Love for the Librarian

Solid Ground

When I slide into my class I can see the teacher glare at me. “Nice of you to join us Miss. Anderson. Kindly take your seat so we can get started.”

“Yes, Mrs. Connors.” I slide into my seat with the whole class staring at me. I have never been late in my life. What the hell is wrong with me? Letting someone get to me like that. All through the final Mrs. Connors is glaring at me, so it is no surprise when I am done with the final she leans over me and tells me to stay after class.

When everyone else is done with the final. “Alright everyone, pass your tests forward and then you may all leave. Miss Anderson, collect all the tests.”

I nod to her. I know it is her way of not embarrassing me. She is trying to be considerate, but still I can feel the looks boring into my back. Everyone has trailed out by the time I collect the last of the exams and place them on her desk. She gives me a look then starts in. “Riley, you are a very good student, I am not liking this change that I am seeing lately. You seem to be distracted, today being late, for the final, this is definitely not like you. Is there something that you need to talk about?”

I put on my most professional student face. “No, I am fine. I had some things going on, but they are evening out. I am sorry about being late, it won’t happen again.”

She gives me a pointed look. “I understand that there was some sort of drama with Miss Clark, has that been resolved?”

“Mostly. I think she is still kind of pissed at me but I think it will pass. If not I am not too worried about it, I am leaving town in a couple of weeks. She can be mad all she wants.”

“This drama wouldn’t have something to do with Mr. Matthews would it?” She is still scrutinizing me.

“Yeah, that is what it is about.”

“I see, just remember what is important. There will be plenty of Mr. Matthews in the world. Don’t shirk what you need to do for a boy.”

“I won’t Mrs. Connors. Thank you for your concern. I promise I know where my priorities lie.” I give her a smile so that she knows I am not trying to be condescending.

“Alright, you can go now. I will see you when you check in on Thursday.”

“Thank you Mrs. Connors.” I smile as I leave. As soon as I step out the door I run into a hard chest. I look up to see Dylan smiling at me.

“I wasn’t totally sure that you were in this class, but I took a hunch. Then I heard the other guys talking about you being late, so I figured I had the right room. Did you get in trouble?”

He tries to look back in the room before his arms are snaking around my waist. “No, she just gave me a lecture about putting my life aside for you.”

“Ugh, I hate Mrs. Connors now.” He glares at her classroom.

“She is just worried about me. Besides, I am not putting my life on hold for you. I don’t even know what we are.”

He tugs me closer. “I know what we are. I am just waiting for you to catch up.”

I smile, “You sound so sweet sometimes. Anyway I have to check in at work before my aunt calls out the national guard.” I start to pull away only for him to pull me tighter.

“That kiss didn’t last as long as I thought it would. I think I need a refill.” His face comes in for my lips. The warmth of his arms around me is intoxicating. I tilt my head so that I meet his lips crashing into mine. Then right in the middle of the kiss we are tackled. I swear it was a laughing hyena, but when I look it is just Kevin.

“I am so glad you guys made up. Listen, I still need to study. Can we have another session at Katelyn’s?” He looks to me as if I have the keys to Katelyn’s house.

“Sorry, I have to check in with my aunt and mom. I have been gone too long. You know how my aunt is. If I don’t show up today she is going to think I have fallen off the face of the earth.” I laughed at his expression, he was totally expecting me to say yes. His face has fallen and he looks shocked.

“Oh, my God. So you’re saying that we have to study sober. That is so much less fun. No singing. How will I ever get by?”

Dylan looks between the two of us. “What singing?”

Kevin laughs so much that he isn’t really getting a word out, when they start to form I cover his mouth. “Nothing, Kevin is just a little nuts. He has no idea what he is talking about.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He pulls me off his mouth, “Oh, come on Colors of the wind was beautiful.” He laughs some more.

I turn and glare at him. “I am going to kill you.”

Dylan smiles. “You drunk sing. That is something I need to see.”

“She sings everything. I swear I have never heard someone our age sing the bear necessities.” Kevin is rolling now.

I sigh, “Yes, when I drink I sing. I dance too. It is my shame.”

Dylan pulls me close. “I’m guessing it is pretty hot. I don’t think I would be able to hear what you say anyway if you are dancing around.” His lips are right next to my ear.

I pull away, “Alright guys I have to get to work. I will see you guys tomorrow.” I go to run towards my car but Dylan catches my arm and pulls me in for a kiss.

“Or sooner.” He mumbles into my mouth. I barely heard it, but it was there.

Someone clears their throat next to me. Dylan and I turn to look. There stands Brittney, boy this girl does not take a hint. “Dylan, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“No, I am busy. Besides I have said everything to you that I need to. I thought I made myself quite clear this morning. I want her, not you. Go bother someone else.”

“What happens when she leaves town?” She gets a cocky look, how the hell does she know what I am doing? “What you didn’t think I knew about that? Your friend Katelyn has been bragging up a storm about how soon you guys will be moving to California. Everyone knows.”

“I don’t really know how it is any of your business. I do not want you even when she leaves. Our relationship is none of your business.” Dylan turns from her.

She calls after us. “You will be begging me to come back when she is gone.”

“Not a chance.” Dylan calls back. I can’t help but smile a little. He really did pick me over her.

Dylan keeps his arm around me the whole way to my car. “I didn’t even know you had a car.”

I shrug, “I only use it when I am at Katelyn’s, her house is a thirty minute drive, it is a bit far to walk. I mean I could do it, but It wouldn’t be fun. Other than that everything is in walking distance.”

“So you stayed the night at Katelyn’s?” He looks down at me.


“So did Kevin.”

“Yeah, so.”

“Did you share a room with Kevin?” He has turned totally serious.

I think he is trying to pull the boyfriend card. “Oh, my God. Jealous. We all shared a room. It was like drink till you drop and then start again the next morning. There was no sleeping slept together. Besides, I wouldn’t do that with Kevin.”

He gives me one of those suave looks that makes me want to melt in a puddle on the ground. “Ok, maybe I am a little jealous. Kevin has seen a part of you that I haven’t, plus he got to spend the weekend with you. I had to be plagued by thoughts of you all weekend. I am not joking when I tell you that you are driving me nuts. Hell the way you looked on Friday was enough to kill me.” He now has me leaned up against my car. His arms pinning me against the door.

“Maybe it was a little hard for me too.” I whisper. “For all I knew you were hanging out with Brittney all weekend.” I said the last part a little louder.

“I have plenty of people who will testify that I wasn’t. You can ask anyone, I was nowhere near Brittney at any point this weekend.” He is starting to run his nose along my jaw. “Please just tell me that you are mine, I will be the happiest guy on the planet.”

“You know that is a two way street right?”

He doesn’t hesitate. “I am yours.”

There it is ladies and gentlemen, I melt, never in my life has a guy said that to me. “I can be yours. You know that.” Then his lips are on mine again. Time slows and I feel like it is just us in the whole world.

He pulls back and leans his head to mine. “We will work out the rest later. I know it will be hard being apart, but we will figure something out. I mean you aren’t going to be gone forever. Your family owns the library right. You are the only one to take over, you have to come back.”

“You have thought a lot about this haven’t you?” I look in his eyes.

“I had a lot of free time while you were avoiding me.” He gives me a silly grin. “I told you I thought about you a lot, did you doubt me?”

“I guess I was just thinking it was something you were saying, I didn’t think you actually spent that much time thinking about me.”

“Of course I did. Now before your aunt hates me, get to work. I will see you in a bit.” He opens the door and pushes my behind while he is at it, since the door we were leaning on was the driver side door.

After I am seated he leans in and kisses me again. I swear I could get used to those lips on mine. It feels so damn good. When he pulls away he closes the door and pats on it like a send off.

I smile as I pull out of the drive.

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