Holding on to you

Chapter 48: Pass me my gun, please

I pound my fist in the idiot’s face, this ass had the nerve to betray me!

His blood spilled onto my hand from the many cuts I marked his face with, I enjoyed the feel of the crimson liquid, it felt like a lover’s stroke… warm and very welcoming.

“Tell me something, Tommy, was it worth it? Was whatever they promised you worth betraying your family?”

He looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to end his torture. He was unable to speak, as his lips were stapled shut, another one of my handy work. I pulled my shoulder back and delivered another blow to his face, I felt his jaw snap under the force of my fist, but I didn’t care, this motherf**ker needed to learn a lesson.

“Answer me, Tommy!”

I knew he couldn’t because of his stapled mouth, but I still enjoyed watching him try. He started pleading, the sound was a cross between a whimper and a scream. He was trying to say something but, because of his current predicament, all his words were muffled.

I smirked at him as he tried to plead his case to no avail, really and truly I didn’t want to hear the shit that he’s going to sprout. His betrayal of the people who took him in and made him family sealed his fate.

Taking the pliers from the table beside me, I examined it in front of Tommy, watching as his eyes widen in fear.

“Are you scared, Tommy? Are you scared of what I’m going to do to you with this?”

He nodded his head with vigour and squealed when I brought the tool close to him. Deep satisfaction washed over me when I heard the sound he made as I none too gently yank one of the staples from his mouth.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why are you screaming, Tommy, I thought you wanted to talk?”

I plucked another one free and the idiot pissed himself, the nasty liquid covered my shoes and mixed with the dry blood to create a stench. My nostril flared, and I used the pliers, bringing it down with full force to his head.

“Now, how do you expect me to explain to my girl why I smell like a sewer?”

I didn’t wait for him to answer, instead, I got my knife off of the table, deciding to end his. To be honest, I was tired of torturing him, his pissing on my shoes was his good grace. The last pain he felt was the strike of my blade against his throat, cutting it open.

I watched as the life lift his eyes, a familiar form of excitement crept its way up my body and I embraced it, I didn’t feel any guilt or remorse, just an exhilarating high for just ending a person’s life.

“He’s dead now, can we please leave the F**ker to rot in peace, I want to go have a shower and watch the stench of death off of me?”

I turned and smile at Mik, the high from my kill still running through my vein, making me buzz with energy.

“F**k! I needed that.”

Mik returned my smile, understanding dawning in his eyes, “There’s nothing like taking a man’s life to relieve the stress.”

I chuckled, leaving my tools and the idiot’s dead body for my men to clean up, I followed Mik out of the room. Tommy gave me what I needed to infiltrate JD’s organisation, it’s just a shame the motherf**ker had to die, I don’t take pleasure in killing my own, but when they pose a threat to my girl, I’ll gladly slice them up one by one.

I followed Mik to the car I left waiting outside the safe house I reserved just for my victims, he tossed me the keys just as I got to the driver side and I caught it.

Unlocking the doors, I jumped in and so did Mik, it was still early hours in the morning, but I knew that Red, won’t be sleeping. When I left in the middle of the night, she was still awake with my sister and Jessy going over all the details of what they were going to wear, and what hairstyle best suit what dress for graduation.

Graduation’s in two days; I didn’t get what the rush was about?

I pulled up to the house and headed straight for the gym, it’s one thing for Lilly to know the kinda evil I’m capable of, but it’s totally different for her to actually see me covered in blood.

I wasted no time stripping down and jumping in the shower, I was almost done when I felt sofa hands on my back, I smile to myself, but it turned into a frown when two more pairs of hands join them.

Unless my girl has suddenly turn into a Hindu god, there more than one persons in the shower with me. I turned around, my frown turning into a glare when I saw Natasha and Crista, both naked, looking at me with lustful eyes.

“You’ve got five seconds to get the f**k out before I throw you both out.”

Natasha pouted, but Crista looked a bit worried, but she decided to ignore me, taking her cue from Natasha.

“Oh, come on Killian, you’ve got two willing naked girls ready to do whatever to you want us to do, don’t tell me that you’re not just a little bit tempted?”

She ran her hand down my chest and grabbed my dick as if to prove her point, she signalled to Crista who immediately dropped to her knees in front of me. Before I let her filthy mouth get anywhere near me, I moved out of her reach, glaring at her in the process.

She immediately stood, looking uncertain and a bit embarrassed, her partner in crime, however, was feeling anything but. Natasha wasn’t giving up, I saw the determined glint in her eyes, the one that used to drive me crazy, only now it pissed me off.

“I’m only gonna say this once, both of you GET THE F**K OUT, NOW!”

Crista jumped, fear taking over her features, but Natasha just matched me, glare for glare.

“You’re seriously gonna choose that weak piece of shit over me and Crista?”

“Call her that one more time and it’ll be the last time you ever use your tongue.”

My voice was menacing, she opened her mouth to talk, but I grabbed her and Crista by the arms, and none too gently threw them out of the shower. Just as I emerged with them, I saw the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

My girl was standing in the most sinful little getup I’ve ever seen, with my throwing knife in on hand and my gun in the next. Nothing, and I mean nothing turned me on more than seeing my wife looking like pure sex on legs with a deadly look in her eyes.

“F**k, baby!”

My eyes raked over her body, taking in every delectable detail and curve. I was tempted to grab her and rip every single item from her body, minus the gun holster strapped around her thigh.

She cast me a sexy smile before turning her head to Natasha and Crista who I forgot was standing next to me.

“You two always have to go and spoil my fun, can’t a girl dress sexy and surprise her husband without you two whores getting in the way?”

I grabbed the towel off of the rack and wrapped it around myself, standing off to the side I watched the scene played out before me. Crista was shaking like a leaf, her eyes following the gun Lilly had in her hand, I was even surprised to see a glint of fear in Natasha’s eyes.

I looked at my girl, and I’ve never been more proud. I knew that I’ll definitely be having her come to bed with nothing but her gun, and her gun holster strap onto her more often.

“I’ve decided,” she continued, “Since Killian flat out refused to move us out, and the last time I asked it left me unable to walk properly for a week…”

I smirked at the memory, sex is always hotter when she’s angry.

“… I’m going to take matters into my own hands, and shoot the next bitch that makes a move on my territory.”

To drive home her point, she fired two shots at both Crista and Natasha’s feet, causing them to jump back squealing. Seeing her like that caused something in my heart to stir and my northern region to stand to attention.

“Now, unless you really want me to shoot you now, you’ll take your naked asses out of here and away from my husband, do we understand each other?”

Crista was nodding so hard I was sure if she didn’t stop her head was bound to fall off. Natasha, on the other hand, was glaring at Lilly, refusing to comply.

“What are you waiting for, get.”

Crista sprinted from the room, while Natasha slowly walked over to Lilly, she levelled her with a deathly glare and smirked.

“Oh, it’s on bitch.”

Lilly’s eyes narrowed as Natasha walked passed her and I barely got to her in time before she did something I knew she’d regret later. I captured the hand holding the gun and took it out of her hand.

She frowned at me, “Why’d you do that?”

I chuckled, “As sexy as it’ll be to witness you perform your first kill if you shoot her you’ll never forgive yourself.”

She scrunched up her brows and frowned harder at me, her hands going to her hips.

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll ever regret shooting Natasha.”

I put my hands around her waist and pulled her flat against my chest, her frown turned into lust, and I saw desire burning her in sea blue.

“I’ll make you a deal when the time comes to cross that bridge I’ll let you be the one to pull the trigger, deal?”

She smiled up at me, “Deal.”

I returned her smile, then took her lips with mine. I felt this deep contentment in my soul, the old Lilly would have been appalled by the idea of killing someone, but the woman I was holding in my hand, was far from appalled, instead, I saw raw excitement brewing in the depths of her eyes.

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