Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 11

As nightfall descended, I carefully tiptoed through the house, leaving a note in my room for my mom, informing her that I would be out with Sarah for a party. I doubted she had read it.

I quickly got ready, choosing a flowing dress that shimmered under the moonlight, accentuating its vibrant colors. I dabbed on a bit of makeup and let my hair fall in soft waves around my shoulders. Satisfied with my appearance, I quietly made my way downstairs, cautious not to make any noise to attract attention.

Following the plan Adrian and I had devised earlier that day, I waited in the corridor near his chambers. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and my instincts kicked in. I quickly turned and pushed the person to the floor ready to stomp on his stomach, only for me to realize that it was Adrian.

My cheeks grew hot red in embarrassment, “Oh no, I’m so sorry…”

I helped him get up slowly and he dusted his shirt.

“It’s alright, you really have fast reflexes.”

“You scared me.” I exclaimed. “Please don’t sneak up on me like that again.”

Adrian chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I promise I won’t do it again…I can’t see you well but I’m darn sure you look fine as hell.”

I couldn’t help but blush at his words. “Well, thank you. I appreciate it. By the way, you look good too, even though you said you can’t see me clearly.”

His grin widened, and there was a mischievous look in his eyes. “Ah, the mystery of your appearance only adds to your beauty, dear. Now, shall we go before we attract any unwanted attention?”

He called me dear. My heart flipped in my chest. The more I got to know Adrian, I realized he was quite innocent and playful at times.

I nodded eagerly, glancing around nervously. The last thing we needed was to be caught sneaking out. I gestured for Adrian to follow me as we made our way through the dark corridors, being careful not to step on any creaky boards. We got to the back door and quietly slipped out.

The chill of the night wrapped around us as we stepped outside, giving us a feeling of freedom and excitement. I fumbled with my phone, trying to dial Sarah’s number. After a few rings, a car pulled up in front of us.

Sarah wined down the glass, stuck her head out and smiled, her hair in a messy but stylish bun, “Hey babes…how’ve you been?”

I smiled brightly and tugged at her cheeks playfully, “Literally dying without seeing you all this while. Come on, Adrian.”

Adrian took a seat in the back beside Sarah, and I found a comfortable spot in the front. A glance at Sarah’s outfit revealed a style that was quite revealing. With spaghetti straps that seemed ready to slip off, an exposed back, and a length barely covering her pelvis, it left little to the imagination. Her makeup was smoky, accentuating her chiseled facial features. At times, standing next to her made me feel physically inferior, but I never let my insecurities slip through my words. Reflecting on these feelings now, I realize how foolish they were.

“So what’s the tea, babes?” Sarah used her hands to play with my hair. The car had already started moving and it was then I noticed the driver.

He seemed friendly as he beamed at me and introduced himself, “You can call me Russ. It’s nice to meet ya.”

“Yeah, Russ is a keeper, Li.” Sarah commented.

“Nice to meet you too.” I always wandered where Sarah found such interesting friends. “I don’t have any tea for you, Sarah.”

“Oh bullshit. Is it cus I haven’t visited the grove in weeks? I heard about the stuff that went down…”

My smile turned upside down and I wished she wasn’t referring to what I feared. “What’s that?”

“The handsome hunk sitting beside me right now…I heard the entire pack went insane over him.” Sarah was definitely all over Adrian at this point because her voice sounded edgy. I looked back at them through the front mirror and caught his stare at me.

“Oh, that.”

“Come on now, you have a lot to spill.” She turned to face Adrian, “So what’s your name? Where do you come from? Are you a werewolf too? How old are you? What’s your favourite scent?…”

And that’s how Sarah continued to bombard Adrian with questions. She also playfully flirted with him.

I didn’t feel the need to interfere as it was Sarah. Perhaps I would discuss Adrian’s true nature with her; after all, she’s someone I trust. But that’s a consideration for another time.

Finally, we arrived at the party and stepped out of the car. Sarah and I embraced the lively atmosphere of the party, immersing ourselves in its vibrant aura.

Music reverberated through the air while colorful lights illuminated the night. Sarah and I were swaying to the beat, arm-in-arm with everyone else. My eyes kept wandering over to Adrian, who was just sitting there in a corner, taking it all in. He looked so chill and peaceful, like he was part of the party but also not quite a part of it.

Unable to resist my curiosity, I excused myself from Sarah’s company and walked over to Adrian. As he looked up, our gazes met, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Taking a seat beside him, I was eager to uncover the thoughts and emotions concealed beneath his calm demeanor.

“Hey,” I greeted him softly. “Mind if I join you?”

Adrian turned to face me, his eyes shimmering with warmth. “Not at all. I could use some company,” he replied.

We sat in companionable silence, observing the lively scene before us. The music thumped in the background as people danced and laughed, filling the air with excitement. Adrian took a sip of his drink, his gaze never wavering from the crowd.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I asked, breaking the silence.

Adrian tilted his head slightly, his eyes meeting mine once again. “In my own way, yup. It’s pretty cool to see the happiness and energy these folks are rocking.”

I smiled, captivated by his unique perspective, but not entirely sure if there’s a deeper meaning to it. “You always manage to see things differently,” I said. “It’s really refreshing.”

A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes. “I guess being an outsider gives you a unique way to see the world.”

I leaned in, eager to get to know him better since I figured it was the perfect moment. “Tell me, Adrian, what’s your story? How did you become a vampire?”

He paused for a moment, contemplating his response. “The same way you became a werewolf.”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I leaned in even closer, my voice brimming with curiosity. “I was born this way, and I bet you were too. But I’m dying to know it all – the battles you’ve fought, the challenges you’ve tackled, what life’s like as a vampire. It’s all just so mysterious.”

He smirked, “There’s nothing really mysterious about what I am.”

“Yet I find everything you do so fascinating.”

“Because you’ve never been so close and personal with one of my kind before.”

For a moment, he gave me a look that seemed to connect with something within me. I leaned back slightly and met his gaze once more, asking, “So you’re not gonna tell me anything?”

A wistful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Maybe someday, I’ll spill it all to you. But for now, let’s just focus on the present and enjoy this evening.”

As the music swelled, our conversation faded into the background, giving way to rhythmic melodies that filled the air. We just sat there, soaking up the cozy silence, sometimes catching each other’s eye and sharing those knowing smiles that say so much.

Yet in the midst of all the lively vibes around us, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for what Tyler and I could’ve had. The thought of him off in the distance, wrapped up with Audrey, stirred up a mix of emotions in me-some jealousy, a touch of regret, and a little bit of sadness. It was a reminder of the ‘fake’ love we used to have, now forever changed.

I brushed aside those nagging thoughts and pulled myself back into the present moment. Needing a break, I motioned for Adrian to join me outside, away from all the noise and activity. We found a peaceful spot by a gentle stream behind the frat house, its soft murmurs creating a calming backdrop.

Above us stretched the starry night sky, and we spent a while just silently soaking in the beauty of the stars.

“You know, Lily, I don’t think I’ve thanked you enough,” I said as I turned to face him. I caught him looking at me like he was peering into my very soul. There was something about his eyes – a beauty and depth that words can’t quite capture.

“For what?”

“Wow, everything? It’s crazy how I’ve found solace in a werewolf pack. And you actually trust and want to protect me? Lily, you’ve totally blown away my expectations and shattered the stereotypes I had about you and your kind. I mean, not everyone is the same, but you, Lily, you’re a real gem. Thank you.”

I was almost tearing up and had no idea what to say. He must’ve sensed it because he went on, “I can’t even imagine anyone trying to hurt you. Seriously, you’re like the nicest person I’ve ever met.”

What he said made me remember Tyler. He did hurt me. He called me names. He made me hate myself.

Noticing my downheartedness, Adrian gently comforted me, his touch both reassuring and tender.

As my cheeks grew warmer, I lost track of my words. “You know, Adrian, there’s something about you that just pulls me in,” I murmured.

His grin widened, and he reached over to softly touch my hand. “And you, Lily, you’ve got this warmth and kindness that’s seriously captivating.”

I leaned in closer, “Adrian, I…I… I really don’t know how to describe it…”

Adrian’s eyes crinkled with curiosity, and for a moment, there was a hushed quietness between us.

His expression softened even further, and he spoke gently in a way that really touched me. “Lily, I feel it too. Ever since I first saw you, there’s been this feeling I sensed, and it’s still there when I’m around you… You know, how you look beyond what’s on the surface and really appreciate the uniqueness in others. It’s like this rare gift.”

My heart fluttered, emotions running strong. Right then, I just knew that Adrian and I had something special-this connection that doesn’t really make sense, but somehow goes beyond the boundaries of our different worlds.

Under the starry night, illuminated by the moon’s glow, Adrian and I couldn’t resist the magnetic pull that brought us closer. Excitement and longing filled the air as we kissed, igniting a flame that burned brightly within us.

Everything else faded away as we moved closer, our bodies pressed together and our connection radiating warmth in every touch. Time disappeared as we lost ourselves in the intensity, our hearts beating in sync.

Our breaths intertwined, creating a beautiful harmony of love, and our kiss continued to deepen. As Adrian ran his hands down my spine, I felt an electrifying chill in the air. We clung to each other, our hearts inseparably bound together.

The gentle babble of the stream and the rustling of the leaves seemed to be in sync with the throb of our hearts, creating a tune that only we could make out. He held me close and I snuggled in closer, his heart thumping loudly against mine.

As our lips slowly parted, we stared into each other’s eyes, breathless and dazed by the emotion of the moment. In that single moment, we both knew our lives had shifted for good. We weren’t just two separate people living our own lives anymore, we had become intertwined, connected by a strong bond of fate. Call me crazy for thinking that, but I did.

To me, at least, it was more than just a kiss.

So there we were, the moonlight shining down on us, our lips all puffy and our hearts burning with passion. I couldn’t look away from him and he couldn’t look away from me.

“Hey, you two! What are you doing back there?” A voice exclaimed.

Then, just as I was about to say something, I heard voices and footsteps coming towards us. I turned and saw Sarah walking out of the darkness. I quickly broke away from the hug and gazed in horror at two more figures stepping out behind her – Don and my Dad.

My heart suddenly stopped.

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