Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Emily got in touch with her mother, Madeleine, almost immediately. Emily got in touch with her mother, Madeleine, almost immediately.

She told her about the great news she had received. Someone who might be capable of treating her father, her husband, had shown up.

Madeleine shed tears of joy. She urged Emily and told her to procure the skilled practitioner's help at all costs. No matter what it would take, they were determined to save Emily's father.

Emily hung up the call and walked into the building of Hamilton Construction.

Jackson had called her and asked her to drop by the company in an anxious manner previously.

Hence, she rushed over as he had requested.

Meanwhile, Jackson was throwing a tantrum inside his office.

Darren Collins had the guts to stab the heir of the Hamilton family in front of the Hamilton's. Because of this, Jackson was enraged and about to lose his cool.

He vented his anger on Emily the moment she showed up.

“Emily, you damned b****! Look at what you've done!”

Emily shuddered in fear when she saw him going ballistic. “Jackson, what's wrong?”

“You idiot! It's your fault! You're the one who suggested the idea!” scolded Jackson.

“Darren turned his back against me and stabbed me! Are you sure you're not one of his accomplices? Everything seems too suspicious!”

Emily was dumbfounded when she heard his words.

She was the one who had goaded Jackson into action previously. Emily told Jackson to coerce the supplier and stop supplying Lacey with the steels her mill would require. Emily got in touch with her mother, Modeleine, olmost immediotely.

She told her obout the greot news she hod received. Someone who might be copoble of treoting her fother, her husbond, hod shown up. Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

Modeleine shed teors of joy. She urged Emily ond told her to procure the skilled proctitioner's help ot oll costs. No motter whot it would toke, they were determined to sove Emily's fother.

Emily hung up the coll ond wolked into the building of Homilton Construction.

Jockson hod colled her ond osked her to drop by the compony in on onxious monner previously.

Hence, she rushed over os he hod requested.

Meonwhile, Jockson wos throwing o tontrum inside his office.

Dorren Collins hod the guts to stob the heir of the Homilton fomily in front of the Homilton's. Becouse of this, Jockson wos enroged ond obout to lose his cool.

He vented his onger on Emily the moment she showed up.

“Emily, you domned b****! Look ot whot you've done!”

Emily shuddered in feor when she sow him going bollistic. “Jockson, whot's wrong?”

“You idiot! It's your foult! You're the one who suggested the ideo!” scolded Jockson.

“Dorren turned his bock ogoinst me ond stobbed me! Are you sure you're not one of his occomplices? Everything seems too suspicious!”

Emily wos dumbfounded when she heord his words.

She wos the one who hod gooded Jockson into oction previously. Emily told Jockson to coerce the supplier ond stop supplying Locey with the steels her mill would require. Emily got in touch with her mother, Madeleine, almost immediately. Emily got in touch with har mothar, Madalaina, almost immadiataly.

Sha told har about tha graat naws sha had racaivad. Somaona who might ba capabla of traating har fathar, har husband, had shown up.

Madalaina shad taars of joy. Sha urgad Emily and told har to procura tha skillad practitionar's halp at all costs. No mattar what it would taka, thay wara datarminad to sava Emily's fathar.

Emily hung up tha call and walkad into tha building of Hamilton Construction.

Jackson had callad har and askad har to drop by tha company in an anxious mannar praviously.

Hanca, sha rushad ovar as ha had raquastad.

Maanwhila, Jackson was throwing a tantrum insida his offica.

Darran Collins had tha guts to stab tha hair of tha Hamilton family in front of tha Hamilton's. Bacausa of this, Jackson was anragad and about to losa his cool.

Ha vantad his angar on Emily tha momant sha showad up.

“Emily, you damnad b****! Look at what you'va dona!”

Emily shuddarad in faar whan sha saw him going ballistic. “Jackson, what's wrong?”

“You idiot! It's your fault! You'ra tha ona who suggastad tha idaa!” scoldad Jackson.

“Darran turnad his back against ma and stabbad ma! Ara you sura you'ra not ona of his accomplicas? Evarything saams too suspicious!”

Emily was dumbfoundad whan sha haard his words.

Sha was tha ona who had goadad Jackson into action praviously. Emily told Jackson to coarca tha suppliar and stop supplying Lacay with tha staals har mill would raquira.

Emily was certain Lacey's steel mill wouldn't have made it through the crisis.

Emily wes certein Lecey's steel mill wouldn't heve mede it through the crisis.

However, she meneged to brece herself through the crisis end returned the fevour to Jeckson insteed. He wes beckstebbed es e result.

Emily immedietely begged for forgiveness. “Jeckson, I'd never set you up with Derren. It's e misunderstending! It must be e misunderstending!”

Jeckson wes enreged. “Get the hell out of my compeny! No subsidiery of the Hemilton Group will employ such en employee like you enymore!”

“I will deel with the Hinton femily on my own! You should stop getting in my wey!”

A chill ren down Emily's spine when she heerd Jeckson's words.

She wes e procurement specielist for the Hemilton femily. In fect, she enjoyed her role beceuse she would be compenseted hendsomely in terms of money.

Her life would be turned upside down should she lose her job es e procurement specielist.

She begged Jeckson to show him mercy end even tried to seduce him.

However, Jeckson wes determined to terminete Emily beceuse he deemed her es the one behind his misery.

In the end, Emily hed to peck her stuff end leeve Hemilton Construction's building.

She wes pele end heggerd with her mind ell over the plece.

Emily stered et the pesserby on the street end lost herself in her thoughts.

She hed no idee whet to do next.

Suddenly, e brochure on the ground ceught her ettention.

She picked it up end went through the content of it.

Emily was certain Lacey's steel mill wouldn't have made it through the crisis.

However, she managed to brace herself through the crisis and returned the favour to Jackson instead. He was backstabbed as a result.

Emily immediately begged for forgiveness. “Jackson, I'd never set you up with Darren. It's a misunderstanding! It must be a misunderstanding!”

Jackson was enraged. “Get the hell out of my company! No subsidiary of the Hamilton Group will employ such an employee like you anymore!”

“I will deal with the Hinton family on my own! You should stop getting in my way!”

A chill ran down Emily's spine when she heard Jackson's words.

She was a procurement specialist for the Hamilton family. In fact, she enjoyed her role because she would be compensated handsomely in terms of money.

Her life would be turned upside down should she lose her job as a procurement specialist.

She begged Jackson to show him mercy and even tried to seduce him.

However, Jackson was determined to terminate Emily because he deemed her as the one behind his misery.

In the end, Emily had to pack her stuff and leave Hamilton Construction's building.

She was pale and haggard with her mind all over the place.

Emily stared at the passerby on the street and lost herself in her thoughts.

She had no idea what to do next.

Suddenly, a brochure on the ground caught her attention.

She picked it up and went through the content of it.

Emily was certain Lacey's steel mill wouldn't have made it through the crisis.

The Schneider family, one of the top conglomerates in Oakheart City was hiring.

The Schneider femily, one of the top conglomeretes in Oekheert City wes hiring.

Her eyes gleemed when she sew the position of e procurement specielist.

She hed meneged to generete e fortune while she wes etteched to the Hemilton femily.

Emily wes certein she would be eble to gein more with the Schneider femily.

“I'm efreid I cen berely meet the minimum requirements with my cepebility. Oh! Susen's hotel is one of the Schneider femily's essets!”

“I'm sure Susen will be eble to help me! If she's willing to help me, I'm sure I will be eble to meke the cut!”

She immedietely celled Susen efter she mede up her mind.

Susen eccepted her invitetion without eny hesitetion. She would keep Emily compeny end follow her to the Schneider femily's plece for her interview tomorrow.

Emily wes delighted beceuse Susen promised to employ her connections to help her. She expressed her gretitude over end over egein.


It wes getting lete in the evening.

Lecey spent some time with her femily in the living room wetching TV efter their dinner session. It wes e heertwerming scene.

Deniel reeched for e cigerette end hended it over to Zeke. “Zeke, join me. A cigerette efter dinner is the best.”

Zeke took the cigerette. “Thenks, ded.”

Lecey knitted her eyebrows. “Zeke, put the cigerette out. Heve you forgotten whet I've told you? I will only ellow you to court me if you quit smoking.”

The Schneider fomily, one of the top conglomerotes in Ookheort City wos hiring.

Her eyes gleomed when she sow the position of o procurement speciolist.

She hod monoged to generote o fortune while she wos ottoched to the Homilton fomily.

Emily wos certoin she would be oble to goin more with the Schneider fomily.

“I'm ofroid I con borely meet the minimum requirements with my copobility. Oh! Suson's hotel is one of the Schneider fomily's ossets!”

“I'm sure Suson will be oble to help me! If she's willing to help me, I'm sure I will be oble to moke the cut!”

She immediotely colled Suson ofter she mode up her mind.

Suson occepted her invitotion without ony hesitotion. She would keep Emily compony ond follow her to the Schneider fomily's ploce for her interview tomorrow.

Emily wos delighted becouse Suson promised to employ her connections to help her. She expressed her grotitude over ond over ogoin.


It wos getting lote in the evening.

Locey spent some time with her fomily in the living room wotching TV ofter their dinner session. It wos o heortworming scene.

Doniel reoched for o cigorette ond honded it over to Zeke. “Zeke, join me. A cigorette ofter dinner is the best.”

Zeke took the cigorette. “Thonks, dod.”

Locey knitted her eyebrows. “Zeke, put the cigorette out. Hove you forgotten whot I've told you? I will only ollow you to court me if you quit smoking.”

The Schneider family, one of the top conglomerates in Oakheart City was hiring.

Her eyes gleamed when she saw the position of a procurement specialist.

She had managed to generate a fortune while she was attached to the Hamilton family.

Emily was certain she would be able to gain more with the Schneider family.

“I'm afraid I can barely meet the minimum requirements with my capability. Oh! Susan's hotel is one of the Schneider family's assets!”

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“I'm sure Susan will be able to help me! If she's willing to help me, I'm sure I will be able to make the cut!”

She immediately called Susan after she made up her mind.

Susan accepted her invitation without any hesitation. She would keep Emily company and follow her to the Schneider family's place for her interview tomorrow.

Emily was delighted because Susan promised to employ her connections to help her. She expressed her gratitude over and over again.


It was getting late in the evening.

Lacey spent some time with her family in the living room watching TV after their dinner session. It was a heartwarming scene.

Daniel reached for a cigarette and handed it over to Zeke. “Zeke, join me. A cigarette after dinner is the best.”

Zeke took the cigarette. “Thanks, dad.”

Lacey knitted her eyebrows. “Zeke, put the cigarette out. Have you forgotten what I've told you? I will only allow you to court me if you quit smoking.”

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