposing more skin than


He got on me before I could recollect my senses and started planting kisses on my neck and my

shoulder. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

Wait, what is going on here? Is these a dream? And with that question my mind went blank.


I got back to the hotel around 5:30pm and Livy was nowhere to be found.

I waited for close to an hour but she didn't return, so I tried calling her phone and nothing, it was

switched off.

At that moment, I didn't know what came over me, but I ran out of the room in panic and went to the

reception to ask if anyone had seen her.

This was her first time here, so I was sure she didn't know her way around. My mind was on a

rampage, what if something bad had happened to her, what would I say to Judy?

Luckily, I met the receptionist who told me she had seen a lady that fits Livy's description going towards

the restaurant.

So I hurriedly went ahead, not certain what I was going to do or say if I saw her there alone. But to my

surprise, she wasn't alone.

She was with a man wearing a red shirt and a karki pants, laughing like she had won a lottery or he just

cracked the most hilarious joke or something.

I didn't try to see who she was with, all I knew was that I had to leave there asap, unless I wanted to

commit murder. I was completely filled with rage even though I didn't understand why exactly.

Why was she laughing so loud like she was in a comedy center? and the look on her face was that of

sheer happiness and peace.

Peace? how could she be feeling peaceful and happy while I was about to turn this island upside down

looking for her?

I went back to my room and shut the door so hard I secretly wished it had damage, so I could have

something else occupying my mind at the moment.

I sat on the bed, but the image of her happy with someone else was eating me up. I got up and went to

the bathroom to take a shower, but it didn't bring me any relief.

I got out and put on my clothes and waited. I waited as the hours passed by, but she wasn't coming

back. She sure have got the nerves to keep me waiting for so long like these.

She must be having a great time with that man that she forgot all about me? The more I kept asking

these questions, the furious I became.

I heard the door beep at around 10:45pm so I hurried to the bathroom. Why I went there I can't tell, but

her expression when she came inside was clearly that of a teenage girl who just had her first date and

was glad no one caught her sneaking out.

I knew I hated her, but tonight was just a reminder as to why. She was a dishonest, lying cheat and that

fueled my rage. She doesn't give a halt about anyone but herself, and that was when it hit me. For

someone like her, a shattered pride must be the worst punishment, so I went in.

I didn't care at all, I just let myself go and I was right. I grabbed her and pushed her on the bed, her

slow and soft moaning as I kissed and nipped her neck and collarbone said it all.

She wanted me. I was filled with rage but she still wanted me. She was just with another man, and still

wanted me. I was her sister's husband, but she still wanted me.

Her shamelessness was baffling and utterly disgusting. I wanted to stop but I was far gone now.

It didn't matter how much I hated her, I was still a hot blooded male who has desires, and boy, did she

have the softest and most refreshing skin I've ever felt, making me go wild with pleasure.

My sexual desires took over fast and I couldn't control myself as her scent filled me with so much want

and hunger.

Com'on Markian, you are better than these, stop yourself and call her out for the wench she was.

"Livy..." I spoke in between kisses but the rest of my words died instantly.

I doubt she heard me, so I looked up to see her eyes shut and her lips bitten down with her teeth, she

was looking very sex and hot at the moment, and that fired the beast in me.

Oh man, I wanted to do things to her that would make her scream my name so loud she would finally

realize that I own every inch of her.

I slowly let my hand holding her hand slip down to one of her breast where I rested and massaged for

few second, all while kissing her neck and earlobe at the same time.

She moaned in response to my every touch and that made me want to continue as it was getting

harder for me to stop even though I at these point, I didn't want to.

I let my hand leave her breast and slid it down her body, with just her gown being the only thing

between my hand and her body.

I slipped my hand underneath her gown and raised it up exposing her reddish-pink pantie, which I

thought was cute as I slowly tackled with the waist band with my fingers.

"Mar...kian!" I heard she moan, and I was shot dead.

What was I about to do all in the name of retaliation?

"Shameless -I...can't even pretend to be intimate with the likes of you" I spoke under my breath wanting

to be stopped because I couldn't stop myself.

I could feel her dead silent now and in a few seconds she tried to struggle from my hold.

I let her go and she sat up on the bed fixing her dress that I had repositioned during my uncontrollable

sex rage.

I sat at the edge of the bed backing her when I heard soft sobs, it was coming from behind me.

I wanted to turn around and know why she was crying, but I guessed I must have out done myself for

today, so I went into the bathroom and took another shower which helped calm down my big man

bulging underneath me.

Who would have thought Livy had the ability to send me to hell and back with just her soft moaning.

But it worried me that I couldn't stop myself when I was with her.

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