I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One

I stormed out of the cafe, ready to speed back to the hospital, away from all of

these despicable humans and back to Grace.

About a dozen feet away from the car, I heard heavy footsteps rapidly pound-

ing after me. They caught up to me and their hands dropped on my shoulder.

“Sydney, wait. Calm down.”

I rolled my eyes, of course it was him. No other person there had the arrogance to not let me walk out of their presence or hardheaded enough to still follow

and tell me to calm the f**k down!

I shook off his hand on my shoulder and continued to match forward. He caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder again. “Come on!” He gritted his teeth, “Alright then, let me take you home. You’re too emotional to drive now.”

Emotional! I scoffed and roughly shrugged off his hands again. I looked at the car in determination. Just a few more steps and I’d be in that car and driving off away from this bastard.

“Sydney, you shouldn’t drive when you’re this angry? It’s dangerous.”

I still ignored him. Why did he want to drive me home? So he could tie me up and never let me leave. Well, that wouldn’t be happening and I didn’t give two f**ks if he lost the shares that his grandmother gave him.

I opened the car door and got in the car. Just as I inserted the key in the igni- tion, I heard the door open and Mark fluidly entered the car and sat himself down in the passenger seat beside me.

“Then I’ll accompany you. I’m just not going to leave you to drive alone in this state. It’s dangerous,” I could feel his gaze on my temple as he spoke and I lis- tened with growing irritation.

I sighed and grounded my teeth. And for the briefest moment, I imagined mak-


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Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One

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ing him leave by sticking the car key in his n*eck and pushing him out the door. That would stop him for sure but it wouldn’t be logical. Since I now intended to involve the court by getting a lawyer and filing a case against the two imbeciles that hurt my friend, getting more than one person to bleed wouldn’t be an ideal

approach to win the case.

So I closed my eyes and I took a deep breath. When I opened it, I snatched the

car keys from the ignition and flung the car door open.

I slammed the door shut after I stepped out of the car and into the soft breeze

of the evening and brought out my phone, ready to order an Uber.

“Sydney!” He kept yelling from inside the car. “Get back here, where are you go-

ing?” His voice held a mixture of concern and anger.

I heard as he also came down from the car, slammed the door and gadded to my side.

“Why are you being like this Sydney? Why are you still so bent on the divorce?” His tone was sharp and unbridled as he continued to speak, “It’s getting irritat- ing, to be very honest, you constantly threatening to put an end to the marriage

grates on my nerves.”

Oh, so he still thought this was merely a threat? Well, he’d be in for a big shock.

I heard him sigh heavily then he took a step forward and his voice softened, “Let me take you home, Sydney then we’d talk about this once and for all over a calming cup of coffee.”

“Get in, Syd. I will take you away from here!”

I almost didn’t hear the shout amidst Mark’s rambling. I jerked my head up at the voice. That accent, I knew it.

It was good to see that he was already out of the hospital and fine. My eyes vol- untarily traveled to his stomach where he had been stabbed but he had some- thing akin to a puffer jacket on and I couldn’t tell if the bandage was still on or



Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One

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“Come on!” The sound of an engine revving softly stopped before me and Lui- gi, seated on the coolest motorcycle I had ever seen, urged. “I can help you get

rid of this pestering guy.” He nodded toward Mark with a wink.

“You again!” Mark erupted.

“Yes, it’s me,” Luigi grinned at him. Then he faced me and nodded toward the backseat. “Hop on, girl.”

I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed Luigi’s sturdy shoulders and with his help, I got on the motorcycle.

As I climbed in, Mark wouldn’t stop blabbering and stammering, “Sydney, get off that thing.”

“Sydney, it’s dangerous.” He stepped forward and got in my face, “You don’t,

even know this guy!”

The look I managed to spare him said otherwise and he glared at it. I could see his jaw working as he grinded his teeth. He held my gaze with his hard one,

“Get off!”

I blatantly ignored him as Luigi handed me a helmet and I strapped it on. I felt

him pull at my coat. I almost cackled at his a

What was he now? A kid?

“Young man, do not start that thing. Sydney, I mean it…”

He must have said something else but I didn’t catch it as Luigi kick–started his motorcycle and I shrugged off my coat. If he wanted it so much, he could have

1. it.

“Hold on tight, Syd,” Luigi instructed.

“Sydney!” Mark roared as I wove my arms around Luigi’s taut stomach. And then I was feeling the rush of air on my skin and my face as Luigi sped into the fast approaching night.

“To the hospital!” I screamed, my voice rising above the rush of wind and honks of cars as Luigi roughly bypassed them all.

“Yes ma’am!” He shouted back.

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One

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Later, he slowed down and I didn’t feel the pressing need to clutch to his midriff anymore. “You can let go now,” he chuckled, “You won’t fall.”

“Hahaha,” I shot back sarcastically.

I felt the tremor of his b*dy as he chuckled. “Relax, I’m not Mark,” he said as I

let go.

I didn’t say anything back to him. I simply brought out my phone and immediate- ly put a call through to my lawyer. As I dialed the number, I felt my anger burn anew in me. Those jerks! They’ll see.

My lawyer picked up and I immediately ordered loudly, “I want to sue Joel and Sandra, those two bastards! Be prepared.”

There was silence on the other end and I wondered if he hung up or some- thing. I pulled the phone from my ear to ch*ck but the call was still on. I was about to give him a piece of my mind concerning his unnecessary silence when he spoke up.

He repeated their names together with their surnames hesitatingly, “You mean those two?”


He hesitated again. “They’re the ones you want to sue?” His words were laced with disbelief.

“Godammit! Yes!”

“But Sydney, they both come from extremely wealthy and influential families,” he blabbered on, his voice hitching occasionally as if he was hyperventilating. “Especially Sandra, her father has massive influence in politics. He’s even prepar- ing to run for state senator. Suing them will be like a felony. We would en- counter a lot of troubles, financially and every way you could think. It’s not worth the risk, Sydney,” he finished, his harsh breath sounding over the phone. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you scared?” I raised my brows and asked incredulously.

“Well, I’m not,” he stammered, “But-”

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Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One

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I started slowly, my voice gradually rising, “I don’t give a f**king damn! If you

want to be a chicken, then get me a well grounded lawyer who isn’t a pussy! No

matter the cost! Hire them!” I roared, “I want those two to pay for what they did.”

There was another irritating silence again then he voiced out, his voice so small I could barely hear him over the soft purr of the engine. “Okay, boss. I will put on the agenda and start to work on filing a case against them as soon as possi-


“Good!” I bit out and hung up.

My fingers still scrolled unhinged through my call logs. I stopped when I found the contact I was looking for and dialed the number.

“Hello ma’am?” My assistant picked up my call immediately.

“You go to my room at Mark’s place,” I didn’t miss her quiet gasp as I shouted in- to the phone. I’m certain she wasn’t expecting it. “There’s a bracelet from Atelier studios in the drawer by the side of my bed, take it, and display it on the market- place. Sell it to whoever wants it. Get up your ass right now and do as I’ve in- structed.”

“Understood, boss. I will get to it right away!” Her response was sharp even though it was underlined with a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

I hung up. I didn’t even want to see the n*ecklace again. He thought he could de- ceive me into staying in the marriage by blinding me with such luxuries. I would- n’t even make the mistake of wearing the piece of shit. Even though I made it, since the jewelry came from Mark, it now made it worthless. I would rather sell it off and use the money to pay for the lawsuit.

As Luigi drove the rest of the way to the hospital, I swallowed my anger and frustration and asked him, “How’s your stomach?”

“It’s fine now. Thank you.”

I didn’t bother to reply. That was all I needed to hear.

My head was bent as I worked on my phone, looking through my contacts to

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Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One.

see who I could call for support for the lawsuit.

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I raised my head as I felt the motorcycle slow down and the roar of the motorcy- cle gradually died down.

“We’re here.”

I placed my hand on his shoulder like I did when I climbed on and alighted from the cycle. The hospital was bathed in the sharp brightness of the bulbs fixed around it. Luigi turned off his headlight as I took off the helmet he offered

1. me.

“Thanks, I’ll buy you a drink another day,” I murmured as I absentmindedly hand- ed the helmet to him, my focus mainly on my phone.

When Luigi didn’t take the helmet from me, I looked up to find his smiling face on me. “I look forward to that day.” Then he patted his shoulder, “Whenever you need to cry, my broad shoulders are here for you,” he said in a smug tone.

“Why would I cry?” I asked and dumbed the helmet on his ch*st then my atten- tion was back on my device. “Thanks for the ride again,” I reiterated and turned, walking to the entrance of the hospital.

“Just know that when you need to cry, I’m just a dial away,” he shouted after

1. me.

I rolled my eyes and shot up my middle finger above my head so he could clear- ly see it. I heard him chuckle softly.

It wasn’t until I was in the hospital building that I heard him start his motorcy- cle and revved into the night.

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