Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Rong Cai Prt 2

He got home early today and planned on going to the office, but his gut had told him he should pick her up and be there for her first day. He maybe had been trying to cool things between them, but he knew she viewed this as a special day and guilt gnawed at him for not being there this morning to drop her off as he said he would. It bothered him to let it pass by without showing face.

He had been dodging her while he tried to sort his head out these past few days and get his feelings under control, but he couldn’t ignore the fact that he missed her. Hong Kong had felt a million miles away and at night in a bed alone he couldn’t sleep for wondering what she was doing. He felt worse anytime he text her to pass on info about the apartment, keeping it brief, and he had driven here almost instinctively as soon as he picked up his car. Telling himself he needed to see she was okay and that she might need a ride home. In full denial about anything else.

He watched her laugh prettily at this guy, her cheeks turning rosy at something he said and then caught the unconcealed gaze of attraction from whoever he was as she looked down. A stirring ember of anger spilled through YuZhi’s stomach and raised his irritation and he found himself jumping out of the car impulsively, to fetch her instead of continuing to wait. His blood raising to boiling temperatures at how comfortable and informal this asshole seemed in addressing her.

“I’ll think about it. I will check and see if I have anything to do that day.” TangShi deflected the invitation, sure it coincided with the first clinic appointment YuZhi had arranged and aware she wouldn’t feel like doing anything after that if it was. They still made her feel dirty and fragile for the entire day after having it done.

She didn’t know Rong Cai yet, not well enough to feel comfortable with him, and she didn’t want to spend an evening with him when they were only just getting to know one another. It felt inappropriate.

“I hope you can come. I would love to show you their work. I would love to see what you think and your reaction to it.” He pressured her slightly with a tone that was borderline pushy and YuZhi’s temper snapped.

“I’ll check our diary and see if we’re free.” YuZhi cut in catching the tail end of their conversation and intruding as he walked up behind them. A crazy orb of anger building in him the closer he got, and he didn’t know why. He didn’t like how close this guy was to TangShi or the way he was leaning all over her and smiling like a cheesy asshole.

“YuZhi?” TangShi was stunned by his appearance and turned in shock, her eyes widening before her face flamed hotter and her blush spread all the way to her ears. Her stomach flipped over at his sudden appearance but yet there was a warm glow in her heart at seeing him here. “What are you…. when did you get home?” TangShi was aware she should watch what she said in public and scolded herself for seeming shocked. She smiled as best she could and tried to look happy at his arrival.

“My flight got in an hour ago. I wanted to surprise you, honey.” YuZhi wasted no time in walking to her side and slinging his arm around her waist in a show of possessiveness that he hoped told Mr. Smooth to back off. Pulling her in against his hip and leaning into her to make it clear she was out of bounds.

“Ummm, I’m Rong Cai, pleased to meet you, Mr…” Rong held out his hand somewhat awkwardly, his eyes flitting from TangShi to this invading guy while trying to conceal his dislike. His mood diving at how touchy feely the stranger seemed, and he inhaled to calm his impulse to say something rude to the way he pushed in. Hating him on sight and wanting to rip his arm off TangShi.

“Leng. YuZhi Leng, Tang’s future husband. Isn’t that right, honey?” YuZhi turned to TangShi, a smile spreading over his face and a sense of smug at how annoyed this Mr. Cai seemed to be at his sudden appearance. He turned back to shake his hand firmly and briefly, before dropping it like a lead weight, making it obvious this was fake friendly, and never removing his hold on TangShi. He weighed him up and decided he didn’t like him one bit or how he was trying to get cozy with his wife.

“Leng? Of the Leng group? I am in awe Mr. Leng. I must say I have heard of your family and yourself, in terms of big business in our city. It’s my honor to meet you,” Rong’s voice was lowered, and he pulled his arm back to his side, becoming visibly stiffer as he tried to appraise this idiot with his hands all over TangShi. Despising him more now he knew he belonged in the silver spoon variety of spoiled rich kids of the elite. He hated these types of men, who grew up getting anything they wanted with the click of a finger and yet never valued anything, especially not women. Uncomfortable rage sparked and annoyance to see him cozying up to the girl he liked.

“yes. He is.” TangShi cut in shyly, sensing the tension between them and tried to play along as adoring girlfriend while inwardly she was trying to figure out how to react. Still shook that YuZhi was here and being this way. From no contact and cool behavior to sudden jealousy acts and holding onto her in a grip that made it impossible to move. It made her head swim. “Thankyou for the invite, we’ll think about it, but we really should be going. We have plans and I need to go home and freshen up.” TangShi glanced around wondering where Linlin was and then realized ZhengLi would have informed her of YuZhi’s return and intention to collect her. She probably had texts by now from her friend, but her cell was stuffed inside her bag.

It made her happy that he came but this atmosphere was killing her. She could only stand and paste a smile on her face while looking to get them out of here fast.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow then.” Rong seemed a little more stilted in his manner and since YuZhi showed up his friendliness had seemed to have evaporated.

“I’ll drop her off in the morning from here on in. Have a good evening, Mr. Cai.” YuZhi was heavy with his fake niceties and tugged TangShi with him as he turned them away and led her to the car. Gripping on and taking her bag from her shoulder with his free hand as they crossed the carpark.

Rong watched them walk off and felt nothing but bitterness and dislike towards this rich snooty asshole. Swooping in like lord of the manor and making it clear he was marking his territory. He didn’t like it at all, and he didn’t think someone rude like that deserved to be by TangShi’s side. Possessive like she was an object and not a kind human who deserved gentleness.

He wasn’t going to give up on getting close to her because he didn’t think YuZhi was going to be a future problem. TangShi would never stay with a guy like that, she was too sweet, and he was going to make sure of it.

“Why are you here for me, where’s Linlin?” TangShi’s voice was hushed, and she whispered it to him as he guided her to the passenger side and opened the door to let her in. Aware Rong might hear her if she spoke normally. Wanting so badly to ask him why he had been such a jerk these past few days and all but ignored her completely, but let it die on her lips. Afraid of the answers he might give.

“Can’t I collect my girlfriend from school? Linlin knows I’m here, so she said she’ll see you later at the restaurant.” YuZhi helped her up into the higher seat of this particular vehicle with a hand on her waist and handed in her bag before closing the door. His tone tight and unreadable.

His mood was still simmering, and he had an urge to call ZhengLi to go have a few rounds in the gym after this. He hadn’t been to his boxing class in a couple of weeks and now really wanted to punch someone.

“You seemed close?” He snapped as he jumped into his side of the jeep and yanked his belt on, hating how angry he sounded but he couldn’t curb it. He came home feeling like an ass for blanking her for days, hated the fact he was missing her like crazy and yet his first five minutes in her company he was acting like this. He internally scolded himself for being an idiot and turning into the Spanish inquisition because of some sleezy jerk who asked her out.

“I don’t know him that well. This is only the second time we met.” TangShi faltered, unsure how to reply when his mood seemed weird and hostile, and she bit her lip and pulled on her seatbelt to focus on anything but him. Unsure how to handle him like this.

“And he’s already asking you on a date?” YuZhi snorted under his breath, mentally taking note of Rong Cai’s name and putting him on the watchlist. He didn’t trust him where TangShi was concerned.

“He’s the teachers son and the one who runs the school.” TangShi added defensively missing what he muttered and trying to explain, not knowing why he was being like this with her and lowered her lashes before sighing and looking out of the window instead. She didn’t know if this was residual bad mood from what happened between them a few days ago, or if this was a genuine dislike for Rong Cai.

“Just stay away from him. He seems like he doesn’t understand boundaries. I don’t like him.” YuZhi verbalized his impulsive thought, like a stroppy teen and then cringed at his own statement, knowing he was overreacting and sounding like a petty controlling boyfriend with insecurity issues.

Nothing had happened except a conversation and an invite and here he was ready to go five rounds with him. This was a new emotion for him and one he had never experienced before, so he wasn’t sure if it was jetlag, exhaustion, or just because he was hungry and frustrated about this entire situation lately. He had never had an outright Jealous tantrum over Rhea, and she had many guy friends. It was making him antsy and wired and he needed an outlet for this bubbling anger.

“I…. I can’t avoid him. He’s the teacher’s son…. he runs the school.” She repeated it again only this time emphasizing her words in a bid to make him understand he was being unreasonable. Wondering if this was a return of the mean and moody YuZhi who tormented her in the first weeks living together. She couldn’t understand the reversal.

“Forget it. I’m tired and I have a headache, let’s go home.” YuZhi deflected, throwing her a tight smile as if to say sorry in a way and then frowned at the fact he knew he owed her an explanation about the last few days but couldn’t formulate one. He exhaled, screwed up his face and then shook it off and put his focus on driving.

He started the car, shifted into gear and pulled out to get on their way. Catching the sight of the man in the rear view still standing in the open gate watching them leave. One shoulder propped by the post as he followed their route with his eyes, and YuZhi scowled, anger returning instantly.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“I’ll drop and pick you up every day from now on. Don’t make plans without checking with me first. We have a busy few months with the company and I need you on my arm at all events and dinners.” It wasn’t a lie; they did have a hectic schedule for the next few weeks, but YuZhi also knew it was a sure-fire way to stop Rong Cai being able to get his clutches into her any time soon with non-innocent gallery show invites.

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