Olivia finished her wine in one gulp, smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck. “Oh please. You know I can’t stay mad at you for long… even when I want to. You always know what a woman wants.”

She leaned over for a kiss, and Scott didn’t hesitate. He was all pumped up from thinking about Vivian and he needed to get it out of his system. He figured it was just sexual tension, and the only way to get rid of it was to get some release…. With anyone.

So he kissed Olivia hard and he groaned. A groan that was ragged and so needy it should’ve embarrassed him, but he didn’t care. Maybe it would be embarrassing tomorrow in the harsh light of day. But tonight, right now, he just wanted to get it over with. His tongue twisted and tangled with hers, and he didn’t care. He nipped at her bottom lip, slightly biting it before kissing her again.

He lifted his head and immediately started to undress her. He got her dress off quickly. Her panties followed and then he stripped her of her bra, baring her to him. His big hands lifted, cupping her, molding her to him.

Olivia grasped his shoulders, and gasped as he suddenly turned her around. Bending her over the table, he hurriedly unzipped his pants, slipped on a condom and pushed into her in one fluid motion. Scott plunged hard into her body. Over and over, relentlessly. There was nothing tender about the way he took her. He grabbed her hips to keep her steady and thrust until electric pulses crackled down his back, sizzling at the base of his spine. Finally he stiffened above her, his deep, tortured groan echoing in her ear, and rumbling against her chest.

He pulled out of her immediately, feeling a little release, but not quite enough, but this would do. Without saying a word, he zipped up his pants, then poured himself another glass of wine as Olivia got her clothes back on.

“You should leave now” he said without staring at her.

She giggled. “Scott McCall” she said, “Always the same. Unfeeling and detached. Are you ever going to loosen up and let someone into your cold, dark heart?”

“I don’t see that happening anytime soon, ” Scott replied, as he grabbed his phone from the table.

“So I can’t spend the night, huh”

“No, you cannot. You know how it goes, besides I have to get to work early tomorrow.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Hmmmm” said Olivia. “Sure you do,”

Seconds later, he looked up at her. “Sent” he said simply and Olivia smiled.

She grabbed her handbag and withdrew her phone, stared at it for a few seconds, then giggled again. “Like I said, you always know what a woman wants.”

She walked up to him, tracing her manicured fingers on his shoulder, she leaned closer and whispered in his ear. “Call me…you know, whenever you want to spend more of your money. I’d be glad to help.”

Still giggling, she walked out, leaving Scott standing at his table, drinking his wine and staring into thin air…. Lost in thought. Few moments later, he retired to his bedroom, but sleep didn’t come. He tossed and turned on the bed until he stood up, opened the drawer beside his bed and withdrew the small box where he kept some cannabis. Smoking wasn’t something that he was addicted to, but he couldn’t deny the fact that he liked to get stoned once in a while. It kept him calm…. sometimes, it helped him get through the day. He liked the smell too, the feel of the smoke, rolling blunts…. That was his preferred method, and on days like this, it helped him sleep when he couldn’t.

The effect came slowly, obliterating every thought as he sat. He turned on the TV and lay down. His favorite comedy series ‘FRIENDS’ was on and he lay down, laughing quietly to the sarcastic jokes until sleep finally enveloped him.


He hated that damn noise, and where the hell was it coming from?

Scott frowned, reaching out to shut off his alarm that was ruining his much needed sleep. Drowsiness still clung to him, a warm lassitude weighing down his muscles, and he wanted to savor it instead of drive it away. He wanted to stay in bed all day… or maybe for a few hours, but that damn alarm. It was so fvcking loud.

“Damn it,” he swore, and reached for it, but instead of hitting the digital clock on his bedside table, he slammed down on his ashtray and it crashed to the ground. The alarm kept ringing.

He sat up, groaning at the pull of muscle in his lower back. Tunneling his fingers through his hair, he dragged it down to his face, scanning the room. He had slept off watching TV and the show he had been watching was still on. He wanted to go back to sleep but he still had to get to the office, so he stood up.

Just as he threw off the covers and left the bed to head for the bathroom, a vibration sound erupted into the room. He looked around. It’d been this that he’d initially mistaken for his alarm, but it was just his phone ringing. He strode the few steps back to the bed to get the phone on the table, arching his eyebrows in surprise that it still had power because he’d forgotten to charge it the previous night.

His phone was almost dead. Only 4 percent, he noted, swiping a thumb across the screen, he picked the call.

“Hi, Mom,” he said, running his hands through his hair and yawning. “Good morning. My battery is almost dead and my phone is going to go off any minute, so I can’t talk for long right now. I know you’re just calling to check on me as usual, but I’m okay and I will-”

“Scott,” his mother said, and her worried tone stopped him from speaking further. Anxiety and the first spike of fear speared his chest. He’d come to associate that particular note with one thing. And as she murmured, “It’s Sara,” his guess proved correct.

Closing his eyes, Scott braced himself for what she had to say. He already knew that it couldn’t be good. “What happened to her?” he asked.

“She’s in the hospital. I had to take her in last night.” The worry and hurt in her voice tore at him, and Scott fought to keep his emotions in control. He had to be strong for his mother.

“Scott.” She paused. “Bruce Bennet got engaged, and she saw the news about it on the internet and broke down again.”

A familiar anger awakened in his chest and Scott sighed. “I’m on my way.” he said.


Scott left his sister’s private room on the behavioral health floor of the Hospital and quietly shut the door behind him. Behavioral health indeed, he thought. Those were just fancy words for a psychiatric ward and the thought that someone had caused her to be in this situation pissed the hell out of him.

Running his hand through his hair and then down his face, he strode through the hall to the waiting area where his mother sat quietly on one of the chairs. She zeroed in on him as soon as he entered the small space with the connected seating and mounted television. God, she looked so sad and exhausted. The same emotions etched on her face made him so mad and angry at the same time.

“How is she?” his mom asked as she stood up.

Frustration, grief and anger choked him, and for a moment he couldn’t speak. Instead he gathered his mother in his arms and hugged her close.

“Scott? Talk to me.” his mother pressed.

Sighing, he let go of her. God, he hated seeing her here in this room, the gravity of her daughter’s illness weighing down her delicate but strong shoulders. She didn’t have anyone but the both of them since had raised them alone. Scott never knew his father. According to his mother, the man had wanted nothing to do with her when she found out that she was pregnant and refused to abort the pregnancy as he’d wanted, so he’d walked away, leaving Emily McCall with twins – a boy and a girl to raise on her own. In Scott’s opinion, she had done a great job with the help of his grandparents who were late now. He loved his mother and twin sister dearly, and the thought of anyone hurting either of them made his blood boil.

“She is sleeping.”he replied to his mother.” They have her heavily sedated at the moment,” It wasn’t much of an answer and he knew it, but he didn’t know what else to say to make her stay calm.

“How long will she be here?” his mother inquired again, stretching her arm out and clasping her his hand fondly.

“I’m not sure, mom,” he said, “The doctor said definitely the next seventy-two hours. Maybe more. They are not sure yet.”

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