Her, his desire

The visit

” Ready? ” Nathan asked as their car pulled up to a stop. They came out with a lot of guards today to the restaurant.

This is the first time Sadie and Nathan are officially going out together.

Sadie let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

She nodded her head in response to Nathan’s question.

” I am here beside you wifey, I won’t let any harm come to you ”

Nathan assured squeezing her hand lightly. He is used to doing that as his own way of assurance.

Sadie nodded her head again, she has Nathan beside her and besides, this is not the first time the camera will be on her but this one felt different to her.

It’s not about her job, she will be seen with Nathan Rogers.

And a lot of people will throw questions at them.

Sadie also knows she might be hated by thousands of ladies that has always had a crush on Nathan.

Kaleb came out from the driver’s seat and opened the door for Nathan before rushing over to Sadie opening her door for her.

Before Nathan could even get out of the car, people had already gathered on seeing Kaleb.

It is a known fact that wherever Kaleb is mostly, Nathan would be found there.

Both Nathan and Sadie came out if the car and different gasps was heard from the crowd that had already firmed waiting to fantasise about Nathan.

Even passerbys stopped to stare at them with their mouth opened and a lot of questions running through their mind.

Sadie and Nathan? It is very new and surprising.

Just on clue, the paparazzi came into view like they were standby. Including some live Tv that was showing the news of Nathan with a lady!

A popular model!!

Nathan held Sadie protectively from the crowd, he knew she was nervous even with the smile on her face.

While the guards tried as much as they could to protect the couple from the crowd.

* Oh my God, my favourite model and my crush together. I can’t believe this *

* are you two couples? You look cute together *

* This are the cutest people I have seen in a long time *

* Can I take a picture with you two?*

* Oh my God, Sadie is smiling at me *

* Who else is seeing the smile on Nathan’s face? I am seeing him smile for the very first time *

* I can do anything to keep the smile on his face forever, it made him more handsome *

* Sadie is glowing, is she pregnant? She looks stunning in her outfit *

* Sadie said she is married, what is a married woman doing with another man?*

The crowd kept murmuring forming a large circle around both Sadie and Nathan without giving them any space to pass.

* Mr Rogers and Miss Meyer, can you two spare us a few of your time before going into the restaurant? *

One of the journalist asked while the rest nodded, some were covering with their camera while some were just recording the voice for audio broadcasting.

” Then you have to get quick about it, as you can see, there is a woman beside me. She means everything to me and I don’t want her stressed out from standing for long and listening to your questions ”

Nathan said and kissed Sadie’s forehead adorably.

People squealed from the display of romance.

This is the first time Nathan is ever seen with a woman aside his sister and he just kissed her publicly.

He is clearly claiming her and telling other men off.

What could be their relationship?

* We won’t take much of your time *

* Mr Rogers what is your relationship with Sadie Meyer?*

* Miss Meyer in your last interview, you stated that you were married, why are you with Mr Rogers?*

* Are you two secretly dating?*

* Is this meeting a coincident? Oh no! I take back my question, you both came out from the same car and Mr Rogers just kissed Miss Meyer openly, can you tell us more?*

They threw different questions at them while Nathan cleared his throat.

” No one should refer to her as Miss Meyer or calling her by her first name, that’s a disrespect to me ”

He said glaring at the camera and Sadie blushed.

” Yes Sadie is married and she is not with another man because I am her husband ”

” She is my wife, legally married to me and I will like if everyone address her as Mrs Rogers ”

” I am using this medium to officially announce my marriage to my beautiful wife Sadie and show her off to the world ”

” We’ve been married for over six months now, I love and cherish her and I won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting my wife in any way ”

” As much as I command respect, she does too and that respect should be given to her ”

Nathan said proudly. The crowd screamed and shouted.

Isn’t Sadie so lucky to have been married to someone as powerful as Nathan?

They look so cute together as a couple.

A lot of the ladies envy Sadie for having Nathan all to herself.

Nathan hates women like shît, he will never cheat on her for any reason.

* One last question, why have you two hidden your marriage from the public all this while?*

One of the reporters asked.

Nathan gave him a scornful look, the man quivered in fear at the sudden gaze of Nathan on him.

Did he say anything bad?

” It’s none of your business, now if you can excuse me ”

With that, he held Sadie’s waist as the guards paved way for them.

News travels very fast, under 10minutes of interview, the whole New York was already aware that Nathan Rogers, the most hottest and richest bachelor is no longer single.

And that he is married to a popular model, Sadie Meyer. Including Sadie’s family.

” Sorry about that wifey ” Nathan apologized to Sadie who breathed out in relief.

She is grateful Nathan did all the talking.

” It’s fine, I just have to get used to it, this is different from just being a celebrity ” Sadie replied truthfully.

Nathan chuckled at her reply, he has been living this kinda life since he was given birth to.

It now feels like he was born with it.

” Welcome to Classic Restaurant Mr and Mrs Rogers, it is nice having you both here ”

Tbe manager said in ecstasy. He was surprised when he got to know that Nathan Rogers made a reservation in his restaurant.

” Thank you, direct us to our reservation please ”

Nathan replied almost immediately.

” Your reservation is this way and as instructed, no one is in the VIP section. It will be only you and your wife Sir ”

The manager informed while Nathan nodded.

They both entered into the place, even the floor screams wealth to Sadie.

She genuinely passed a smile to the man who felt like melting at that one act. .

” Thank you ” she muttered.

” Please have your seats and enjoy your day ”

He said and left.

There were already different types of dishes on the table.

No single space was remaining or left out as everywhere was filled up.

Nathan drew out a chair for Sadie like the gentleman he is.

” Don’t tell me you paid for all this Nathan? And you reserved all this place for us? I know it might have cost you a lot of fortunes ”

Sadie whined while Nathan chuckled.

” I am Nathan Rogers wifey, I have billions of pounds and dollars in my account, this is nothing and besides, my wife deserves a special treatment ”

Nathan said with a wink. Sadie just rolled her eyes inhaling the aroma of the foods contemplating on which to eat.

At last, she settled for sandwich and chips with a touch of beef munching on them without glancing at her husband.

” Easy there baby, there is still a lot more on your plate ” Nathan teased.

” Yeah whatever, you can’t volunteer to feed your wife”

Sadie said playfully.

Nathan took the chopstick to his mouth dumping the pasta and chuckled.

” I only have me to feed my wife, I can give you myself right here if that’s what you want ”

Nathan replied naughtily.

” Gross ” Sadie replied and the both laughed.

30minutes later…..

” I am filled up ” Sadie announced while Nathan was still eating the food on his plate.

” Are you sure? There is still more to eat ” Nathan replied.

” Unless you want me to over feed myself ” Sadie said and stood up.

Nathan narrowed his eyes with his eyebrows raised.

” Where are you going to?” He asked.

” I just want to use the restroom ” Sadie replied casually.

” Alright, let me get Kaleb to escort you there ” Nathan said but Sadie shook her head in disagreement.

” It’s just the restroom Nathan, I don’t need anyone to accompany me there, I will be back before you know it ”

Sadie convinced not seeing any reason why Nathan will instruct Kaleb to follow her down to the restroom, that sound irk to her ears.

Nathan sighed and nodded, he really does not want to do anything against Sadie’s will.

” Fine, be quick about it ”

Sadie smiled giving Nathan a lingering kiss on his lips.

” I will Mr husband, thanks ”

With that, she dashed out to the restroom leaving Nathan eating alone with thorns of guards surrounding the entrance of the VIP reservation including Kaleb.

He is Nathan’s personal body guard and so, he ought to be there.

Sadie held up her gown a little to prevent her from stumbling on it.

She walked majestically towards the restroom when she bumped into someone’s hard chest

The person’s jacket fell from his hand and he took a step back.

That swift movement almost knocked Sadie down to the floor but the moment he realized what was about happening, Max quickly caught Sadie before she could meet the floor.

He purposely drew her by her hair which made Sadie wince in a sharp pain.

” What in pete’s name? Did you have to draw my hair to keep me steady on my feet?”

She questioned holding her hair that felt like her scalp was falling off.

She looked up at the person that did that. To her surprise, she saw the man behind the scene that just happened and frowned.

” You?” She asked taking a step back from him with a harsh glare. ..

Max picked his jacket from the floor with a chuckle before raising his hands up in surrender.

” Yes me, and I am sorry for holding you by your hair ” he apologized rather smirking.

Sadie grunted and began walking off while muttering a thank you.

” Wait up ” Max said to her.

” What did you want?” Sadie asked in a loud voice gnashing her teeth in anger.

She is still feeling pains from her hair.

” Seriously? Is that how to speak to someone who just saved you from kissing the floor?”

Max asked with a furrowed eyebrows.

He is very grateful to his smartness.

He really knew Sadie was going to be very tough.

If not for his skills, only God knows how he’d have gotten Sadie’s hair for the DNA.

” I thought I already thanked you? What else did you want?” Sadie asked.

” Your number ” Max blurted out before he could stop himself.

He knows he is asking for too much, having Sadie’s number and perhaps calling her might cause a problem to her marriage.

Sadie scoffed.

” My number? What for? I don’t give out my number to guys like you and besides, I am married”

She said showing off her wedding ring in Max’s face.

” Calm down tigress, I wasn’t going to ask you out. I like you and I just want to be your friend”

Max said.

Sadie glared at him laughing to herself.

” I don’t like you and I don’t want to be your friend”

She said icily, entered into the restroom and slamming the door real hard.

Max chuckled! Fierce lady. He wonders where Sadie got this kinda character from.

Bringing out the hair, Max smiled in accomplishment before dashing out of the restaurant and straight to the hospital for another DNA.


Leon placed in and out of the waiting room as he glance at Mena’s ward every seconds.

After about thirty minutes, the doctor came out.

Leon rushed to him anxiously. He has never been this worried all his life.

Mena is so stubborn, if she had allowed him take her to the hospital day before, this couldn’t have happened.

” How is she doctor? Is she fine? What is wrong with her?”

Leon asked curiously waiting for the doctor to speak up.

” Mr Daniel. It’s nothing very serious, she is having a 3+ malaria, just make sure she takes her medications regularly” the doctor said .

Leon sighed in relief, he thought something serious has happened to his cupcake.

” Thank you doctor, can I see her now?” He asked.

” You can Mr Daniel but there is something else you must know”

Leon paused staring at the doctor in confusion.

” What is it doctor? Is she okay?”

He asked boring holes into the doctor’s face.

” Mr Daniel, Miss Rogers is six weeks pregnant ”

★ five hours later ★

” How did the result turn out to be Doctor? Is my DNA matching with hers too?”

Max asked waiting for a reply from doctor Gemstone who kept rolling on his chair.

” yes Mr Kelvin, here! The result shows that you both are siblings too ” doctor Gemstone said

This time around, Max couldn’t hold back his tears.

After so many years of searching, his siblings have been in New York and he never got to know about it.

He has never felt this happy all his life.

Remembering everything that they did during their childhood.

Though he wasn’t that grown up but he was twelve.

He could remember vividly everything that happened.

The six years he spent with his sisters and mum growing up was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Both Sadie and Sofia are his real siblings, the Kelvin’s twins.

Max went to the doctor’s side and hugged him unconsciously.

Doctor Gemstone just laughed, he understood Max’s happiness.

At some point, doctor Gemstone was becoming curious to know the story behind their separation but he dare not ask any question.

None has anything to do with him.

” Thank you so much doctor, I owe you big for this. Don’t worry, when I am done settling things with my mum and sisters, we are taking you with us to California. You will become our family doctor and I will pay you any amount you want as your salary ”

” Thank you once again doctor, I am very grateful ”

Max rant running out just like he did when he got Sofia’s result.

The only thing on his mind now is going straight to see their mum and how he is going to convince them to believe him even with the results.

Max brought out his phone searching for Sofia’s number.

” Found it ” he said excitedly jumping into his car.

Sean could see the excitement on his face, he already knew that it might have been good news.

Since he began working with Max as his personal assistant, it is very rare to see him smiling.

Masked with his father’s condition then and the disappearance of his other family made him a boring child.

All thanks to Matilda, if she wasn’t there for him. Who knows, Max could have committed suicide long ago.

” Where to Sir?” Sean asked.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

” Wait a little, I want to make a call first” Max replied while Sean nodded resting his back.

The call was almost ending when Sofia picked up.

” Hello, good evening, this is Sofia H…”

” I know ” Max said cutting her off from mentioning the Huang.

He wished he could tell her that instant that she is a Kelvin and not Huang.

” I think I know this voice, Max !” Sofia called surprised.

She gave him her number but she never thought he’d call this soon.

” The one and only ” Max replied with a smile.

” I should have known! What did Max want this time around?” Sofia asked with a sly smile on her face.

” Well Max wants to visit you ” Max replied playing along.

Sofia on the other end frowned..

” No ” she replied affirmatively with the frown still on her face.

Max knew she was going to say no, he could just go to her house without even informing her but he loves keeping to his promises.

He already promised he won’t do anything concerning her without her permission.

” Please Sofia, just this once. I really have something important to discuss with you” he half lied.

Half of what he said was through but the main reason he wants to visit is because of their mum.

If she get to recover her memory, she might know who wanted to kill them fifteen years ago.

” No ”

” Please ”

” I said no ”

” Are you sending me away now? I thought we are now friends? Please just this once ”

Max deadpanned.

Sofia sighed. She can never win against Max!!! She isn’t seeing that day coming.

” Fine, just this once and don’t come to my house again “

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