His Baby’s Mama


Camila’s POV

Everything happen so fast. One moment I was sitting at the table and the next moment I was pushed hard unto the floor. A painful scream erupt from mouth when my head hit the concrete floor hard and my vision began to blur. She grabbed unto my hair and began to bang my head on the floor while I tried to held her hands down and I succeed but that didn’t stop her from cussing at me

“You f ** king bitch! How dare you sleep”

“Stop!” Damon’s cold voice stopped her from saying another word. I turned to look at him and saw that the expression he had earlier was no longer from his face. It was replaced with anger .. Christina shivered in fear as Damon glared deadly into her eyes before he averted his eyes from her and looked down to Ethan.

“Go to your room Ethan and don’t leave until I tell you too” he commanded him in a not too harsh tone and Ethan glanced at me. He then picked up coco before he turned around and dissappear up the stairs.

“Why ?! Why would you sleep with this whore?!” Christina continued her cussing while she glare at me and proceed to hit me across my face and this time I didn’t hold back. I was so angry that I couldn’t just let her hit me and Ethan wasn’t here so I don’t have to worry about him seeing me behave so violent.

Growling in anger, I rolled her over so i was now sitting on top of her and began to land a few punches in her face. My goal was to break her fake plastic nose and make her cry in pain.

“You f ** king bitch! Get off of me !! Damon get her off of me !! She’s ruining my face !!!” She screamed out in pai and only then was I pulled away from her and into strong arms. She f ** king deserve her face to be ruined !! “Ahh !! Look what you did !! Now I have to do another nose job!” She cried once more. Her hair was in a mess and her face was slightly covered in blood. She basically looked a mess and I smiled at my work while I tried to calm down myself .. I haven’t gotten this angry in such a long time and right now it feels so foreign to me but I needed to do this I really did.

“Ugh !! Aren’t you gonna scold her ?! She’s basically your son’s babysitter and don’t have ay right to hit me! She should be fired !!” She yelled at Damon in anger when he didn’t say anything but just held me in his arms. However, Damon ignored her. He turned to me and his eyes immediately began to scan my body and face for any injures.

“Are you okay?” He asked, his tone softer than before and I only nodded. The truth is, I was not. My head hurts like hell right now and I some how have a feeling that my head was bleeding. My vision was also a bit blurry but I think I’ll be fine.

“Ugh !!! Did you just ignore me?!! Damon! I’m speaking to you!” Christina yelled again as she was trying to get Damon’s attention. And she somehow got it because he averted his eyes from me to her, glaring deadly while he coldly spoke

“‘Shut the f ** k up, Christina!” Christina mouth dropped to the ground while a shock expression had suddenly came over her face as she stared at Damon in disbelief. Her mouth trembled a bit as she was trying to speak but nothing came out, only air.

“D-Damon what has gotten into you? Since when do you speak to me in such tone?” she asked in a softer voice but it was filled with shock and disbelief.

“Since now. Now get the f * k out and don’t even think of showing your face until I call for you” he said harshly and I wince at his words. Damn, that gotta hurt. She began trying to find words to say then look down to me who was trapped in his arms and she send me a glare.

“I’m not leaving! I will not leave! “She continued, still looking at me.

“Then don’t blame me for what happens next” Damon casually said then turned to a few of his maids that were cleaning near by and gesture the to come over and take Christina away.

“No ! Don’t you dare touch me !! I’m not leaving !!!” She shouted at them but all the did was rolled their eyes and took ahold of her arms while another her feet and dragged an angry, screaming Christina out of Damon’s house.

The place became quiet after that and I let out a sigh but frown after I felt something tickling down my forehead. I ran my fingers over the mysterious liquid that was running down my forehead and my eyes widen when I saw blood.

“Shit” I wince as I tired to make the bleeding stop and that grabbed Damon’s attention.

Damon immediately looked over to me with a frown but that changed into a shock expression when he noticed the red liquid, that was running down my forehead.

“F ** k, you’re bleeding” he said, a hint of worries flash in his eyes and he quickly brought me to sit down in the living room then called on one of the maids to bring a few first aid stuff to treat a wound. I continually winced as the painful throbbing in my head didn’t stop and I wanted to cry so bad. I could feel a pair of black eyes on me as I whimpered and wince in pain, trying to make the pain ease a bit. His worried eyes scan over my body then he brought his hands to my face and lightly brush over my bruised.

“It’s bleeding pretty bad. I think you should lay down.” He said then helped me lay down in the couch. The maids came running with a few stuff in the hands and quickly hand it to Damon who look a little angry

“what the f ** k took you guys so long?” He asked them as the took the stuff from them and began to tend to my wounds and I let out a few more wince and whimpers as he did.

“I promise you’ll feel a litle better after I’m done.” He continued while he took his careful time and tend to my wounds. A sigh was heard from his lips after he had finished and our eyes met for a minute. “I’m sorry you’re hurt. If I knew she was coming, I would’ve never let her in.”

“It’s okay, if anyone should be sorry it’s me. I shouldn’t have fought her. That was so wrong of me. I’m sorry” I apologize while looking to the floor.

I looked up to Damon after he didnt say anything, only to see his eyes lingering at my face. What’s him and staring at me?

“What you did was wrong ..”he began after I looked up to meet his eyes. But honestly, I would’ve done the same thing if someone had attack me. Plus it was Christina who first attacked you so you’re not really wrong to fight back”he concluded with a shrug and I looked at him. My eyes shinning in surprise and happiness.

“So I’m not fired?”

“No you’re not but you should take the day off since you’re injured”he responded to my question and a bright smile was now on my face and guess what I did next?

I hugged him

His body tense right away and I happily wrapped my arms, tightly around him. “Thank you” I mumbled into his chest and then felt one of his hands on my back.

“N-no problem” he said back after I pulled away and I smiled, looking at his face. A small smile made its way to his lips and he finally smiled back at me. He looked so cute when he smiles and less fightening. “Then you should get changed and get going before Ethan sees you and make you stay” he spoke after a while of us just smiling at each other and I nodded, averting my eyes from him.

Quickly getting up, I made my way upstairs into the guest bedroom. Taking a quick shower, l got dressed into the clothes I wore yesterday and grabbed my things before I left the bedroom and met Damon in the hall with coco in his arms.

“Oh you got coco. Thank you, I thought I would’ve got to get it from Ethan myself” I said as I approached him and he only hum before passing coco to me. “Um tell Ethan I say good bye and that I’m sorry I didn’t get to see him before I leave. Also tell him I’ll make it up to him by taking him to the park tomorrow.. well that’s if you allow me to” I said to him and he nodded his head before walking me downstairs to the door.

“Then goodbye Mr. Alexander” I waved and he said a good bye back before I turned around and left.

? Damon’s POV ?

F ** k, I can’t stop think about her.

She’s only my son’s babysitter but I’ve got her stuck in my head at work, at home even when I lay down to sleep. I still couldn’t understand how could a plain girl like her make me feel such foreign feelings every time I’m around her. Like my heart beat would increase, I couldn’t stop looking at her beautiful face and I couldn’t help but smile. from the inside. And I really like that my son likes her a lot. She was just another girl who took the job to babysit my son but I knew she meant more than that to Ethan.

Ethan really likes her a lot because he keeps talking about her when she’s not around and would ask me questions about Camila, like’What do you think about Ms. Davis dad? “Or isn’t Ms. Davis pretty?” I also have a feeling that he’s up to something but I can’t put my hands on what he was up to. I’ll find out though, I will.

“What’s up with you ?!” A voice said that pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see lan entering my home office with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Just doing some work” I responded with a shrug as he made his way over to a seat and sat down.

“You sure? Cause it looks like my boy here is thinking about something.. something that he can’t get out of his head” lan said, smirking and I inwardly gulp. He’s so good at reading me.

“I’m not” I deniedContent © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well if you say so”his voice was heard and I looked back up at him to see him shrugging then opened his mouth to speak.

“So .. where’s Ethan’s new babysitter? I only saw Ethan sitting in the living room, watching a movie”

“I send her home to rest because she was injured”

“And lemme gueys.. Christina attacked her” he said and l looked up back to him not surprised that he already know who did it. “Seriously dude, I don’t why you got that girl-of-yours around. She’s literally useless and does nothing in this damn house but cause trouble” he spoke truly and I sigh, rubbing my temple.

“I know lan but I can’t let her go. She’s been here for as long as I can remember and my parents like her a lot. And even if I try to put her out, my parents will only bring her back or worse make her move in with me and I don’t want that so it’s better this way”I explained to him and he only rolled his eyes at my explaination.

“Who the f ** k cares? Throw that bitch out and if she tries to come back, throw her out again or just kill her.” He shrug and I shook my hcad at what nonsense he’s saying.

“And go to jail?”

“Well you have the best lawyer so I’m sure you won’t to to jail and if we hide the body really wel.. no one would know” he whispered the last part and I let out a breath before looking back at him.

“Why are you even here?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Well I wanted to see you and that babysitter who’s got my best friend running crazy because of her” he responded with a smirk on his face and I mentally rolled my eyes at him before speaking.

“She’s not making me run crazy lan” I lied, again and I’m happy that he left it to that.

“Okay, if you say so then. So what does she looked like?” He shot another question about Camila at me and I just wanted to kick him out right now. Like seriously, I’m trying to stop thinking about her and this dude is making it harder for me to do so

“Like every other girl in the world” I responded before I went back to checking my files and he rolled his eyes once more

“Now I’m damn sure that she’s not like every other girl in the world because then you wouldn’t be thinking about her”

“‘M not thinking about her!” I shouted, annoyed at his assumptions that were right.

“Stop denying the truth Damon. Everyone could clearly see that you’re thinking about her.”

“And why say so?” I asked, smirking from the inside because he surely don’t know why I’m thinking about her and he never seen her anyways.

“Well Ethan told me everything about her and everything that happened between her and you. He also said you always smile when he brings her name up” he responded with a bold smirk on his face. Oh my dear son, why did you tell him? “Yup, he’s a snitch and a good one too. I just love that kid” Ian said while a smile on his lips and I scoff before I went back to my work.

“So are you gonna tell me how she looks like–”

“Get the f ** k out lan!” I yelled at him annoyed and he only laughed before he shut the door.

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