Her Fae Lovers


Opening the door to her apartment, the cool air hit Lola in the face and she let out a soft sigh of pleasure as she walked in. Slipping off her shoes. Bodach stepped behind her, his body responding to the sound she made as his eyes moved along the exposed skin of her shoulders. He found himself wanting to hear that sound again.

“Where shall I put this?” He asked, shifting the box in his hands. Bodach had a strange feeling about it, but didn’t want to say anything to alarm Lola until he was sure.

“Oh, um. On the coffee table is fine.” Lola said over her shoulder as she walked to the kitchen. She passed Lu, Puca, and Merrow smirking to herself as she caught sight or what they were watching with a roll of her eyes. “Really guys?”

“Your scrying mirror seems to be broken.” Merrow glanced over to Lola as he spoke, his face flushing at being caught in this act of voyeurism.

“The television?” Lola raised an eyebrow, “Seems to be working just fine to me.”

“But these men, they’re all her in love with this one woman.” Lu said pointing to the television. “Puca senses no magic from it, and they seem mortal. Most mortals, they don’t mate like the fae do.”

Lola moved into the kitchen, speaking loudly as she went to the cabinet and grabbed a glass, “It’s trash tv, it’s all staged. It’s fake you guys.”

“But this Springer man, he says they are in love.” Lu said louder, unable to look away.

“They only say that so more people will watch.” Lola yelled back as she turned on the tap filling up her water glass. “It’s all pretend. Fae take more than one lover?” Lola called out. She felt her cheeks darken at the thought of that. She’d the feeling from Bodach and Puca earlier that they didn’t mind sharing. From the way that Merrow and Puca interacted that they had been intimate as well. Who was she to judge?

“Aye, some of do. Trash tv?” Lola heard Puca mumble as she turned the water and took a sip of her water. She turned, heading back towards the living room, to see Bodach had joined the others as they all sat leaning forward.

“Yes, a television show for the sake of drama. It’s all pretend, chances are these people will go back home to their boring lives and never talk again.” Lola said as she moved to sit down. Enjoy the fight that was happening on the screen as she finished her drink.

She looked over at the three, as Lu winced in sympathy at the punch that was thrown on the screen. Puca leaned forward, his hands on his knees as he studied the people closely. Lola couldn’t help but think about their interaction earlier, the way he had sauntered over to her.

How his hand had traveled over his muscled torso as Bodach’s arms had tightened around her waist. Her face flushed, she looked back towards the television. Trying not to think about the men that sat in her living room. How Merrow’s eyes had filled with heat as he had warned her away.

She shivered as she took another sip of her water, and Lu glanced over at her.

“Are you cold?” He asked as he reached his arm around her shoulder.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Lola said scooting away. “This isn’t a Netflix and chill kind of moment.”

Lu’s chest pressed against her arm and the muscles she felt under his shirt surprised her. Yes, sure. She had felt them last night as she lay sprawled above him. Now she felt them moving against her. He wrapped the quilt that he had folded earlier around her shoulders and gave her a smirk.

“What is this net flicks and chill you speak of.”

“It’s uh, it’s. Nevermind.” Lola muttered. Looking away from his curious gaze as she took a gulp of her water, finishing it off. “I need to take the jewelry box to Erik, and then I’ll come home. You guys enjoy the television.”

Merrow looked away from the drama unfolding on the television as one of the men threw a punch at one of his lovers. “Do you not need help to carry the box? Or someone to walk with you?”

“No, Erik’s shop is close by. I’ll be back before you guys know it.” Lola stood, stretching her arms above her head before taking her glass to the kitchen. She walked past the men sitting on her couch with a bounce in her step and a slight smile. The tops of her cheeks still covered in faint traces of a blush.

Merrow thought as he watched her walk, his hand on his chin. Was this Erik person someone she was close to? A suitor, perhaps? He tapped his foot against Puca’s tilting his head in the direction she had gone. Puca looked away from the screen. “It is interesting.”

“More interesting than Lola having another male admirer,” He lifted an eyebrow as he pressed his lips together before speaking. “Other than us?

Puca turned to look at him with a frown. He wasn’t bothered by the others being interested in her. Well, he was, but he could understand the attraction. The thought of another, besides the four of them he didn’t like.

When Lola returned, Merrow couldn’t help but notice the swipe of color on her full lips. Lips that were quirked up with a smile as she hurried past them, slipping on her shoes. The faintest traces of vanilla lingering in the air. Puca watched as well, his keen gaze taking in the fact that her hair had been brushed. It seemed that he and his brethren would have some competition.

Lola moved in front of them, picking up the box from the coffee table, “I’ll be back soon.” She said before moving to the door, not waiting for a reply.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Puca and Merrow turned to one another, before both men moved to stand.

“Where are you going?” Lu asked, looking away from the screen in confusion, his thick brows knit together.

“Didn’t you see how she looked? She is interested in this Erik.” Puca said as he moved to stand in front of the television.

“What are we going to do about it?” Bodach asked as he leaned back onto the couch, his eyes meeting Puca’s.

“Follow Lola.” Merrow said as he turned towards the front door.

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