King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

29 One Who Is Innocent


I looked at the young boy, feeling his pain despite the mask of indifference he wore. “Enrique, please take a seat and have some food. Can we talk?” “It’s odd that the Lycan is allowing you to interrogate your prisoner.” “You aren’t our prisoner.” I refuted, smiling warmly and raising my hand in surrender. “But I also know that we brought you here by kidnapping you.” I frowned in disapproval at this, and he raised an eyebrow. “You are the Queen Luna.” He stated after a moment, observing me. “The chica looks like you.” Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled and nodded.

“Yes, she does.” I replied, taking a seat on the bed and opening the basket that Kataleya had so excitedly brought along. “Do you feel better?” “You healed me.” He stated, sounding almost bitter. “You were in a lot of pain Enrique, how did you get hurt?” I asked unwrapping the turkey sandwich and the pastries. The smell wafting into the air and I hoped he would soon be tempted, or I at least wished he would be.

“I didn’t get hurt.”,

He meant that. I could sense that. “Did your father do that?” I rephrased. He stayed silent, I looked into his hazel eyes.

“This is the price of disobedience.” He replied quietly, turning away from me.

He believed what he said too…

My heart squeezed as I gazed at his back, noticing the scars on his neck. This boy had been through more than anyone of his age. “Enrique, do you wish to return to your father, or would you like to start a new life somewhere safe?” I asked gently. He turned back to me sharply, his brow furrowed. “I am the

future alpha of the pack! I will return home, my padre is only doing the best for me. He only teaches me… How to be the best of Alphas…”

He looked down at his hand and he blinked furiously. I stood up, not caring about the consequences and pulled the child into my arms, hugging him tightly as I tried to control my own emotions.

He lost his hand for disobeying his father… for Kataleya. I knew that, even if he didn’t say it out loud.

“You will be the best Alpha, but not because of your father but because you are a good person.

” I whispered as he struggled to push me away but at the same time, it was clear he didn’t want to attack me.

His heart was racing, and I could sense his sadness.

“I don’t think so… I won’t even be able to run in wolf form.” He whispered bitterly, yanking free from my hold.

I looked at him with sadness and gave him a gentle smile.

“You know when I was two years old, we were attacked by a rogue attack and my ankle was crushed, for years I had a limp and I was in constant pain but I learned to fight in wolf form and in human form. Using a staff for support too.” I confessed, looking at the food and picking up a sandwich, I offered it to him. He shook his head refusing the food, yet his eyes were on me, clearly listening to the story. “Where there is a will, there is always a way.” I continued softly. I’m sure there was something else I was lacking… but I couldn’t remember, it was just there niggling at the back of my mind. I brushed it away as the boy shook his head.

“Then how are you cured? You have no limp now.” “No… I think.” How was it cured? The blanks in my memories were worrying me. “It doesn’t matter, hand or not… I will do my best.” His words were full of sadness even though he was trying to mask his emotions.

“You know… You could stay here until you are of age to lead your pack? We can take care of you. “I offered, gently taking hold of his right wrist and tugging him towards the bed. I know it wasn’t that easy, but I was ready to legally fight the council or whoever I needed to if he so wanted it.

“No thanks, but I am in your hold until you free me.” He refused coldly, I placed the sandwich in his hand.

“I am sorry, but Alejandro means well. I’m just sorry you were brought into it.” He stayed silent, refusing to eat, and I knew I had to give up before he got angry. “Kataleya was worried for you; she was concerned about your safety too.” “She cost me more than she is worth. I don’t want to see her as long as I’m here.” He hissed resentfully. I nodded, feeling a pang of hurt. I understood Kataleya’s concern… but at the same time I understood the little boy before me. He had lost his hand because he protected her. 3 “I will explain that to her.” I promised, standing up.

It hurt knowing how much he had gone through and how his act of goodness had cost him so much… I wish there was a way I could help him but even I couldn’t regenerate limbs.

“Please eat and watch some movies to pass the time. If you need anything let the guards know. I will have some clothes sent to you later, is there anything else you would like? Games, a Play Station? Books?”

“Nothing.” His reply was icy and flat.

I nodded and gestured to the food.

“”Try to eat and if you need to go to the bathroom or would like to shower you can ask the guards.” I told him before taking my leave.

The moment the door shut behind me I looked at one of the men.

“Milo, please keep an eye on him.” “I will, don’t worry Luna.” I nodded and walked down the hall, following Alejandro’s scent until I found him in the main hall where Kevin was playing with Kataleya,

trying to cheer her up.

Alejandro looked up when I approached. “How did it go?”

I shook my head.

“He’s hurting, but he’ll be ok.” I replied, looking over at Kataleya who was listening. It stung seeing her sadness, she had been so excited to see him… ‘He lost his hand because he helped her.’ I whispered, through the link. He frowned, I sensed his anger and sadness through the link before he blocked his emotions off. ‘That f****r hurt his own pup, he’s a f*****g sicko.’ ‘He is… but Alejandro, we cannot keep him locked up, let’s bring him home.

‘I can’t risk that.

‘We can always have someone around him, but I don’t think this is good for him.’ “Let’s head home.” Alejandro spoke out loud, his voice cold, looking at Kevin and Kataleya.

I knew the conversation was over. Again. 3

The next day dawned cold and cloudy and although I and Alejandro were speaking, he refused to budge from his decision on Enrique. It took a lot of time to reassure Kataleya that he was just a little upset and that he’d get better. I know he was just a child who tried to do the right thing, yet when he did, he was punished for it in such a way there was no recovering what he had lost.

I really wanted to bring him home, but Alejandro was not agreeing so I had gone to visit twice yesterday.

I wanted to help and I intended to help him. I wish there was a way to restore his hands but I couldn’t recreate limbs. I planned on going today to visit him again. This time, I’d take Azura, maybe she might have a better way of getting him to talk

Although Alejandro wanted to question him, I was adamant to give him at least a day or two.

Today Alpha Kenneth Arden of the Shadow Wolves Pack was arriving and perhaps he’d have some answers for us, rather than us having to interrogate Enrique.

After breakfast and spending a little time with the rest, I told Azura to come with me. Mom and Dad would be leaving today before Alpha Kenneth even got here. Apparently, him and Dad did not see eye to eye. They had attended Alpha training together and something had happened, whatever it was, Dad refused to talk about it, but he also didn’t want to be here to see him, saying he would break his f*****g teeth. I was surprised to learn it was dad’s hatred towards him that was the reason Kenneth was not on the council despite being one of the strongest Alpha’s in the country. “We’ll be back soon.” I promised Mom before Azura and I left the mansion.

“So, this is the boy that helped Kataleya?” “Yes, and I think you might be able to get him to talk.” I replied. “Dante could have.” She crossed her arms looking thoughtful. “He isn’t really well enough, and he gets quite angry when I talk about Enrique…” I frowned, I needed to ask him about that, nothing ever had no reason when it came to Dante. 2 “Hmm that’s true, besides I’m older than him, I’m probably much more useful.” She did a cartwheel before spinning around slipping her hands into the back pockets of her denim jeans. “What exactly do you want me to do?” “Just talk to him, he’s not very open. I brought these chocolates and snacks, perhaps you can offer them to him?” I suggested, passing her the bag. Her eyebrow shot up and she looked at me sceptically. “You actually want me to give a boy chocolates? I don’t think so.” “Zuzu!” I pouted. “Kia! I steal chocolates from boys, I do not give them.” She pouted back and I sighed. “Fine. I’ll give the chocolate…” She nodded as if this was the right choice as we entered the building, I hid a smile as Azura stared every guard in the eye and gave a curt nod. My little Alpha princess. We reached the room and I glanced over at the two guards. “How was he during the night?”

“He ate a little, once again he refused to use the bed and slept on the floor. He only called when he wanted to go to the bathroom, and he took a shower.” I frowned; he was being treated like a prisoner… A sudden idea came to me as the door opened and I smiled faintly.


“Good morning, Enrique.” I greeted as Azura tilted her head, looking the taller boy over as he stood there, arms crossed.

He frowned coldly at her and she smirked.

“Don’t frown at me, I bite.” She planted her hands on her hips. “This is the boy you wanted me to see. He’s cute but a bit young for me.”

I almost chuckled as his glare grew.

“Young? You’re just a child.” He growled back.

“Oh? Well, mentally I’m so much more smarter.”

I watched them glare at each other and knew that Enrique was definitely the one who had seen more than he should have at his age. I raised an eyebrow.

“What do you mean, too young? Azura, you are eight.” “Yes, but my mate is going to be an older boy. You know, Kia, boys grow up slowly, so that’s why.” She shrugged and I almost laughed at that confidence. 5 “Noted.” I replied, amused. She reached into the bag I was carrying, pulling out a few bars of chocolate. “Want some?” This is why I brought her; my sister was a queen in the making.

“No thanks.” He hissed. “I don’t eat junk.”

“Oh? What a shame.” Azura shrugged nonchalantly, ripped open the packet with her teeth and bit into the Aero chocolate bar, then dropped onto the bed. “So, what’s your name?” “None of your business.” He turned his back on her and Azura frowned, jumping off the bed and walking over to him. “It’s rude to turn your back on people.” She stated. “Don’t talk to me.” He growled, shrugging her off. It was then Azura

noticed his arm. Her eyes widened before she tossed the empty wrapper aside and reaching over, grabbed his wrist. “Oh, my goddess, you don’t have a hand!”

“Azura!” My smile vanished and I stepped forward, seeing Enrique’s anger rise, but she didn’t


“That’s so cool! You can wear a h**k! And when people don’t listen to you, you can wrap it around their necks and yank them forward like this!” She grabbed his neck, only for him to push her away, staring at her as if she had lost it. 5

“You’re weird. Take her away from here.” He almost growled as he turned his attention to me. Ok so this didn’t go as I wanted… “I’m not weird! You can become Captain H**k! The Pirate Alpha! Wait! Wait! The Alpha of the seven seas!” She jumped onto the bed, looking around, unseeing as if she had just hit the jackpot. “The seas are unclaimed by any pack! You can claim them all!” 7

I looked at Enrique and for a moment there was a glimmer of life in them, almost as if he saw hope, but then he scoffed and shook his head.

“Let’s hope I am even fit to be called an Alpha… That is, if I make it out of here alive.” 1

*Authors Note: please follow me on in sta for book giveaway of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha which will take place next month! Vote and review thank you!*

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