Escaped My Ex Got Snatched

Chapter 29

29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

Ari walked over to the window of her ward and placed her hands on the window sill before looking out. Bad thing, she was on the third floor. Good thing, there was a thick pipe attached on the right side of her window.a

Ari never thought that one day she would have to use plumbing like this, but there was no other choice in front of her.

Noah wouldn’t let her out and even if he let her out of the ward he would lock her up again. She would rather not be locked up inside a room again, the silence of the room made the voices in our head louder and louder with every passing second.

‘Since he is willing to erase our relationship for a person who has no relation to him, then Noah… we will be strangers from now, Ari thought bitterly as she clenched her fingers on the window sill. She walked over to the bed in the ward before taking off her wedding ring.

She placed it on the bedside cabinet before taking one

29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

last longing look at it. A shuddering breath left her body as she turned around and walked over to the window sill. Today, she was not only going to get out of this ward, but she was also going to get out of the loveless marriage in which Ari had tied herself for three years. Including the years when she was in love

with Noah.

“Here goes nothing,” Ari muttered as she placed her foot on the window sill, followed by another one. Her feet wobbled when she stood up on the window sill as the reality started to set in but going back inside the ward meant that she was willing to give up her freedom once again.

Ari didn’t want that to happen.

She closed her eyes and drew in a breath before carefully making her way towards the other end of the window sill. Her hands gripping the wall as tightly as

she could when Ari reached the end of the window sill,

she could feel her heart thundering.

“I can do it… I can do it,” she told herself as she

prepared herself to jump. Her calves went taut as she stretched her hand to hold the thick pipe.

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29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

‘God don’t let me miss or else I will die the most brutal

death. I don’t deserve it, right? No matter how bad of a person I might be?’ Ari prayed to the God above before she opened her eyes as wide as possible.

Though they instinctively wanted to shut down, she knew that she couldn’t close them. One single mistake

and she would be dead.

She jumped with her hands reaching out in the front.

And just as Ari thought that she was going to miss it, her arms wrapped around the thick pipe. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as Ari hugged the pipe even more tightly.

“Now, I just need to climb down without looking down,” said Ari. Though it sounded easy to be done wasn’t. Her brain continued to ask her to look down, and every time Ari looked down, she trembled so badly that she almost lost her grip two times.

Just like this, while fighting with her thoughts, Ari somehow managed to climb down.

“This is it… I am free–”

She didn’t even get to finish her sentence when

someone munk their fingers in her collar The book of


29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

their fingers brushed against her neck.

What the?

Was it Noah?

“Lookie, Lookie.. What came climbing down the pipe? A human chameleon, Patrick,” a voice that glided down her spine like a sandpaper, echoed in Ari’s ear. “But shouldn’t chameleon climb forward, why is this one walking backwards?”

Nicolai De Luca.

What was he doing in a hospital? Ari questioned worriedly. However, she realized that she didn’t have the opportunity to find answers to such useless questions. She needed to get the f*ck out of here.

“Let go,” said Ari, or more accurately ordered the man who was holding her. She couldn’t believe that this man was ruining her awesome escape by holding her back like this.

“In a hurry again, sweetheart?”

“More like, I don’t appreciate being touched by filthy hands.” Especially ones that were used to kill



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29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

He leaned forward and looked down at her from behind her shoulders. From her peripheral view, Ari could see that Nicolai had let his hair loose this time around. He stared at her for a full two minutes before saying, “You will get used to it.”

Get used? Get used to what?

Was this idiot drunk in broad daylight?

“Let. Go. Of. Me. Now,” she repeated in a firm voice while trying to get rid of the grip on her collar.

He loosened his grip, but not enough for Ari to


An appreciative hum came from his throat as he remarked, “You are quite daring, Ariana. It makes m quite curious… where do your limits lie?”

Ari narrowed her eyes. She wouldn’t be surprised if someone told her that this man was dropped as a baby. Was this the time to question something like this?

“This is the last time I am asking nicely, let me go.”

“Why? What will you tell me if I don’t? Tell me, tell me … I want to know,” he asked, similar to a crazy maniac



29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

who was being pushed to his edge. Not that he was far from one. He only had one more screw attached

compared to a maniac, and that screw was also on the verge of loosening up.

“Because you disgust me,” snapped Ari. She tightened her muscles against the unease flooding in her bloodstream when she thought that the bodyguards might find out about her absence any second now.

“Yeah?” His eyes, the colour of flames, twinkled with pure sadism as he leaned closer to her and whispered, “That makes everything even more fun, doesn’t it?”

Ari clenched her jaw as she warded off the nausea flooding her throat. However, she had no idea how th

nausea spread from her throat to her nape and then

ended at her earlobe.

She needed to get out of here, no matter what.

She clenched her fingers before throwing her weight on the man behind her. He lost his hold on her collar and Ari jumped down before sprinting away.


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29 Falling in Nicolai’s arms

If you can please leave a powerstone or golden ticket.

That will help me a lot thank you!

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