Holding on to you

Chapter 20: For the love of everything Red

Killian’s P. O. V

I woke with a start, something didn’t feel right! Panic filled me as I looked to the side of me to made sure Red was still there. I sighed in relief when I saw her sleeping peacefully. A satisfied smile appeared on my face as I took her in.

Every time I look at her I see a sexy temptress, not an angel, but a fiery head sexy little devil with a body to make men drop to their knees. I feel like I’ve won the f**king lottery when I see her mass of red curls tangled about my bed, and her naked body barely covered by the sheet.

I was tempted to wake her up and continue my assault on her body, but I knew she was tired from the three hours I spent between her beautiful thighs. Some might call me a heartless bastard for the way I invaded her life, but the whole lot of them can go the f**k to hell for all I care.

I reach across and brush my hand against her cheeks and smirked as she sighed comfortably. I can’t love her; I can never be the guy that she thinks she wants because a damaged f**ked up person like me, can’t feel love, my father made sure of that.

I could kill the man with my bare hands, I wanted to kill him. I almost did the night a caught him touching Red. He disgusted me, he was going to rape her if I didn’t stop him. The sick f**ker is only alive because of Kinsley. I don’t understand why she won’t move out with me, or why the hell she wanted to stay for her whore of a mother!

It not like the woman ever stepped in to protect her when our father flew into his fit of rage. All the spineless bitch ever did was drown herself in the bottle and act like the man she married isn’t a monster.

I knew she saw what he did, she must have. I was eight when it started, I was just a kid and I didn’t understand why he would do that to his own son and why the woman I’ve called mother just let him do it. It didn’t take me long realise that she was just as f**ked up as him!

I put a stop to it all when I turned fourteen. By that time, I could fight, I made sure I was able to defend myself. I hung around the guards, irritating the shit out of them until they taught me how to fight. The first time I overpowered my dad I got my ass kicked, but he wasn’t any better himself. However, I regretted it because since I wasn’t weak anymore he turned to take his rage out on Kinsley. I guess that’s the reason I stayed, I felt responsible in some way for the cruelty she faced at his hands.

Shaking my head of my messed up thoughts, I threw the covers off of me and padded naked over to the bathroom. I need to take a leak and go check on my little sister, and the sooner I did that the sooner I could get back to the redhead devil sleeping in my bed.

When I was finished I threw on some sweats, minus the top and walked over to the door. I took a quick glance back at Red but she was still sleeping. However, the sheet was now draped around her waist exposing her creamy back. I was half tempted to forget my sister and kiss the siren in my bed awake, but I still had that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Closing the door softly behind me, I walked the short distance to Kinsley’s bedroom but stop short when I heard voices coming from downstairs. I instead made a detour and headed in the direction of the voices.

“He’s not going to like this very much.”

I heard the worry in Kinsley’s voice and I was curious to know who she was talking at 1 in the morning, but my curiosity turned to anger when I heard a voice I was hoping to never hear again.

“Well, he’s going to have to get over it now, won’t he?”

I loudly made my presences known as a descended the last steps. Kinsley bit her lips worriedly, looking from me to my cousin Kaden Black. It took everything in me to control my anger, I felt it surge through me a small tornado. However, when my eyes landed on the small figure standing in the corner it built into an uncontrolled storm.


I knew I probably woke up the entire household but I was beyond the point of caring. He had no right to even be standing in my house and with that deceitful bitch!

“Killian, calm down, you don’t want to wake everyone up.”

I saw her gestured with her eyes towards the stairs and I knew she was talking about Red. She was right though, waking Red up wasn’t an option, I wanted her to be as far from them as possible.

“Don’t you miss me Killi?”

Miss her! I wanted nothing to do with the lying, cheating, deceitful bitch!

“Don’t flatter yourself, Natasha, missing you was the last thing I spent my time doing.”

My voice was cold and hard as I spoke but I could care less. I wanted her to know that she meant nothing to me, she might have once when I thought that the girl I really wanted was out of my reach.

Vengeance filled her eyes and she cast me a looked filled with lust and hatred. I watched as she raked her eyes over my body, biting her lips as she does so. I almost laugh, I’m surprised it took me so long in our relationship to see that she was nothing more than a whore.

“What Tash, my cousin not doing it for you anymore?”

I saw Kaden’s nostril flared but I didn’t give a shit. Serves him right for running off with the bitch in the first place, he should have known that if she cheated on me she’d cheat on him too.

“I’m gonna ask again what the hell are you doing here!”

I was tired of looking at them, I wanted to get the night over with and get back to my room where I can lose myself in the one person that makes me feel anything close to human.

A smart-ass smirk appeared on Kaden’s face and he put his hand around Natasha’s waist, pulling her close to him. I rolled my eyes if he intended to get me jealous it wasn’t working.

“Tash wanted to come back so I couldn’t let my kitten be here all by her lonesome…”

I didn’t like the direction this was going and the smug look on both their faces wasn’t any better.

“… so, I asked uncle if it would be ok for us to crash here until graduation since we will be transferring to your school. And imagine my surprise when he told us that he’d love to have us stay for as long as we like.”

With every word that came out of his mouth my anger raised, I clenched and unclenched my fist as I tried my best to not beat the look of satisfaction off of his face.

I opened my mouth to tell them to get the f**k out, but a soft husky voice stopped me.

“What’s going on?”

All eyes turned to look at her and I couldn’t help but feel myself come alive as she stood on the steps rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. When she was finally alert enough her big blue eyes widened as she took in the scene before here. I forgot all of my misgivings for a while, as I was struck by how sexy she looked. Her wild red curls were flying about her face, her cheeks were rosy and pink and her lips kissed swollen. The two sizes too big shirt that she was wearing added to her sex appeal even more.

After looking over everyone, her eyes find mine and I watched as she squirmed. I loved the effect I had on her, I love it when she tries to be defiant but then chickened out instead.

“Come here, baby.”

She looked at me then back towards where she came from then back at me again. I knew she was having an internal debate with herself because she scrunched up her nose and bit her lips in that cute way that she does. Deciding that if she didn’t obey me she’d be in trouble later, she descended the last few steps, coming to stand by my side. I couldn’t help but notice the big shit-eating grin my sister had on her face.

“Who the hell is she?!”

“No f**king one you should concern yourself with.”

I knew that the only reason she came back was because of the rumours that were going around about me. Everyone knew that there was a girl in my life that meant more to me than Tash but no one knew who she was. A few of my contacts told me that Tash didn’t believe that I could move on from her, and she threatened the life of any girl that took what she still saw as hers.

I slip my hand around Red’s waist and I felt myself calm down a bit. I don’t know what it is about her, but she has the ability to make me feel at peace and make me feel like killing her.

Tash took Red in and I felt my girl squirm at my side. Red might not be as beautiful as Tash to some, but in my eyes, she’s the most perfect human being. To me no woman on the earth could compare to her, everything about her was just right, and it felt like she was created just for me.

“Come on Killian, when are you going to stop trying to find me in these sluts.”

I felt Red stiffened and I knew she must be wondering who Tash is. My eyes narrowed and I glared at her if I wasn’t so pissed off I would have laughed. She saw that Red’s hair was red and her eyes were blue just like hers and she assumed that I’m only with Red because I really want her. She was in for a big surprise.

“I think you’re got this thing mixed up Natasha… you were one of the sluts, Red’s the original copy.”

I enjoyed it when her eyes widen and I flash of outrage hurt swept crossed her face before it was replaced with rage.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I was done talking to them, but I was also too wired up to go back to sleep so I turned and headed in the direction of the gym, but before I did I whispered to Red to go back to bed, but she shook her head.

I didn’t have the patience to stay and argue with her, I was riled up with the need to beat the crap out of someone and I knew that if I dragged her back to bed I’d be anything but gentle. So, I stormed off but stop when she called my name.


I turned around, my anger and rage surging through me like wild electricity, but I let none of it showed on my face, as I gave her a blank look. However, she wasn’t stupid she knew I was angry and she knew the consequences of pushing me. Deciding that she was going to endure it, she tilt her chin up and folded her arm in front of her which perked her breasts up.

I was about to walk away and leave her there but changed my mind when I saw Kaden looking her over with heavy lust written in his eyes. I cast him a murderous look and growled, if he thought that he’d take this one from me too, he had another thing coming.

“Don’t even f**king try it; she is mine and I will f**king kill you if touch any part of her body, either by accident or intentional!”

I looked him in his eyes making sure that he saw the truth in my eyes.

“Make no mistake Kaden, this one I will kill you and anyone else for!”

I didn’t wait for a reaction, instead, I grabbed Red’s hand and pulled her in the direction of the gym. When we were inside I closed the door then pushed her none too gently up against it. Her eyes widen and she opened her mouth to talk, but I was having none of it.

“Shut the f**k up, I told you to go but you chose to stay, so this is what you get.”

She swallowed and nodded her head. I love it when she’s being a good girl. I didn’t have time for foreplay, I was aching for her. I quickly undid my sweats then lifted her so that her legs were wrapped around my waist. As I proceeded to stake my claim on her I asked,

“Who do you belong to?”

A sharp cry escaped from her because I wasn’t gentle, but she answered.

“Y-you, I belong to you.”

I moved back a little then went in for the kill again, I knew I was hurting her but I didn’t care. I felt the door rattled almost to the point of breaking as I lost myself and went crazy.

“No one else is allowed to touch you, kiss you, f**k you… do you understand?”

Instead of answering she whimpered with tears streaming down her face. So with everything thing I had, I took my anger out on her body.


She cried out, “Yes!! Yes, I understand! Please stop!”

But I didn’t, I kept her in there for the rest of the night and we utilised every wall, bench, chair and equipment that we could. It wasn’t until after the sun raised that I carried her exhausted form back to bed. I curled up next to her and we slept for the rest of the day.

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