Love Unbreakable

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Mitchel's face held a semblance of calm, yet Raegan noticed the shadows of fatigue darkening his eyes.

Immobilized by a tumult of emotions, Raegan felt Mitchel's arms encircle her gently, his chin finding a soft perch on her shoulder.

A whisper from Mitchel, heavy with weariness, broke the silence between them. "Raegan, I missed you.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Mitchel held Raegan close with a tender caution, as if he was mindful of her fragility, his touch light to avoid any discomfort.

Mitchel's consistent thoughtfulness toward her, even in his own distress, touched a deep chord within Raegan. Her heart went out to him, all the more because Erick had briefed her on the day's grim developments.

The betrayal by Alexis, Henley, Katie, and Luciana - each one of them, who were supposed to be Mitchel's support, had instead turned their backs on him. They had unsheathed their daggers, leaving Mitchel to fend for himself in the chill of abandonment. The coldness he must have endured!

Raegan knew Mitchel's jest of being homeless transcended the absence of a physical shelter. It meant being devoid of a sanctuary for the soul.

Holding Mitchel more firmly, Raegan offered her reassurance with a voice soft as a caress, "You still have me and Janey. We're right here with you."

At her words, Mitchel's posture tensed slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the weight they carried. Raegan, with her inherent kindness, had once again managed to stir the depths of his heart. That's why I'm here," he whispered softly into her ear

Within the sanctuary of his embrace, Raegan's reply came as a muffled affirmation.

Soon after, Mitchel gently lifted her face until their foreheads met, his voice a tender murmur. "Promise to stay with me, both of you, forever, okay?"

The earnestness in his gaze, star-like and radiant, sent Raegan's heart into a flurry, compelling her to nod as though spellbound.

Sensing her assent, warmth unfurled in Mitchel's chest, a sensation akin to his heart being enfolded in the gentle embrace of soft cotton candy.

Mitchel then leaned in for a kiss, a slow melding of lips that spoke of shared moments and silent promises. Following their kiss, he teasingly nipped her lip, his voice husky. "Raegan, how do you manage to be so incredible?" Resting against him, still breathless from their passionate kissing, Raegan murmured, "Because you deserve everything good, Mitchel. You truly do." His kindness toward her made her support for him natural, unwavering. Once inside, Mitchel's gaze swept the surroundings, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation. "Where's Janey?" "She's at summer camp for the week, Raegan replied.

A shadow passed over Mitchel's face at the news, disappointment flickering in his eyes.

Raegan reflected on the day's trials Mitchel had faced, including missing out on time with Janey. Hesitantly, she ventured, "Would you like to get some rest?"

His deep gaze met her offer, prompting a rush of panic in Raegan.

Hastily, Raegan added, "I mean... Resting might help you feel better, given everything that's happened."

Her hands fluttered in the air as she hurried to clarify, "I didn't mean... Not in that way, together."

Mitchel's laughter broke through the awkwardness, his response light-hearted. "Hmm, resting sounds like a good idea. I'll take a shower first."

Raegan was left second-guessing her choice of words.

Post-shower, Mitchel emerged, his hair still slightly damp, adorned with nothing but a towel.

Raegan, who had readied the guest room, found herself unable to meet his gaze, softly suggesting. "You should get some rest."

Just as she turned to leave, Mitchel reached out to catch her wrist, gently pulling her onto the bed beside him. "Mitchel..." Raegan's voice carried a mix of surprise and nervousness, akin to a kitten caught off guard.

Mitchel wrapped his arms around her, his voice a soothing murmur. "Sleeping with you in my arms will help me rest."

Raegan and Mitchel both fell into a deep, undisturbed slumber that lasted well into the night, their rest going undisturbed by Annis who was aware of Mitchel's presence.

Wrapped in the comfort of Mitchel's embrace within the cool embrace of the air-conditioned room, Raegan found an unexpected tranquility.

Noticing Mitchel's furrowed brow even in sleep, she carefully extricated herself to avoid waking him and ventured into the kitchen. There, she found some fresh ingredients and decided to prepare meals.

As she began cooking, her phone rang with a video call from Erick, who was currently overseas.

Drying her hands, Raegan answered with a warm, "Erick."

Erick, catching sight of Raegan in the kitchen and noting the time, expressed concern, "It's late. You haven't eaten yet?

Raegan offered a casual explanation, "I took a nap in the afternoon. She brushed off her late-night culinary activity as a mere extension of her disrupted daily routine.

"I was caught up in a meeting earlier and couldn't chat much," Erick explained.

"It's alright. I understand, Raegan replied, diving straight into her concern. "Erick, do we have any family projects that could partner with the Dixon Group?"

Erick couldn't resist a playful jab. "Oh, this desperate to help Mitchel out? Seems I might need to return and realign your priorities."

"Erick!" Raegan's voice carried a mix of amusement and exasperation, familiar with Erick's teasing nature.

Raegan had opened up to Erick on the day she chose to mend fences with Mitchel, to which Erick had fiercely responded, "If he ever hurts you, I'll make sure he regrets it."

"Okay, okay, I see you've softened toward him, Erick said, feigning a wounded heart. "Oh, how my heart suffers." "Enough, Erick. Are you going to be able to support him or not?" Raegan pressed, eager to cut through his theatrics. Erick's expression turned thoughtful. "I'm willing to lend a hand." He had already mulled over Mitchel's predicament and found it suspicious. Mitchel's stature in the business realm was well-known. Was it plausible for him to be undermined by a few past associates and newcomers? That concern lay outside Erick's immediate purview. Nonetheless, wishing to alleviate Raegan's worries, Erick offered, "I'll have a talk with him to understand the situation better."

Curiosity also played a part in his decision. Erick was keen on observing Mitchel's countermeasures, possibly gleaning insights for his own knowledge.

"Thank you, Erick," Raegan responded, her smile lighting up the screen between them.

Erick, charmed by her expression, remarked, "You always look your best when you're smiling."

With the conversation concluded, Raegan turned her attention back to the kitchen, busying herself with the dishes.

Unnoticed by her, Mitchel had been quietly observing for a while. The warm glow of the kitchen light, Raegan's graceful figure moving about, and the inviting aroma of the porridge painted a serene picture. It was a welcome respite from the day's treacheries, so much so that Mitchel hesitated to disturb the calm, cherishing the silent, peaceful moment.

The day had unraveled with Alexis revealing his true nature, after years of scheming against Mitchel.

In a charged confrontation at the office this afternoon, where false paternal affections were brandished, Mitchel mockingly said to Alexis, "You can drop the act now."

Alexis, smug in his supposed ascendancy, didn't bother to mask his scorn, declaring, "My biggest regret is having you."

Each word from Alexis pierced Mitchel deeply.

Despite his stoic exterior, Mitchel had once harbored hopes for familial warmth and unity. Yet, the aspiration had been shattered time and again, culminating in the day's revelations.

Even his mother, for whom Mitchel had always stood up, sided against him when it mattered most.

The longing for parental love, once a beacon of hope, had been utterly extinguished, leaving Mitchel to confront the reality that his expectations were perhaps too lofty.

"Ah! Suddenly, Raegan's cry of pain snapped Mitchel out of his reverie, prompting him to approach her quickly. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

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