Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 30

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 30

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 30

The Patient In Room 13


I wasn’t going to cry over my own mistake. If he wants to act like last night didn’t happen, then I will do the same. I made my way past the training grounds, my eyes watched the training regime that was currently going on. It was brutal, I could see there was no such thing as holding back. It was like the survival of the fittest…

I heard quiet footsteps behind me and


“Greg.” I said, recognising his scent.

“Morning.” He said in reply. I sighed


“I’m headed to the hospital. You don’t need to follow me, I’m safe here.”

“Still, I need to do my job.” He replied firmly.

What time did he even get up? I turned and looked at him.

“Look, I’m fine and I don’t want someone following me constantly. Please just give me space.”

I know I probably sounded harsh but I didn’t want someone worrying over me. Look around, there’s plenty of people here and I’m perfectly safe.”

‘Not everyone can be trusted, you should know that.’ He said through the link.

He wasn’t wrong but I didn’t have the patience to listen today.

‘I will be fine; I’ll drop you an update hourly via mind link. I’m going to the hospital and I don’t need you worrying over me.” I said curtly.

“Got it. Just be careful, princess.”

I frowned at the term, a term many called me because I am the Alpha’s daughter. He walked off and I found my attention returning to the warriors. I watched them for a short while before I continued to the hospital.

Doctor Callum seemed to approve of me being there nice and early as he put me to work immediately, saying he wanted to see my knowledge of medicinal herbs. I knew it was a test for him to check if he could actually trust me around patients.

The task before me was several unmarked jars, he wanted me to make a note of what each mix or paste consisted of. He left me i n the room, saying if I were done soon we would go check on Luca’s bandage.

I now looked at the long line of jars, this was going to be a piece of cake. I put some music on low volume through my phone, not wanting to disturb anyone as I had forgotten my earphones, before getting to work.

“Elder wood, Lavender, Clove….” I wrote the names in my large writing on a sticky note as I sniffed the herb carefully, not wanting to miss anything. The task wasn’t as easy as it appeared, it had taken me more than an hour. At the end of it there were two jars I was still stuck on. M y head felt fuzzy, probably thanks to all the herbs I had been inhaling for the last hour. I massaged my temples before I took a deep sniff of one of the two remaining jars.

Goddess, what am I missing…? My eyes

suddenly flew open as the answer came to be like the flip of a light switch. I smirked. Smart move Doc, but not smart enough… Satisfied with my answers, I wondered if I should go find Doctor Callum. I mean, he didn’t come back even once.

It took me less than five minutes to find him. He was talking to two nurses and I stayed far away, not wanting to intrude. The moment he turned and the women worked off, I ran over, stumbling as pain jarred up my ankle. I saw his gaze fall to m y ankle, his brow creasing slightly, but it lasted less than a second as he crossed his arms and looked at me. 2

“Are you done, madam?” He said.

“I said don’t call me that…” I protested. “I won’t disobey my Alpha. Now why are you wasting time?”

“I’m done.” I said, feeling like a ten-year old child telling my teacher I was finished with my work.

“Already?” He asked sceptically.

“Well, come see for yourself.” I said. I really wanted to move on to something more exciting…

He grunted and fell in step with me, looking at me for a moment as if he wanted to say something but then changed his mind. When we got back to the room I waited patiently as he looked a t all of the jars, taking a sniff then looking at the note.

He finally screwed the last jar lid on and

smiled slightly.

“I won’t lie, I’m impressed. Alpha Elijah

has done a fine job in teaching you.”

I frowned. I’m sorry, I love my Dad but he was not the one who taught me. If anything, it was mom’s suggestion to ask Grandma Amelia.

“My teaching has nothing to do with Dad. It was my mother, Alpha Scarlett, who taught me to fight, cook and encouraged me to follow my interest in medical healing.” I said, crossing my arms. “Why does everyone immediately compliment Dad?”

He chuckled. “Well, he is the Alpha-“

“Mom is also an Alpha. It isn’t because

Dad’s an Alpha, it’s because he’s a man.”

“Ok, I get it.” He said, waving his hand. I frowned. No, he didn’t, but I’ll show them “You even picked up on the wolfsbane.”

“Yes, I was a little thrown off as it was such a low amount, the scent was barely distinguishable.”

“Well, I needed to see what level you are a t. The kings warriors need the very best care.”

“That’s understandable.” I said as we both left the room. “So, do we see Luca now?”


I smiled, looking forward to this. I still felt achy but it was gradually easing up. W e reached his ward pretty soon.

“Luca, time to check your injuries.”

The young man sat up, wincing slightly.

“Not going to lie, my leg feels a lot better than my other injuries.” He grunted.

I moved forward quickly, raising his bed. and propping cushions behind him.. Doctor Callum didn’t reply and began to remove the bandage from his arm injury. first and then the one from his leg. I stayed silent as I saw Callum’s eyes look a t both wounds and then at the bandages. The one from his leg had a discolouration t o the blood whilst the one from his arm was just blood.

“This is interesting…” He remarked.

“The herbs help pull any poison from the blood, hence the healing process is faster… “I explained.

“This is remarkable…” Doctor Callum said. “Where did you learn that?”

“My great uncles work.” I said proudly.

“Thanks.” Luca said, now looking at me.

I gave a small smile, glad it had worked.

“I guess I don’t need to doubt you. So, what would you like? Some small injuries or shall I throw you headfirst into those who need the most help?” He smiled, and for some reason, I felt like there was a lot more to that comment than he let on.

“I think I want to go headfirst. I am only here for a few weeks; I want to learn something new and gain some experience that I can’t get back home.” I said with determination.

“Perfect. Blood is not an issue for you?”

“No.” I said, glancing at Luca.

He was covered in plenty of blood.

“Then follow me.” He paused and looked a t Luca. “I will get one of the other doctors t o apply the herbs to the rest of your wounds and apply fresh bandages.”

“Thanks Miss and Doc.”

“Call me Kiara.” I said, Luca just gave me a small grin but said nothing more. Seems like there was another one who wouldn’t disobey his king.

Doctor Callum led me to the second floor. The moment the lift opened, I could smell something off. It was very faint and I closed my eyes as I walked, trying to make sense of it. With each step we took closer t o our destination, the smell got stronger.

The smell of rotten flesh, something putrid and infected blood. I opened my eyes when I heard Callum stop. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door using a key card.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“This is the place our infected warriors are kept. Those who have been injured by Manangal’s or Wendigo’s to a level that they may not make it.” He said, his voice dead serious. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

The lighting was darker here. The floor, unlike in the main hospital, was dark slate and the ceiling was black with metal beams. There were white spotlights scattered across the ceiling, emitting a bluey white light.

A line of warriors stood guard outside the rooms. My heart was thumping as I looked at the glass front rooms. Inside each room was a werewolf. Some were still, others were writhing and there were one or two that were banging on the glass. Their words were muted by the soundproof walls but I could see they didn’t seem normal.

It didn’t look like a hospital anymore, but some sort of prison or experiment lab. I shuddered at the thought.

“The glass is bulletproof; they can’t break out… However, when someone goes in, you must have guards with you at all times.” He said.

It was as if he was a completely changed. person now. There were no grunts or light smiles, just deadpan and his tone was heavy.

We walked down the hall. There were thirteen patients here and a few rooms. were empty. There were several doctors and nurses walking around, I noticed they each had a badge and their lab coats were dark grey. I guess only some people can come here.

“Do the patients often get better?” I asked


“About one in twenty.” He said quietly as he held out a grey coat.

I took it and put it on, feeling a little nervous.

“Are you ready for this? I don’t want to force you but it’s clear the injured

downstairs were your normal encounters.

I see potential in you and I think I’d like a new point of view on the injured up here.”

“Yes, I am.” I said determinedly.

He nodded as we walked out of the doctor’s room and into one of the patients rooms. From here, I could see he was actually strapped to the bed with chains. and straps.

“He was attacked and bitten several times by a Manangal.” Callum said as he opened the door to room 13. Two warriors entered first. Their masks covered their faces and they both held a weapon in hand. Their build was bulky and intimidating.

The strong rotten smell of decay and something else hit my nose as I tried my best not to gag. My heart was thumping as I slowly inched closer to Doctor Callum.

“Come on, I’d love to hear your thoughts o n these injuries.”

I nodded, taking a deep breath through m y mouth, in a fruitless attempt to not breathe in the pungent smell as I walked right up to the examination bed.

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