King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

King Alejandro The Return Of Her Cold Hearted Alpha Chapter 69 The Day Before RAYHAN

I had returned back to Uncle’s pack the day after he had called and told me to come home, I had refused, but I had finally gotten the blood count we needed plus an extra ten in case some were not viable. I couldn’t afford to lose more time; with each passing day my kitten was getting worse, I couldn’t just sit back and wait.

Seeing her state when I entered our bedroom had made my stomach plummet, the fear and worry I was feeling only worsened. She hadn’t woken up since last night.

“What was the last thing she said?” I asked Mom quietly, as I rocked Sienna. Running my other hand through Delsanra’s white hair, hair that I loved as much as the woman they belonged to. The sun shone through the window, illuminating her pale skin. If it wasn’t for the veins that covered her, it was as if she was just asleep.

“She simply said something to me, I’m not sure what time it was.” Mom said quietly, trying to keep her face blank, but I could see the emotions and the pain in her eyes. She was trying to remain strong, but it wasn’t easy. This entire situation had taken a toll on us all.

“When are we leaving?” I asked Uncle without looking up.

“Tomorrow. Janaina will finish the ritual on the dagger, so it will be ready.” He replied coldly.

His eyes were on Mom, and I frowned. Was it just me or were those two acting a little tense?

“I’ll go check on the girls. Come on, Ahren.” Mom picked him up and carried him out of the room, leaving me and Uncle alone in the room with Delsanra. “What’s up with you and Mom?” I asked, glancing up at Uncle. “Nothing.” He answered, running a hand through his hair. “But there’s something I want to ask Rayhan, and I know now’s not the fucking time but… it’s been on my mind for a couple ofThis content is © NôvelDrama.Org.


“What is it?”

“Daddy.” Sienna chipped in, reaching up and kissing my cheek. I smiled down at her, her dark grey eyes sparkling. I was glad she was far too young to understand what was happening, I gave her another smile before glancing at Uncle. He sighed and I could tell whatever it was, was weighing on his mind.

“It’s about the Sangue Pack… I’ve never asked you the extent of what went down back then… Marcel never said anything either… But the other day, when I rang Leo to congratulate him on his shift, he said something that has been on my mind and I can’t fucking get it out.” He said seriously, his dark eyes boring into mine. I frowned, remembering those who had hurt Delsanra, feeling anger flare up inside of me at just the thought. “What do you want to know?”

“Leo said, you punished those who were under Endora’s control and were forced to hurt Del.”

“Those who didn’t have any remorse. Yeah, those who were forced to do it and regretted it were let off lightly, however those who didn’t seem to care because she was a witch, forced or not, were punished. I still let them live.”

Delsanra had suffered so much, and that trauma lingered… What I did was nothing in comparison to what they had done to her. Uncle looked thoughtful, a deep frown on his face. “There was a group who were kept in prison for a time, from the group that lived I mean, correct?”

“Yeah, I told you that.” I replied, sounding colder than I meant to.

The topic got to me, and although I had tried to talk to Leo, the fact he couldn’t bring it up with me directly was beginning to irritate me. Of all times, he found now the best time to add stress to Uncle’s already heavy workload. Kiara was in the cells too, and I knew it was probably ripping him apart just as much as my feelings about Delsanra.

“He made a point which made me think. The ones who were beaten, and those who were also kept in prison, bound by silver… The pain they went through… He said, what about their mates? Did you not think that by punishing those, you were also hurting their innocent

counterparts?” Uncle’s voice was quiet, almost as if he didn’t want to say the words out loud, and I froze.

No. I hadn’t considered that. I was so consumed by my own pain, by the pain Delsanra had gone through, that I didn’t consider anything else. For the first time in the last six years, I questioned if I did the right thing… but still… I couldn’t have just let them off… 1

“I’m not blaming you. Marcel, myself, neither of us said anything either. I’m going to have a fucking word with Marcel too, because didn’t he consider this shit? I wasn’t there… we all may have fucked up, but I know shit happens and what Del went through, we would all kill for our mates. I get that. But once this fucking djinn is taken care of, I do want you and Leo to have a sit-down. It’s high fucking time we talked this shit out. Properly.”

I didn’t reply for a moment, running my fingers through Sienna’s soft curls. She was hurnining, it reminded me of a cat. I nodded.

“If you can get him in the same room as me, I’m game.”

Uncle scoffed, giving me a cold smirk.

“I’m still the fucking king. He may have shifted, but I’ll put his ass in the right place if need be He’s hurting, and I’m not going to allow this shit to continue. He’s always spoken about that night, but it’s obviously affected him far more than he lets on. He wasn’t like this when the pack was first formed. We both know growing up and always being around Endora would fuck anyone up We can at least try, one more time.”

“Yeah, I know I’m ready to listen, but I won’t forget what happened to my mate either. Those men and women were given a chance at a new life, but we both can’t deny that not all of them

were innocent.” “The worst were thrown in prison.” Uncle replied, crossing his arms. “Yeah, but there were enough criminals in that pack that remained.” I said frowning.

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

I didn’t entirely agree, so I didn’t bother replying. Each to their own.

He came over and slapped my shoulder. “You’re a good man, Rayhan. We just need to get through to Leo as Raf would have wanted us to.” He said quietly. I smirked slightly, before looking at my sleeping beauty. “It’s good to hear I’ve gone from kid to man.” I replied cockily. “Man!” Sienna piped in, giggling before planting a kiss on my cheek. Uncle chuckled dryly before taking her from me. “This one looks like a fucking angel, but I swear she’s going to become a little demon.” He said, tossing her up into the air, making her giggle.

“That could possibly be literally true, considering her mama’s part demon.” I replied with a smirk, leaning back on my elbow and kissing Delsanra’s lips, enjoying the sparks that coursed through me.

“Hm, that’s a fucking good point… Witch, demon and werewolf genes, the fuck are these kids mutating into? I’m getting too fucking confused with all the shit I’m hearing lately. Nothing would surprise me. So there’s chances your pups could be hybrids or tribrids, if that shit even exists.” Uncle remarked, tossing her up again and making her shriek in excitement.

“Who knows.” I glanced at them, watching her kiss Uncle’s cheek before getting all shy. 1

I smiled watching them. It impressed me these pups were not scared of him.

I sighed inwardly. Uncle was right… and I knew Delsanra would agree… I needed to put aside my ego and have this conversation with Leo… No matter how hard it was going to be…

“I’ll take her down, get some rest or some shit.” Uncle said placing Sienna on his shoulders and walking to the door, watching her trying to grab his dangly earring.

I smirked watching them. He had to crouch down to get through the door.

No matter how trying stuff was, there was a lot that we still had that we were grateful for,

Night had fallen, the team had begun to assemble but some would arrive in the morning. The tension and nerves that were running through the mansion were palpable, even the kids seemed to notice it no matter how subtle we acted about it. Uncle’s kids knew we were leaving, and I felt bad for them, considering they hadn’t seen their mom in a few days either.

Kataleya had been terrified that Kiara had been kidnapped. She had gotten so worked up that she had wanted to see Kiara in person, so Uncle had to explain stuff to her, without giving her

the full details.

We would be leaving around mid-day tomorrow, hoping to get to the planned location by night.

We’d had a meeting earlier on and there would be one final one before we left tomorrow. The final showdown..

I still didn’t want Mom to come, but she was adamant on going, although her and Uncle’s odd behaviour was beginning to worry me. I wanted to have a final word with her, really wanting her to change her mind about going. Raihana had come to check on Delsanra as she hadn’t awoken at all.

“Mind watching her for a bit? I just want to go have a word with Mom.” I said, standing up.

She looked up at me and nodded. “Sure.” She agreed, looking back at Delsanra..


I left the room and walked down the hall to Mom’s room. I knocked lightly but no answer, I opened the door slowly, peering inside.

I was about to call her, when I saw her sitting on a prayer mat, with her legs tucked under her. Her eyes were closed and her hands were raised in front of her in silent prayer.

I hadn’t seen her like this in a while… Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, and I knew she was so immersed in whatever she was praying for that she hadn’t heard me. Now wasn’t the right me, I’ll talk to her in the morning. I was about to close the door when I

sensed someone behind me. Before I could even turn, he spoke. “She’s going to sacrifice herself, you know.”

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