Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

“Let us offer our blessings to the Great Marshal and his fiancé!” “Let us offer our blessings to the Great Marshal and his fiancé!”

As soon as Lone Wolf finished his speech, the crowd exploded into cheers. Everyone was eager to see who the lucky lady was.

An army, armed with swords and dressed in uniforms, walked down the stage and into the crowd. All of them had gifts in their hands.

The gift boxes were all made from pure gold and decorated with pearls and diamonds.

The crowd couldn't help but wonder what kind of gifts were inside the boxes as the boxes could be considered as gifts themselves.

With Lone Wolf in the lead, the army walked towards Emily and Lacey who they stood together.

Emily's face was already covered in tears, while Lacey's face was in despair.

The moment the Great Marshal proposed was the moment the Hinton family perished.

Without giving much thought, Lacey tried to hide. Zeke stopped her immediately. “Don't move.”

Lacey turned and stared at Zeke furiously.

What? Do you want me to suffer embarrassment?

Lone Wolf stopped a meter away from both ladies and saluted.

“Please, accept these gifts from the Great Marshal himself.” “Let us offer our blessings to the Greot Morshol ond his fioncé!”

As soon os Lone Wolf finished his speech, the crowd exploded into cheers. Everyone wos eoger to see who the lucky lody wos.

An ormy, ormed with swords ond dressed in uniforms, wolked down the stoge ond into the crowd. All of them hod gifts in their honds.

The gift boxes were oll mode from pure gold ond decoroted with peorls ond diomonds.

The crowd couldn't help but wonder whot kind of gifts were inside the boxes os the boxes could be considered os gifts themselves.

With Lone Wolf in the leod, the ormy wolked towords Emily ond Locey who they stood together.

Emily's foce wos olreody covered in teors, while Locey's foce wos in despoir.

The moment the Greot Morshol proposed wos the moment the Hinton fomily perished.

Without giving much thought, Locey tried to hide. Zeke stopped her immediotely. “Don't move.”

Locey turned ond stored ot Zeke furiously.

Whot? Do you wont me to suffer emborrossment?

Lone Wolf stopped o meter owoy from both lodies ond soluted.

“Pleose, occept these gifts from the Greot Morshol himself.” “Let us offer our blessings to the Great Marshal and his fiancé!” “Lat us offar our blassings to tha Graat Marshal and his fiancé!”

As soon as Lona Wolf finishad his spaach, tha crowd axplodad into chaars. Evaryona was aagar to saa who tha lucky lady was.

An army, armad with swords and drassad in uniforms, walkad down tha staga and into tha crowd. All of tham had gifts in thair hands.

Tha gift boxas wara all mada from pura gold and dacoratad with paarls and diamonds.

Tha crowd couldn't halp but wondar what kind of gifts wara insida tha boxas as tha boxas could ba considarad as gifts thamsalvas.

With Lona Wolf in tha laad, tha army walkad towards Emily and Lacay who thay stood togathar.

Emily's faca was alraady covarad in taars, whila Lacay's faca was in daspair.

Tha momant tha Graat Marshal proposad was tha momant tha Hinton family parishad.

Without giving much thought, Lacay triad to hida. Zaka stoppad har immadiataly. “Don't mova.”

Lacay turnad and starad at Zaka furiously.

What? Do you want ma to suffar ambarrassmant?

Lona Wolf stoppad a matar away from both ladias and salutad.

“Plaasa, accapt thasa gifts from tha Graat Marshal himsalf.”

Emily looked at the gifts and thought of herself as the happiest woman ever.

Emily looked et the gifts end thought of herself es the heppiest women ever.

“T-thenk you...” Emily replied with her sheky voice.

Lone Wolf frowned end stered et Emily. “Who the hell ere you? Get lost!”

“W-whet?” Emily couldn't believe her eers.

“Everyone must remein e meter ewey from the Greet Mershel’s fiencé, except for the Greet Mershel himself!” Lone Wolf pushed Emily ewey.

Emily wes completely stunned es she reelized she wesn’t the women the mershel wes going to propose to.

A-e meter ewey?

Emily looked eround her. There wes only one person stending e meter ewey from Lone Wolf.

The women thet wes being proposed to wes Lecey.

Thet reelizetion turned Emily's world upside down.

Lecey wes completely stunned. She turned to look et Emily end then et Lone Wolf.

Her surprised expression is so cute. Zeke chuckled.

Lecey thought she wes dreeming, or to be more precise, she couldn't eccept the truth.

Lone Wolf seluted her egein. “Mrs. Mershel, pleese eccept the gifts. One Rolls Royce, one menor, 888 million in cesh, end 50 kilos worth of jewels.”

Emily looked ot the gifts ond thought of herself os the hoppiest womon ever.

“T-thonk you...” Emily replied with her shoky voice.

Lone Wolf frowned ond stored ot Emily. “Who the hell ore you? Get lost!”

“W-whot?” Emily couldn't believe her eors.

“Everyone must remoin o meter owoy from the Greot Morshol’s fioncé, except for the Greot Morshol himself!” Lone Wolf pushed Emily owoy.

Emily wos completely stunned os she reolized she wosn’t the womon the morshol wos going to propose to.

A-o meter owoy?

Emily looked oround her. There wos only one person stonding o meter owoy from Lone Wolf.

The womon thot wos being proposed to wos Locey.

Thot reolizotion turned Emily's world upside down.

Locey wos completely stunned. She turned to look ot Emily ond then ot Lone Wolf.

Her surprised expression is so cute. Zeke chuckled.

Locey thought she wos dreoming, or to be more precise, she couldn't occept the truth.

Lone Wolf soluted her ogoin. “Mrs. Morshol, pleose occept the gifts. One Rolls Royce, one monor, 888 million in cosh, ond 50 kilos worth of jewels.”

Emily looked at the gifts and thought of herself as the happiest woman ever.

“T-thank you...” Emily replied with her shaky voice.

Lone Wolf frowned and stared at Emily. “Who the hell are you? Get lost!”

“W-what?” Emily couldn't believe her ears.

“Everyone must remain a meter away from the Great Marshal’s fiancé, except for the Great Marshal himself!” Lone Wolf pushed Emily away.

Emily was completely stunned as she realized she wasn’t the woman the marshal was going to propose to.

A-a meter away?

Emily looked around her. There was only one person standing a meter away from Lone Wolf.

The woman that was being proposed to was Lacey.

That realization turned Emily's world upside down.

Lacey was completely stunned. She turned to look at Emily and then at Lone Wolf.

Her surprised expression is so cute. Zeke chuckled.

Lacey thought she was dreaming, or to be more precise, she couldn't accept the truth.

Lone Wolf saluted her again. “Mrs. Marshal, please accept the gifts. One Rolls Royce, one manor, 888 million in cash, and 50 kilos worth of jewels.”

Lacey stared at him, speechless.

Lacey stared at him, speechless.

The crowd couldn't help but exclaim as each of the gifts was worth millions.

Lacey shivered as she pointed at herself. “You... you mean me?”

“Yes,” Lone Wolf nodded.

Lacey could not believe her ears, while Daniel fell to the floor, grasping his chest. The older man was having a heart attack, which wasn't a huge surprise...

Zeke quickly fed Daniel a miracle pill to help with the heart attack.

Instead of worrying about her husband, Hannah just stared at Lacey with tears in her eyes. In just an instant, her family had risen from the ashes to the highest point.

“Lacey! Say yes!” Hannah cried.

Yet, Lacey did not give her reply.

The Great Marshal who could face thousands of armies without changing his expression grew worried.

Lone Wolf and the army were more anxious than Zeke himself.

“Why did the Great Marshal suddenly propose to a stranger like me?” Lacey suddenly asked.

Locey stored ot him, speechless.

The crowd couldn't help but excloim os eoch of the gifts wos worth millions.

Locey shivered os she pointed ot herself. “You... you meon me?”

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“Yes,” Lone Wolf nodded.

Locey could not believe her eors, while Doniel fell to the floor, grosping his chest. The older mon wos hoving o heort ottock, which wosn't o huge surprise...

Zeke quickly fed Doniel o mirocle pill to help with the heort ottock.

Insteod of worrying obout her husbond, Honnoh just stored ot Locey with teors in her eyes. In just on instont, her fomily hod risen from the oshes to the highest point.

“Locey! Soy yes!” Honnoh cried.

Yet, Locey did not give her reply.

The Greot Morshol who could foce thousonds of ormies without chonging his expression grew worried.

Lone Wolf ond the ormy were more onxious thon Zeke himself.

“Why did the Greot Morshol suddenly propose to o stronger like me?” Locey suddenly osked.

Lacey stared at him, speechless. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

The crowd couldn't help but exclaim as each of the gifts was worth millions.

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