Forged in the Flames

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Nikolas POV

After spending time with Aliana and my mother, I returned to my office. Aliana’s fears were valid, I would never have expected her to feel that deeply.

All the months of being away from her and watching her from a distance. How could she feel for me so strongly? I put myself in her shoes and knew she would be hurt if she saw me with anyone.

I went to the bathroom of my office to catch my breath.

I was nervous about my resolve. What I was doing was prohibited, it would bring unwanted heat to Forest when it got out.

I would have made her mine from the first day, but I fought the attraction because I was yet to make up my mind. I spent all those months going through my thoughts and trying to decide if it was worth it. Now that I had taken this step, there was no going back.

I composed myself and returned to my office. Qusack and Grant joined me. Although Abraham was supposed to be there, I wondered where he was. It wouldn’t be a serious meeting, so I let it rest.

“So what did King Fredrick say?” I asked him because he had told me the Snow King had sent a message.

“He said he would like to meet with you in person. He wants you to pick a time to visit him.” Qusack said, and I sighed.

“What about my request?” I asked. “It is about your request. He said there are certain criteria you have to fulfil before they can approve your Kingship. He also said he doesn’t care that you are the son of the former King. He said you couldn’t prove it, and so you must go through the normal process,” Qusack said, a bit annoyed.

“That b*astar*d,” I said, trying to control my anger.

“If I may speak. I think he is scared that you will outrank him as King. You are the most feared Lycan right now, not him. It would bother him. I think he wants to show dominance,” Grant said, and I knew my Gamma was right.

“What about the Lycan hunters troubling my border? Did you send the message to tell the King to order his hunters to stop coming to find slaves in Forest?” I asked Qusack. “I have sent a letter requesting that the Snow hunters desist from entering the woods of Forest without permission from you. I am yet to receive a response,” Qusack said, and I nodded. I sensed trouble would come from there, but I was equipped for it.

“I do not think we should anger the Snow King, Alpha,” Grant said.

“So, I should let his subjects continue to insult me by entering my forest to hunt without my permission?” I asked him, and he shook his head “King or not, the Snow King has no power in Forest, and thus, his people must seek permission before they cross into my land,” I said and looked at Qusack.

“Send a second warning to all of them stating anyone that enters Forest to hunt without a permit will be terminated on sight,” I said, and Grant seemed uncomfortable about it. “They are only hunting the werewolves, He said, and I growled.

“They are my subjects too.” I corrected him because he was trying to say their lives don’t count.

“Do not get me wrong, Alpha. I am with you whatever you choose, but I do not think it is wise to cause a war trying to protect the werewolves,” Grant said.

“No, that is not what I am doing, Grant. I am demanding respect,” I said, and he understood what I was trying to do. There was a long silence, and then Qusack spoke.

“So, will you honour his invite?” he asked, and I nodded.

“Then it means you will go there when you no longer have Aliana’s scent because you reek of her. Three days away from her will do it,” Qusack said, and I understood his reasons. Fredrick would be looking for reasons to disqualify me. Aliana’s scent on me would give him a reason.

“When that time comes, I will do it,” I told Qusack.

It s*uc*ked that I had to live a pretentious life where Aliana was concerned. Pretending was something I had never done before. It was going to be challenging, but that was the only choice I had when I had two conflicting goals.

I wanted to be King to fulfil my promises to my mother, and I also wanted to be with Aliana and live happily ever after with her. I just hoped everything would not come crashing down.

We talked about lesser things, and I retired.

I was going to sleep early so we could go and inspect the land where I planned to build a structure for my infantry. There can be no kingdom without an army. A month passed, and I was yet to decide whether I wanted to visit King Fredrick or not. Visiting him meant staying away from Aliana for three days and surrounding myself with Lycans. I wasn’t ready for it. I was still getting to know her.

Aliana was still guarded with me, but I did not blame her. I was yet to tell her that I was in permanently.

I could not display affection, so we left everything until we were alone behind closed doors.

I also heard rumours of Lycan women bullying Aliana. But she never told me anything. I asked her a few times, and she said it wasn’t so, so I instructed Lisa and Ania to get the names of the women that were bullying her. They, too, were tight-l*ipped about it, so I did not push anymore.

I would often sit at the garden party alone. Something that used to feel like fun was boring now. I felt lonely because I would rather be with Aliana, but I had to stick to my routine so people won’t figure it out. It was tedious.

I returned from the garden, and just as usual, Aliana was already sleeping.

I was still yet to tell her she could visit her father. I was trying my best not to let it show that I favoured her.

She was seen as someone that warmed my bed, and some people believed I would kick her out of my room when I got tired. It was a battle going through everyday, living a lie. Suddenly I began to wonder if the pretence was worth it.

But I wanted the Kingship. I had promised my mother I would restore our glory, and getting the Kingship was the final step.

If I showed affection for Aliana in public and word got out, then getting the Kingship would be difficult, and the Snow King might want to attack Forest for it.

I wanted to be King first, then make my rules. When I become King, I will not allow the Snow King to oppress me as he is doing to Hill King. He will have no say in my Kingdom, and I believe he knows this, and that is why he is trying to delay the approval.

I went to shower and then joined Aliana in bed. I pulled her close to my b*ody and wondered why our lives were so complex. We were just two people trying to make sense of the mess destiny had dealt us.

“You are back,” She said with a sleepy voice, placing her head on my chest and snuggling into my arms. I held her and stroked her hair gently.

“Yes, I am back,” I replied, and she held me tightly. I moved to see her face, and she opened her eyes.

“You didn’t stare at me from the window tonight,” I said, and she nodded.

“Didn’t want to,” she said.

“Maybe you will join me tomorrow?” I said with an uncertain voice.

“I am okay with just looking through the window. I have no business partying with you down there. They would think you are compromised, and I want you to be King. I know you will be a kind king, and my people will be in safe hands,” She said, and I realised that even Aliana did not see herself as I saw her.

I decided I would make more effort to prove how I felt about her without breaking character. “Ania said some lycans are bullying you,” I asked her.

Ania didn’t say anything, but I wanted to know. I also knew she would tell me the truth so it wouldn’t seem like Ania was lying. I was still ruthless with everyone, so it would have an effect.

“Let us leave it alone. They are just jealous, besides, I don’t want to make a fuss about it,” she said, and I was glad I guessed right.

“I want to know,” I said, and she looked at me, then rolled away and sat in bed. I sat up, too, waiting for her to speak.

She looked beautiful with her messy brown hair and honey-coloured eyes. She looked away. “It doesn’t matter. I guess they are just mad that you do not call them anymore. They keep telling me my time will expire, and you will kick me out of your room. They said they would make me pay for it once that happened. I never answer them, so it does not get back to you. I do not know why Ania had to tell you. It doesn’t bother me. I already know this is temporary, so they aren’t saying anything new,” she said, and I pulled her into my arms and k*issed her neck. Breathing in her scent, Bane made me l*ic*k her earlobe, and she m*oa*ned. I guess my wolf understood her b*ody better than me.

“I want their names, little wolf,” I said, turning her around. I pulled her back to my chest and sat her comfortably between my legs, s*quee*zing her b*rea*st while I s*uc*ked on her neck. She m*oa*ned, and I travelled with my hands to her p*uss*y to feel her.

She never wore panties to bed, and I knew it was deliberate to tease me. “I want their names, Aliana,” I whispered while I caressed her c*li*t.

She was so w*et that my index finger easily brushed against the nerve bundle. “I want you to stop telling me it is temporary,” I said to her ears while I gave her pleasure.

I felt her b*ody coming apart, and it only drove me wild. I liked waiting for her release before burying my c*oc*k in her. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Names,” I said, edging her closer to her release.

“Nikolas,” she m*oa*ned, and I grazed her neck with my teeth. She m*oa*ned sweetly in anticipation. One day I will sink my teeth in, and no one will challenge me for it.

“Names, Aliana,” I said.

“Erica,” she m*oa*ned, and I continued my actions. “Lacey,” She said, and with that, her release came.

I stopped what I was doing and turned her around.

Then, I took off my shorts and had her sit on my c*oc*k.

She obliged and began to ride.

I held her to guide her b*ody. She was w*et and tight, and her walls gripped me so tightly. It felt good, and I did not want to stop.

I switched our positions, placing her on her hands and knees, and began to p*ump from behind.

“Louder,” I said, wanting her to let loose. The party was still downstairs, so I knew the people would hear us.

Aliana’s m*oa*n of pleasure was like music to my ears. It was a song that I never wanted to stop hearing.

She came a few times before I released her.

We laid spent in bed, and I gently stroked her hair while she leaned on my chest. She fell asleep, but I remained awake.

I did not know what to do to the two girls she mentioned, but I would figure something out. I did not miss that I had yet to place her on birth control. As much as my mind was made up, a baby might complicate my plans. So, I would ask the physician to place her on something.

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