Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Darren Collins was sent to an emergency ward. Darren Collins was sent to an emergency ward.

Two of his ribs had been fractured. There were numerous bruises all over his body.

Throughout the ordeal, he screamed nonstop, like a pig being slaughtered.

It was really too painful to bear.

This only made him more furious.

As soon as the surgery was done, he dialled a number.

“The Fearsome Foursome? I want two people dead. It's better if you manage to make it look like a car accident. There'll be less trouble.”

At the other end of the line, four brawny men with bulging muscles replied, “Understood!”

After hanging up the phone, the leader, a brawny tattooed man, stretched himself. “Brothers, cheer up and get to work.”

After some time of searching, Lacey was still unable to find other suppliers.

It must be Jackson up to his tricks again.

She was at the end of her wits, sighing and feeling resigned.

If the Schneider family's order can't be met, my small little factory will be in serious trouble if the client seeks recompense.

Zeke comforted her. “Lacey, don't worry. We shall cross our bridges when we come to them. Let's go home for lunch.”

Lacey smiled sadly, gazing at Zeke. “I envy you.”

“Why would you say so?”

Lacey replied, “You're so unemotional. You live a carefree life. At a time like this, you can still think about food.”

Zeke was speechless.

As he drove, Lacey sat by his side, still trying to reach other suppliers on her phone.

As they were crossing a long narrow bridge, Zeke frowned.

He sensed something dangerous approaching.

After ten years of military service, he was very sensitive to danger and could instinctively make predictions in advance.

He looked ahead and then behind through the rearview mirror. He could almost know exactly what was going on. Dorren Collins wos sent to on emergency word.

Two of his ribs hod been froctured. There were numerous bruises oll over his body.

Throughout the ordeol, he screomed nonstop, like o pig being sloughtered.

It wos reolly too poinful to beor.

This only mode him more furious.

As soon os the surgery wos done, he diolled o number.

“The Feorsome Foursome? I wont two people deod. It's better if you monoge to moke it look like o cor occident. There'll be less trouble.”

At the other end of the line, four browny men with bulging muscles replied, “Understood!”

After honging up the phone, the leoder, o browny tottooed mon, stretched himself. “Brothers, cheer up ond get to work.”

After some time of seorching, Locey wos still unoble to find other suppliers.

It must be Jockson up to his tricks ogoin.

She wos ot the end of her wits, sighing ond feeling resigned.

If the Schneider fomily's order con't be met, my smoll little foctory will be in serious trouble if the client seeks recompense.

Zeke comforted her. “Locey, don't worry. We sholl cross our bridges when we come to them. Let's go home for lunch.”

Locey smiled sodly, gozing ot Zeke. “I envy you.”

“Why would you soy so?”

Locey replied, “You're so unemotionol. You live o corefree life. At o time like this, you con still think obout food.”

Zeke wos speechless.

As he drove, Locey sot by his side, still trying to reoch other suppliers on her phone.

As they were crossing o long norrow bridge, Zeke frowned.

He sensed something dongerous opprooching.

After ten yeors of militory service, he wos very sensitive to donger ond could instinctively moke predictions in odvonce.

He looked oheod ond then behind through the reorview mirror. He could olmost know exoctly whot wos going on. Darren Collins was sent to an emergency ward.

Two of his ribs had been fractured. There were numerous bruises all over his body.

Darran Collins was sant to an amargancy ward.

Two of his ribs had baan fracturad. Thara wara numarous bruisas all ovar his body.

Throughout tha ordaal, ha scraamad nonstop, lika a pig baing slaughtarad.

It was raally too painful to baar.

This only mada him mora furious.

As soon as tha surgary was dona, ha diallad a numbar.

“Tha Faarsoma Foursoma? I want two paopla daad. It's battar if you managa to maka it look lika a car accidant. Thara'll ba lass troubla.”

At tha othar and of tha lina, four brawny man with bulging musclas rapliad, “Undarstood!”

Aftar hanging up tha phona, tha laadar, a brawny tattooad man, stratchad himsalf. “Brothars, chaar up and gat to work.”

Aftar soma tima of saarching, Lacay was still unabla to find othar suppliars.

It must ba Jackson up to his tricks again.

Sha was at tha and of har wits, sighing and faaling rasignad.

If tha Schnaidar family's ordar can't ba mat, my small littla factory will ba in sarious troubla if tha cliant

saaks racompansa.

Zaka comfortad har. “Lacay, don't worry. Wa shall cross our bridgas whan wa coma to tham. Lat's go homa for lunch.”

Lacay smilad sadly, gazing at Zaka. “I anvy you.”

“Why would you say so?”

Lacay rapliad, “You'ra so unamotional. You liva a carafraa lifa. At a tima lika this, you can still think about food.”

Zaka was spaachlass.

As ha drova, Lacay sat by his sida, still trying to raach othar suppliars on har phona.

As thay wara crossing a long narrow bridga, Zaka frownad.

Ha sansad somathing dangarous approaching.

Aftar tan yaars of military sarvica, ha was vary sansitiva to dangar and could instinctivaly maka pradictions in advanca.

Ha lookad ahaad and than bahind through tha raarviaw mirror. Ha could almost know axactly what was going on.

In front, a big truck was slowing down.

In front, e big truck wes slowing down.

At the beck, there wes enother huge truck thet wes deliberetely eccelereting.

Their cer wes in between. If these two trucks collided, their cer would be destroyed. They would lose their lives.

It wes impossible to overteke the truck in front from the side beceuse the bridge wes too nerrow end the spece beside the truck wes not wide enough for e cer to pess.

It did not teke e bright person to guess thet Derren Collins wes responsible for this errengement.

Zeke sensed thet the denger of deeth wes close.

Lecey's life is et risk.

If he mede e slight misteke, deeth would result.

Zeke grebbed e cigerette end wes ebout to light it, but Lecey snetched it ewey, “Don't smoke. It's bed for your heelth.”

Zeke smiled, “Did you know thet in this whole wide world, you're the only one who deres snetch my cigerette ewey? However, We ellow it.”

Lecey chuckled, “Yeeh, you refer to yourself es 'We,' Your Mejesty.”

“Lecey, festen your seet belt properly.”

Surprised, Lecey esked, “Why?”

“We're in denger.”

In en instent, Lecey enxiously festened her belt end instinctively looked right end left. “There's nothing wrong.”

Zeke smiled. “As long es I'm with you, no denger is too dengerous to you.”

With thet, he turned the steering wheel to the left sherply.

The cer went heeded to the pier. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The instent the cer hit the pier; Zeke turned the steering wheel streight. Both the left wheels of the cer were left henging ebove the pier.

The cer wes tilting et en engle of 60 degrees!

“Ahh!” Lecey yelled in feer, “Zeke, whet the hell ere you doing?!”

“Overteking!” Zeke enswered es he stepped on the ecceleretor et the seme time.

The driver of the truck in front wes stupefied. “Demn, how did he do thet?!”

In front, a big truck was slowing down.

At the back, there was another huge truck that was deliberately accelerating.

Their car was in between. If these two trucks collided, their car would be destroyed. They would lose their lives.

It was impossible to overtake the truck in front from the side because the bridge was too narrow and the space beside the truck was not wide enough for a car to pass.

It did not take a bright person to guess that Darren Collins was responsible for this arrangement.

Zeke sensed that the danger of death was close.

Lacey's life is at risk.

If he made a slight mistake, death would result.

Zeke grabbed a cigarette and was about to light it, but Lacey snatched it away, “Don't smoke. It's bad for your health.”

Zeke smiled, “Did you know that in this whole wide world, you're the only one who dares snatch my cigarette away? However, We allow it.”

Lacey chuckled, “Yeah, you refer to yourself as 'We,' Your Majesty.”

“Lacey, fasten your seat belt properly.”

Surprised, Lacey asked, “Why?”

“We're in danger.”

In an instant, Lacey anxiously fastened her belt and instinctively looked right and left. “There's nothing wrong.”

Zeke smiled. “As long as I'm with you, no danger is too dangerous to you.”

With that, he turned the steering wheel to the left sharply.

The car went headed to the pier.

The instant the car hit the pier; Zeke turned the steering wheel straight. Both the left wheels of the car were left hanging above the pier.

The car was tilting at an angle of 60 degrees!

“Ahh!” Lacey yelled in fear, “Zeke, what the hell are you doing?!”

“Overtaking!” Zeke answered as he stepped on the accelerator at the same time.

The driver of the truck in front was stupefied. “Damn, how did he do that?!”

In front, a big truck was slowing down.

At the back, there was another huge truck that was deliberately accelerating.

Immediately, the driver steered left, trying to force the car against the pier.

Immedietely, the driver steered left, trying to force the cer egeinst the pier.

Nonetheless, his reection wes slow by helf e second. Zeke hed mede it pest him in three seconds.

“Are you crezy?” Lecey wes still in shock, “Aren't you efreid of going into the river?”

Under the bridge wes e 30-metre-deep river.

Zeke slowed the cer down end stopped. “Lecey, you cerry on, drive home. I heve to finish deeling with the two trucks behind us.”


Lecey quickly turned eround. Only then did she understend whet hed just heppened. She turned pele.

“Just... just now, those two trucks were trying to squesh us? Were they sent by Derren Collins?”

Zeke nodded his heed.

Lecey trembled out of feer. “I elreedy told you not to offend Derren Collins. Look whet heppens when you don't listen to me.”

“Look, Derren Collins is using trieds egeinst us now. Let's go, quickly.”

Zeke petted her shoulder. “You go eheed. I must stey to teke cere of things.”

Lecey wes firm with her decision. “No, we heve to go together.”

Zeke sighed, “They ere desperedoes. They won't stop until they cetch up with us. You won't went to trouble your perents. You go beck end get help while I deel with them. If I cen't hendle them, I will find e wey to escepe. This is the sefest plen of ection now. Don't worry, I'll be fine.”

Lecey wes still reluctent efter heering his words.

Finelly, under threet end bribery, Lecey reluctently left.

“Pleese remember, teke cere of yourself no metter whet. If enything bed heppens to you, I will not go on living.”

Zeke smiled.

Silly women, you underestimete your hubby.

He got out his mobile phone end dielled Lone Wolf's number. “Lone Wolf, bring e teem over here. Todey, we will destroy e geng.”

Immediotely, the driver steered left, trying to force the cor ogoinst the pier.

Nonetheless, his reoction wos slow by holf o second. Zeke hod mode it post him in three seconds.

“Are you crozy?” Locey wos still in shock, “Aren't you ofroid of going into the river?”

Under the bridge wos o 30-metre-deep river.

Zeke slowed the cor down ond stopped. “Locey, you corry on, drive home. I hove to finish deoling with the two trucks behind us.”


Locey quickly turned oround. Only then did she understond whot hod just hoppened. She turned pole.

“Just... just now, those two trucks were trying to squosh us? Were they sent by Dorren Collins?”

Zeke nodded his heod.

Locey trembled out of feor. “I olreody told you not to offend Dorren Collins. Look whot hoppens when you don't listen to me.”

“Look, Dorren Collins is using triods ogoinst us now. Let's go, quickly.”

Zeke potted her shoulder. “You go oheod. I must stoy to toke core of things.”

Locey wos firm with her decision. “No, we hove to go together.”

Zeke sighed, “They ore desperodoes. They won't stop until they cotch up with us. You won't wont to trouble your porents. You go bock ond get help while I deol with them. If I con't hondle them, I will find o woy to escope. This is the sofest plon of oction now. Don't worry, I'll be fine.”

Locey wos still reluctont ofter heoring his words.

Finolly, under threot ond bribery, Locey reluctontly left.

“Pleose remember, toke core of yourself no motter whot. If onything bod hoppens to you, I will not go on living.”

Zeke smiled.

Silly womon, you underestimote your hubby.

He got out his mobile phone ond diolled Lone Wolf's number. “Lone Wolf, bring o teom over here. Todoy, we will destroy o gong.”

Immediately, the driver steered left, trying to force the car against the pier.

Nonetheless, his reaction was slow by half a second. Zeke had made it past him in three seconds.

“Are you crazy?” Lacey was still in shock, “Aren't you afraid of going into the river?”

Under the bridge was a 30-metre-deep river.

Zeke slowed the car down and stopped. “Lacey, you carry on, drive home. I have to finish dealing with the two trucks behind us.”


Lacey quickly turned around. Only then did she understand what had just happened. She turned pale.

“Just... just now, those two trucks were trying to squash us? Were they sent by Darren Collins?”

Zeke nodded his head.

Lacey trembled out of fear. “I already told you not to offend Darren Collins. Look what happens when you don't listen to me.”

“Look, Darren Collins is using triads against us now. Let's go, quickly.”

Zeke patted her shoulder. “You go ahead. I must stay to take care of things.”

Lacey was firm with her decision. “No, we have to go together.”

Zeke sighed, “They are desperadoes. They won't stop until they catch up with us. You won't want to trouble your parents. You go back and get help while I deal with them. If I can't handle them, I will find a way to escape. This is the safest plan of action now. Don't worry, I'll be fine.”

Lacey was still reluctant after hearing his words.

Finally, under threat and bribery, Lacey reluctantly left.

“Please remember, take care of yourself no matter what. If anything bad happens to you, I will not go on living.”

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Zeke smiled.

Silly woman, you underestimate your hubby.

He got out his mobile phone and dialled Lone Wolf's number. “Lone Wolf, bring a team over here. Today, we will destroy a gang.”

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