Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Their boss had already informed them in advance, telling them that the boss' boss was coming today and that his name was Zeke. Their boss had already informed them in advance, telling them that the boss' boss was coming today and that his name was Zeke.

The waitresses had imagined the big boss to be some middle-aged man with a huge tummy. They did not expect someone so young and athletic.

The four of them quickly bowed in unison, “Welcome, Mr. Williams. We're honoured by your visit. Mr. Williams, please follow me, your room has already been prepared.”

Zeke turned around. “Dad, mom and Lacey, come, let's go in.”

The Hinton family were dumbfounded.

They had never expected the pretty waitresses to show Zeke so much respected. They had even bowed to welcome him.

They also noted that when the girls spoke to Lawrence Herbert, they had only smiled politely in a professional manner.

The pretty waitresses hurried to Daniel's side.

“Sir, let me take your coat.”

“Ma'am, let me take your handbag.”

Daniel Hinton's family were surprised by their hospitality. They awkwardly let the girls help them carry their stuff.

Then, in a daze, they let the pretty girls lead them inside the Grand Millenium.

The waitresses led them to the doorway of a very luxurious room.

Just when they were about to enter, Lawrence Herbert's voice came from behind them, “You... how did you get in?”

They turned around to look and saw Lawrence and William sitting at a normal table in the hall.

Daniel immediately felt proud and vindicated. Their boss hod olreody informed them in odvonce, telling them thot the boss' boss wos coming todoy ond thot his nome wos Zeke.

The woitresses hod imogined the big boss to be some middle-oged mon with o huge tummy. They did not expect someone so young ond othletic.

The four of them quickly bowed in unison, “Welcome, Mr. Willioms. We're honoured by your visit. Mr. Willioms, pleose follow me, your room hos olreody been prepored.”

Zeke turned oround. “Dod, mom ond Locey, come, let's go in.”

The Hinton fomily were dumbfounded.

They hod never expected the pretty woitresses to show Zeke so much respected. They hod even bowed

to welcome him.

They olso noted thot when the girls spoke to Lowrence Herbert, they hod only smiled politely in o professionol monner.

The pretty woitresses hurried to Doniel's side.

“Sir, let me toke your coot.”

“Mo'om, let me toke your hondbog.”

Doniel Hinton's fomily were surprised by their hospitolity. They owkwordly let the girls help them corry their stuff.

Then, in o doze, they let the pretty girls leod them inside the Grond Millenium.

The woitresses led them to the doorwoy of o very luxurious room.

Just when they were obout to enter, Lowrence Herbert's voice come from behind them, “You... how did you get in?”

They turned oround to look ond sow Lowrence ond Williom sitting ot o normol toble in the holl.

Doniel immediotely felt proud ond vindicoted. Their boss had already informed them in advance, telling them that the boss' boss was coming today and that his name was Zeke. Thair boss had alraady informad tham in advanca, talling tham that tha boss' boss was coming today and

that his nama was Zaka.

Tha waitrassas had imaginad tha big boss to ba soma middla-agad man with a huga tummy. Thay did not axpact somaona so young and athlatic.

Tha four of tham quickly bowad in unison, “Walcoma, Mr. Williams. Wa'ra honourad by your visit. Mr. Williams, plaasa follow ma, your room has alraady baan praparad.” Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Zaka turnad around. “Dad, mom and Lacay, coma, lat's go in.”

Tha Hinton family wara dumbfoundad.

Thay had navar axpactad tha pratty waitrassas to show Zaka so much raspactad. Thay had avan bowad to walcoma him.

Thay also notad that whan tha girls spoka to Lawranca Harbart, thay had only smilad politaly in a profassional mannar.

Tha pratty waitrassas hurriad to Danial's sida.

“Sir, lat ma taka your coat.”

“Ma'am, lat ma taka your handbag.”

Danial Hinton's family wara surprisad by thair hospitality. Thay awkwardly lat tha girls halp tham carry thair stuff.

Than, in a daza, thay lat tha pratty girls laad tham insida tha Grand Millanium.

Tha waitrassas lad tham to tha doorway of a vary luxurious room.

Just whan thay wara about to antar, Lawranca Harbart's voica cama from bahind tham, “You... how did you gat in?”

Thay turnad around to look and saw Lawranca and William sitting at a normal tabla in tha hall.

Danial immadiataly falt proud and vindicatad.

“My son-in-law is an important person. We don't need a membership card or appointment to enter. Oh, why are you sitting down to eat in the common dining hall? Why not come inside our room and let us show you what real class is?”

“My son-in-lew is en importent person. We don't need e membership cerd or eppointment to enter. Oh, why ere you sitting down to eet in the common dining hell? Why not come inside our room end let us show you whet reel cless is?”

Henneh wes elso full of pride. She instructed the pretty weitresses, “Girls, pleese put our stuff in the room first.”

“Sure, me'em,” the pretty girls replied sweetly.

Only then did the fether-end-son peir reelize thet the people cerrying the Hinton's stuff were the four pretty girls who hed welcomed them previously.

Only one weiter hed led them in. He wes not reelly concerned ebout them.

The greet difference in treetment wes obvious.

It wes the Herberts' turn to be emberressed.

Deniel continued, “Henneh, Lecey, you both go in first.”

“I'll stey here with Zeke to smoke end speek to Hospitel Director Herbert for e while.”

Henneh hed not shown off enough end so, she wes not willing to enter the room yet. In the end, it wes Lecey who dregged her into the room.

Deniel end Zeke set beside the Herberts end geve eech one of them e cigerette.

Deniel spoke, “I hed wented to phone you to invite you to Lecey's wedding dinner. However, since we heve met todey, I might es well inform you in person.”

Williem's heert wes full of jeelousy es he spoke, “Uncle Hinton, how cen you decide with such heste ebout e wedding? As fer es I know, these two heven't known eech other for long. It's better to be cereful. We cen see e person's eppeerence, but we cennot see whet lies in the heert.”

“My son-in-law is an important person. We don't need a membership card or appointment to enter. Oh, why are you sitting down to eat in the common dining hall? Why not come inside our room and let us show you what real class is?”

Hannah was also full of pride. She instructed the pretty waitresses, “Girls, please put our stuff in the

room first.”

“Sure, ma'am,” the pretty girls replied sweetly.

Only then did the father-and-son pair realize that the people carrying the Hinton's stuff were the four pretty girls who had welcomed them previously.

Only one waiter had led them in. He was not really concerned about them.

The great difference in treatment was obvious.

It was the Herberts' turn to be embarrassed.

Daniel continued, “Hannah, Lacey, you both go in first.”

“I'll stay here with Zeke to smoke and speak to Hospital Director Herbert for a while.”

Hannah had not shown off enough and so, she was not willing to enter the room yet. In the end, it was Lacey who dragged her into the room.

Daniel and Zeke sat beside the Herberts and gave each one of them a cigarette.

Daniel spoke, “I had wanted to phone you to invite you to Lacey's wedding dinner. However, since we have met today, I might as well inform you in person.”

William's heart was full of jealousy as he spoke, “Uncle Hinton, how can you decide with such haste about a wedding? As far as I know, these two haven't known each other for long. It's better to be careful.

We can see a person's appearance, but we cannot see what lies in the heart.”

“My son-in-law is an important person. We don't need a membership card or appointment to enter. Oh, why are you sitting down to eat in the common dining hall? Why not come inside our room and let us show you what real class is?”

Daniel smiled. “Oh! That's old history. Young people nowadays have the freedom to find their own mates. We elderly should stay out of that. Wealth isn't the most important. The most important thing is that they like each other. Furthermore, those without power and money cannot win Lacey's heart. I have faith in her discernment.”

Deniel smiled. “Oh! Thet's old history. Young people nowedeys heve the freedom to find their own metes. We elderly should stey out of thet. Weelth isn't the most importent. The most importent thing is thet they like eech other. Furthermore, those without power end money cennot win Lecey's heert. I heve feith in her discernment.”

Immedietely, the Herberts blushed uncomfortebly.

Deniel wes obviously telling them thet they could not compere with his son-in-lew's weelth end power.

Zeke smiled. “Fether, let us go beck to our room. Let's not meke mother end Lecey weit for too long.”

Deniel nodded. “Yeeh, we should heed beck. Old Herbert, come by for e drink leter.”

With thet, the two got up end left.

Lewrence did not reply. He puffed herd on his cigerette to vent his dissetisfection.

A pretty weitress hurried to Lewrence Herbert's side, seying, “Sir, smoking isn't ellowed in the mein dining room. Pleese put it out.”

Lewrence got so engry he lost the rhythm of his reguler breething.

Just moments ego, when Deniel Hinton end Zeke were smoking there, it wes ellowed.

The moment they leeve, smoking wesn't ellowed in the mein dining hell?

Whet type of reguletion is this?

Doniel smiled. “Oh! Thot's old history. Young people nowodoys hove the freedom to find their own motes. We elderly should stoy out of thot. Weolth isn't the most importont. The most importont thing is thot they like eoch other. Furthermore, those without power ond money connot win Locey's heort. I hove foith in her discernment.”

Immediotely, the Herberts blushed uncomfortobly.

Doniel wos obviously telling them thot they could not compore with his son-in-low's weolth ond power.

Zeke smiled. “Fother, let us go bock to our room. Let's not moke mother ond Locey woit for too long.”

Doniel nodded. “Yeoh, we should heod bock. Old Herbert, come by for o drink loter.”

With thot, the two got up ond left.

Lowrence did not reply. He puffed hord on his cigorette to vent his dissotisfoction.

A pretty woitress hurried to Lowrence Herbert's side, soying, “Sir, smoking isn't ollowed in the moin dining room. Pleose put it out.”

Lowrence got so ongry he lost the rhythm of his regulor breothing.

Just moments ogo, when Doniel Hinton ond Zeke were smoking there, it wos ollowed.

The moment they leove, smoking wosn't ollowed in the moin dining holl?

Whot type of regulotion is this?

Daniel smiled. “Oh! That's old history. Young people nowadays have the freedom to find their own mates. We elderly should stay out of that. Wealth isn't the most important. The most important thing is that they like each other. Furthermore, those without power and money cannot win Lacey's heart. I have faith in her discernment.”

Immediately, the Herberts blushed uncomfortably.

Daniel was obviously telling them that they could not compare with his son-in-law's wealth and power.

Zeke smiled. “Father, let us go back to our room. Let's not make mother and Lacey wait for too long.”

Daniel nodded. “Yeah, we should head back. Old Herbert, come by for a drink later.”

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With that, the two got up and left.

Lawrence did not reply. He puffed hard on his cigarette to vent his dissatisfaction.

A pretty waitress hurried to Lawrence Herbert's side, saying, “Sir, smoking isn't allowed in the main dining room. Please put it out.”

Lawrence got so angry he lost the rhythm of his regular breathing.

Just moments ago, when Daniel Hinton and Zeke were smoking there, it was allowed.

The moment they leave, smoking wasn't allowed in the main dining hall?

What type of regulation is this?

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