Love Unbreakable

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Raegan's heart raced, and she quickly covered Mitchel's mouth, forcefully saying, "Stop saying such silly things!"

Mitchel caught her wrist and softly kissed the back of her hand, filled with overwhelming happiness. "We'll be with Janey together, forever not apart."

Raegan couldn't hold her tears back anymore. Their journey seemed to live by the old saying that consistent thoughts found a way to connect.

After countless challenges, separations, and reunions, they found their way back to each other. But now, things felt different. Their bond had grown stronger, their trust deeper.

Mitchel's recovery was quick. Within less than two weeks, he was discharged from the hospital to continue recovering at home. Yet, he wasn't allowed to work more than six hours a day at the Dixon Group, as per his doctor's orders, but Mitchel often stayed longer.

Mitchel couldn't help it. He now faced a new threat from Henley's ambitious schemes.

Henley had a knack for business, achieving impressive success in international trade within his first few weeks at the Dixon Group, boosting its performance significantly.

This success won over the previously doubtful shareholders. After all, Henley's illegitimacy didn't matter to them. What mattered was his ability to turn a profit.

Silently, the Dixon Group's dynamics began to shift, and someone deliberately leaked information about Mitchel's injury, causing his support to plummet from fifty five to thirty-five percent.

Meanwhile, Henley secured thirty percent of the shareholders' support, coupled with the strong backing from Alexis. Henley's rise to prominence at the Dixon Group was unparalleled, and he relished it.

Moreover, Mitchel had publicly challenged Alexis on several occasions. This sparked rumors that Alexis was considering replacing Mitchel with Henley, suggesting that Mitchel's prestigious heritage might not guarantee his position.

Raegan knew about these shifts but felt powerless to intervene, offering only her silent concern. She was especially anxious about Mitchel's health and whether he could handle the pressure.

Today, having fewer tasks at the studio, Raegan decided to visit the Dixon Group with some homemade nutritious

soup.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Upon her arrival, Matteo informed her that Mitchel was in a meeting, so Raegan decided to wait in his office. On her way, Raegan ran into Henley.

Henley welcomed Raegan with open arms, seemingly having forgotten the awkward run-in they had in the hospital. "Raegan, you're here!" Henley's tone was soft, but to Raegan, it just didn't sit right. She remembered seeing a side of him she couldn't shake off, convincing his gentleness was just for show.

Raegan kept the conversation short, saying, "I'm just here for Mitchel."

When she tried to walk by, Henley stepped in her way. His eyelashes drooped slightly and he hooked his lips like he was in a good mood. "It seems you really don't want to be around me. I admit, I was out of line before, and I'm sorry." Raegan's skin crawled. "You don't have to apologize,' she responded, her tone sharp.

"Are you still upset with me?" Henley asked.

Looking him straight in the eye, Raegan didn't mince words. "Mr. Brooks, I was quite clear back at the hospital. We aren't friends. Spare me the pleasantries."

Her frosty response seemed to bother Henley, but he kept up his easygoing appearance, his eyes smiling. "Raegan, do you have to be this cold?"

Even though Henley shared resembling features with Mitchel, there was a significant difference. Mitchel looked serious and charming, but Henley had a gentle and refined air about him.

Henley's smile, once seemed gentle, now made Raegan shiver every time she saw it.

Henley's darker side had revealed itself as sheer madness.

Finding themselves in a corner without surveillance cameras, unease washed over Raegan, but she masked it with feigned composure, suggesting, "Mr. Brooks, with all these people around, it might be better if you get back to your work, so we avoid any unnecessary gossip."

Henley, still smiling, said confidently, "Raegan, no one dares to spread rumors about me."

As Raegan tried to walk past him, Henley suddenly blocked her way. Acting on impulse, she threw the food container she was holding at him.

Henley easily dodged it, and the container hit the ground, its contents spilling everywhere.

'Don't touch me!" Raegan shouted, unable to hide her disgust.

Henley was taken aback, his face turning stern. He moved closer, trapping her in the corner, and asked, "Do you really despise me that much?"

Raegan stepped back and warned him with a chill in her voice, "Mitchel is going to start looking for me soon."

Henley just laughed scornfully at the mention of Mitchel. "Do you really think I'm that patient?"

Raegan never harbored this illusion. His manipulative depth was something she was well aware of, fueling her profound repulsion.

Henley reached out, trying to lift her chin, his voice dark and intense. "What if I had taken you that night? Would Mitchel still welcome you back so easily?"

Raegan's anger surged. "Henley, don't you have any shame?

Hearing his name used so directly only made Henley smirk. Such rebukes were only effective on people who followed the rules, and he was not one of them. He didn't care about morality or decency.

With a half-smile, Henley said, "Shame? In high places, it's all about respect."

"Get out of my way!' Raegan turned her head, refusing to let him touch her.

This move left the pale, delicate skin of Raegan's neck visible to Henley

Her skin was so delicate that Henley could see the fine veins beneath, and her slight blush made her irresistibly captivating.

Henley was buzzing with a weird kind of excitement, almost feeling the urge to bite.

Five years hadn't cooled his obsession. Instead, it spiraled into madness. He was drawn to her scent, her voice, and her smiles. Just thinking about her gave him a sensation that shook his very soul. The image of her fueled his wildest dreams, like a drug he couldn't quit.

Feeling deeply addicted, with the antidote seemingly within reach, Henley slowly leaned in, aiming for her delicate skin. "Slap!" Raegan's hand struck his face. "Try anything, and I'm calling the police!"

Henley's cheek showed the mark of her slap, a bit of blood on his lip showing how hard she hit him. But he just laughed softly. "Really, what will you tell them? A tale of a younger brother-in-law chasing his sister-in-law, or a sister -in-law tempting him?"

Raegan was disgusted by Henley's twisted words, and what he said next froze her to the core. "I don't care for rules. get what I want."

Henley's bold statement was met with a powerful punch, driven by pure anger, that hit his face with the force of a storm.

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