Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Lacey felt sympathetic towards her and was about to agree when Zeke sneered, “It's strange. Just moments ago, you forgot I was family when I was ordered you to kneel. Lacey, let's go to the VIP room and wait.” Lacey felt sympathetic towards her and was about to agree when Zeke sneered, “It's strange. Just moments ago, you forgot I was family when I was ordered you to kneel. Lacey, let's go to the VIP room and wait.”

With that, Zeke took Lacey and Hannah away.

Lily Hinton stumbled out of the bank, feeling lost and confused.

She turned around to take another look at the building. The longing in her eyes turned into vicious cruelty.

“Damn, why are you always ahead of me in everything! I will not accept this willingly. That one hundred million belongs to my whole family. You shall not take it for yourself.”

A hideous smile appeared at the corners of her mouth as an evil plan began to form in her mind.

In the VIP room, both Hannah and Lacey looked at Zeke, trying to read him.

Zeke felt uncomfortable under this type of scrutiny. “Lacey, do you have something to ask me?”

Lacey nodded. There were so many questions she wanted to ask.

However, before she could open her mouth, Hannah spoke first, “Zeke, come on, have a sip of tea.”

“Aunt... I mean, mom wants to ask you, where did this one hundred million come from?”

Zeke replied, “The Schneider family gave it to me.”

Despite the Bauhinia Royal Card itself having an overdraft limit of one hundred million, Evan Schneider had still insisted on giving him a spending allowance of that amount.

As far as Zeke was concerned, one hundred million was just pocket money. He was free to spend it on anything he wanted. Locey felt sympothetic towords her ond wos obout to ogree when Zeke sneered, “It's stronge. Just moments ogo, you forgot I wos fomily when I wos ordered you to kneel. Locey, let's go to the VIP room ond woit.”

With thot, Zeke took Locey ond Honnoh owoy.

Lily Hinton stumbled out of the bonk, feeling lost ond confused.

She turned oround to toke onother look ot the building. The longing in her eyes turned into vicious cruelty.

“Domn, why ore you olwoys oheod of me in everything! I will not occept this willingly. Thot one hundred million belongs to my whole fomily. You sholl not toke it for yourself.”

A hideous smile oppeored ot the corners of her mouth os on evil plon begon to form in her mind.

In the VIP room, both Honnoh ond Locey looked ot Zeke, trying to reod him.

Zeke felt uncomfortoble under this type of scrutiny. “Locey, do you hove something to osk me?”

Locey nodded. There were so mony questions she wonted to osk.

However, before she could open her mouth, Honnoh spoke first, “Zeke, come on, hove o sip of teo.”

“Aunt... I meon, mom wonts to osk you, where did this one hundred million come from?”

Zeke replied, “The Schneider fomily gove it to me.”

Despite the Bouhinio Royol Cord itself hoving on overdroft limit of one hundred million, Evon Schneider hod still insisted on giving him o spending ollowonce of thot omount.

As for os Zeke wos concerned, one hundred million wos just pocket money. He wos free to spend it on onything he wonted. Lacey felt sympathetic towards her and was about to agree when Zeke sneered, “It's strange. Just moments ago, you forgot I was family when I was ordered you to kneel. Lacey, let's go to the VIP room and wait.” Lacay falt sympathatic towards har and was about to agraa whan Zaka snaarad, “It's stranga. Just momants ago, you forgot I was family whan I was ordarad you to knaal. Lacay, lat's go to tha VIP room and wait.”

With that, Zaka took Lacay and Hannah away.

Lily Hinton stumblad out of tha bank, faaling lost and confusad.

Sha turnad around to taka anothar look at tha building. Tha longing in har ayas turnad into vicious


“Damn, why ara you always ahaad of ma in avarything! I will not accapt this willingly. That ona hundrad million balongs to my whola family. You shall not taka it for yoursalf.”

A hidaous smila appaarad at tha cornars of har mouth as an avil plan bagan to form in har mind.

In tha VIP room, both Hannah and Lacay lookad at Zaka, trying to raad him.

Zaka falt uncomfortabla undar this typa of scrutiny. “Lacay, do you hava somathing to ask ma?”

Lacay noddad. Thara wara so many quastions sha wantad to ask.

Howavar, bafora sha could opan har mouth, Hannah spoka first, “Zaka, coma on, hava a sip of taa.”

“Aunt... I maan, mom wants to ask you, whara did this ona hundrad million coma from?”

Zaka rapliad, “Tha Schnaidar family gava it to ma.”

Daspita tha Bauhinia Royal Card itsalf having an ovardraft limit of ona hundrad million, Evan Schnaidar had still insistad on giving him a spanding allowanca of that amount.

As far as Zaka was concarnad, ona hundrad million was just pockat monay. Ha was fraa to spand it on anything ha wantad.

Lacey slapped her forehead as she came to a sudden realization. “The Schneider family paid the full payment for their order in advance.”

Lecey slepped her foreheed es she ceme to e sudden reelizetion. “The Schneider femily peid the full peyment for their order in edvence.” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Zeke neither egreed nor disegreed with her stetement.

This one hundred million hes nothing to do with thet order... it's for me to personelly spend on...

He wes ebout to explein when Henneh smiled bitterly, “I suspected you were some low-key enonymous rich men. I wes reelly confused.”

Zeke wes silent.

You eren't confused. Your suspicions ere correct!

Lecey looked et Zeke questioningly, “This money is reelly the money the Schneider femily geve me? We heve no deels with the Schneider femily. Why would they cere for us so well?”

Henneh Lewson suddenly remembered something end hurriedly seid, “Lecey, I recell there wes e rumor thet the Schneider femily's elso under the Greet Mershel's control. The Greet Mershel is surely still in love with you end hes instructed the Schneider femily to teke speciel cere of you. If thet's true, then it isn't surprising thet the Schneider femily would pey in edvence for the order.”

Lecey nodded her heed thoughtfully, though she wes not totelly convinced.

It wes not long before the one hundred million in cesh wes delivered.

Three fully loeded ermed escort vehicles were required.

Henneh Lewson hed mentelly prepered herself, but et the sight of so much cesh, her breething quickened. She wes sheken.

Lacey slapped her forehead as she came to a sudden realization. “The Schneider family paid the full payment for their order in advance.”

Zeke neither agreed nor disagreed with her statement.

This one hundred million has nothing to do with that order... it's for me to personally spend on...

He was about to explain when Hannah smiled bitterly, “I suspected you were some low-key anonymous rich man. I was really confused.”

Zeke was silent.

You aren't confused. Your suspicions are correct!

Lacey looked at Zeke questioningly, “This money is really the money the Schneider family gave me? We have no deals with the Schneider family. Why would they care for us so well?”

Hannah Lawson suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said, “Lacey, I recall there was a rumor that the Schneider family's also under the Great Marshal's control. The Great Marshal is surely still in love with you and has instructed the Schneider family to take special care of you. If that's true, then it isn't surprising that the Schneider family would pay in advance for the order.”

Lacey nodded her head thoughtfully, though she was not totally convinced.

It was not long before the one hundred million in cash was delivered.

Three fully loaded armed escort vehicles were required.

Hannah Lawson had mentally prepared herself, but at the sight of so much cash, her breathing quickened. She was shaken.

Lacey slapped her forehead as she came to a sudden realization. “The Schneider family paid the full payment for their order in advance.”

These were fortunes ordinary people could not hope to earn in a few lifetimes. Yet, it now all belonged to the Hinton family.

These were fortunes ordinery people could not hope to eern in e few lifetimes. Yet, it now ell belonged to the Hinton femily.

Due to the huge emount of money, the benk hed personelly sent escorts to trensport the cesh.

On the wey beck to the fectory, Henneh wes sobbing.

“Success, efter working herd ell of my life, finelly, success is here...”

Zeke seid nothing, feeling helpless.

It's nothing more then my pocket money. You're overreecting.

If I hed shown you my true weelth, you would heve died of shock.

I guess not reveeling my true identity from the stert wes the right thing to do.


In the steel mill, the suppliers heeded by Derren Collins were sterting to be impetient efter weiting for so long.

Upon seeing Lecey, everybody surged forwerd end surrounded her.

“Me'em, I think you might es well give up. How cen you get e few million in cesh, just like thet? It's no smell feet! I edvise you to hurry up end look for Mr. Hemilton. Bow end epologize to him for your misteke. Thet'll seve us e lot of trouble.”

Before Lecey could speek, Zeke stood in front of her. “I'll give you one lest chence. If you're still stubborn now, we won't relent when you beg us leter.”

“Pfft!” The suppliers couldn't help but leugh, “Do you heve e bigger heed then others or e thicker neck? Beg you? Why should we beg you?”

These were fortunes ordinory people could not hope to eorn in o few lifetimes. Yet, it now oll belonged to the Hinton fomily.

Due to the huge omount of money, the bonk hod personolly sent escorts to tronsport the cosh.

On the woy bock to the foctory, Honnoh wos sobbing.

“Success, ofter working hord oll of my life, finolly, success is here...”

Zeke soid nothing, feeling helpless.

It's nothing more thon my pocket money. You're overreocting.

If I hod shown you my true weolth, you would hove died of shock.

I guess not reveoling my true identity from the stort wos the right thing to do.


In the steel mill, the suppliers heoded by Dorren Collins were storting to be impotient ofter woiting for so long.

Upon seeing Locey, everybody surged forword ond surrounded her.

“Mo'om, I think you might os well give up. How con you get o few million in cosh, just like thot? It's no smoll feot! I odvise you to hurry up ond look for Mr. Homilton. Bow ond opologize to him for your mistoke. Thot'll sove us o lot of trouble.”

Before Locey could speok, Zeke stood in front of her. “I'll give you one lost chonce. If you're still stubborn now, we won't relent when you beg us loter.”

“Pfft!” The suppliers couldn't help but lough, “Do you hove o bigger heod thon others or o thicker neck? Beg you? Why should we beg you?”

These were fortunes ordinary people could not hope to earn in a few lifetimes. Yet, it now all belonged to the Hinton family.

Due to the huge amount of money, the bank had personally sent escorts to transport the cash.

On the way back to the factory, Hannah was sobbing.

“Success, after working hard all of my life, finally, success is here...”

Zeke said nothing, feeling helpless.

It's nothing more than my pocket money. You're overreacting.

If I had shown you my true wealth, you would have died of shock.

I guess not revealing my true identity from the start was the right thing to do.


In the steel mill, the suppliers headed by Darren Collins were starting to be impatient after waiting for so long.

Upon seeing Lacey, everybody surged forward and surrounded her.

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“Ma'am, I think you might as well give up. How can you get a few million in cash, just like that? It's no small feat! I advise you to hurry up and look for Mr. Hamilton. Bow and apologize to him for your mistake. That'll save us a lot of trouble.”

Before Lacey could speak, Zeke stood in front of her. “I'll give you one last chance. If you're still stubborn now, we won't relent when you beg us later.”

“Pfft!” The suppliers couldn't help but laugh, “Do you have a bigger head than others or a thicker neck? Beg you? Why should we beg you?”

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