In Your Time

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

It was only a moment later when someone entered my room. Braden and I came up with a plan to

pretend I was asleep so whoever it was would leave quickly. Braden sat with his back against my

headboard while I was curled against him under the covers on my side. The blanket covered my face

as well. I heard Braden shush whoever walked in.

"What do you want?" He asked the stranger.

"I used to come over your house all the time. What; I'm not welcome anymore?" A girl's voice asked. I

recognized the voice. It was Tara. What in the world did she want? If anything, I had to give her points

for being persistent. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"No, you're not. I don't want anyone to misunderstand us," he answered. It was quiet except for soft

footsteps for a while.

"I thought your room was on the other end of the hall. This looks like a girl's room," she said.

"It's Phoenix's room, and she's asleep right now, which is why I told you to keep your voice down," he


"That lump on the bed is her?" She asked. I could hear the judgement in her voice. Braden sighed

before I felt him shift slightly.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I wantEd to see if the rumors were true. I guess you really are engaged and living with that girl. Your

mom seems fond of her too," Tara said simply.

That girl?

"Well, now that you have your answer, are you going to leave?" Braden asked bluntly. I heard Tara


"I guess puppy love really is all a lie. You promised you'd take care of me always, but yet, here you are,

watching over another girl sleep," she said. I noticed in the short time I knew her that Tara was very

straightforward. She really didn't sugarcoat anything.

"You knew how I felt about you, and you vanished. When you did, it changed everything between us. I

don't trust you anymore, and I actually don't like you at all now. I'm not sure what I saw in you back

then either," Braden argued.

"At least you can still get mad at me. If you didn't, then I'd really know I had no chance. They say the

line between love and hate is a thin one," she replied coolly. She had a point.

"I don't hate you. And I actually don't care about you. The reason I'm getting mad is because you're

messing with Phoenix and coming to my home unannounced when Phoenix already doesn't feel good.

I can deal with you messing with me, but I swear, if you mess with Phoenix in any way, intentionally or

unintentionally, you'll see a side of me that's better left untouched," he threatened. She shushed him

and I could just imagine what sort of smirk she would wear on her face at a time like this.

"Keep your voice down or you'll wake the bird," Tara said before I heard the door close. Braden pulled

the covers off of my head with a sigh.

"She's gone," he said.

"Did she just call me a bird?" I asked confused.

"Probably because of your name," he answered easily.

"She really doesn't give up, does she?" I asked as I stared at my closed door. Braden sighed before

wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his side.

"She's not the type to surrender. The American Revolution war cry is her life motto," he said.

"What? Liberty or death?" I asked. He nodded.

"She's a bit intense," he mentioned. I'd only then realized what position we were in. I sat up and got out

of my bed with a breath.

"Braden, you-"

"You don't have to say anything," he stopped me as he stood as well.

"I'll go. See you at dinner," he said with a small smile before he left my room. I sighed as my door

closed. It was too easy to be comfortable with him. I wanted to be with him romantically, but I still had to

be careful.

When we finally went to eat dinner, Braden pretended you be indifferent to me like he was before. I

think he did it for the sake of not getting his mom's hopes up, but it felt weird after kissing him in my

room not long ago. Elizabeth seemed like she had a lot on her mind, and it didn't take her long to speak


"When did Tara come back?" Elizabeth tried to ask nonchalantly, but it was obvious that she was


"A few weeks ago. Saw her for the first time at the beach party. She said she's back for good," Braden


"And do you still have a crush on her?" Elizabeth asked bluntly. I stopped chewing as my wide eyes

went to Braden. One thing I noticed about the Parks, they didn't bother to beat around the bush.

"No, actually I just lectured her about dropping by unannounced," Braden said easily. Elizabeth smiled

slightly as her attention turned back to her food.

"Good. You know, I always thought she tried to be too mature for her age," Elizabeth said happily.

"I know you don't like her, but you don't have anything to worry about. I have nothing to do with her. If

she comes again, turn her away," Braden said before taking a bite of his own food.

"Phoenix, did you have any pain today?" George asked me. It took me by surprise hearing him speak

at the dinner table. It took me a moment before I finally realized what he asked.

"Oh, I'm a little sore, but it's not too bad," I answered.

"I'll check on your ribs after dinner," he offered. I nodded before Elizabeth and Braden went back to


"Oh, Phoenix, I want to take you somewhere this weekend," Elizabeth remembered.

"Where?" Braden asked automatically. Elizabeth smirked at him.

"Wouldn't you like to know," she teased him. Braden rolled his eyes before going back to his food. After

dinner, George checked my ribs while Braden helped his mom clean up.

"They're healing nicely. You just need to be careful of blunt force for now or they'll break and you'll need

surgery," he warned. I nodded before wrapping the ace bandage back around my stomach and


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