Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Oh! I’m sorry! I- I think I’m a little drunk,” he apologized.

“Where is he?” a voice shrieked down the hallway.

Stanley froze then pushed himself up onto his feet and stood there swaying. He turned his head as Yuko barged into the living room with Sandy right behind her. She was wearing his t-shirt over tights.

“You! It is your fault!” Yuko barked with tears in her eyes.

“What are you talking about?” he replied.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“I am to go back to Japan! They are cutting me off! Because of you!” Yuko raged.

In a moment of clarity, he took a step closer to her and spoke softly. “Can we talk about this privately?”

“No! My life is ruined because of you!” she yelled, ignoring his suggestion.

Stanley’s frustration combined with the wine in his system knocked his restraint aside and his anger flared. “Hold on one second! None of this is my fault. You were the one who tried to trick me into marrying you and you were the one who told your father we were engaged. Then you told him I called off the wedding so he would call my boss and make threats?!? Explain to me how any of that was my fault,” he yelled.

He saw her moving her hands and something in him screamed in alarm. She was going to use magic- right here in Sandy’s apartment! He stepped forward and grabbed her hands in his. It was all he could think to do. The pain was excruciating as the incomplete spell broke free of her control and flashed outwards as a wave of light and energy. The electrical breakers popped and the condo was plunged into darkness as everyone collapsed.

Stanley felt a gentle touch on his forehead and opened his eyes. He found himself on the floor looking up into the eyes of an older Japanese woman. Very pretty but definitely older. He blinked and sat up. The room was dimly lit but he could see the others slumped on the chairs. Sandy was on the floor next to him. He saw she was breathing.

“Are they ok?”

“Yes, just stunned. Like a stun grenade. You can tell them Yuko had one. I detected the burst and came from my hiding place upstairs where I was waiting for her. I must take my disobedient daughter home. I will see you again in Japan in a couple of days. Thank you for doing this for my husband and please accept my apologies for allowing this to get so out of hand.”

He nodded his acceptance and she rewarded him with a small smile. Then she stood in one smooth motion, lifting her daughter onto her shoulder. She moved down the hall and was gone.

Stanley shook the tingles out of his hands and gently touched Sandy’s forehead like Yuko’s mother had touched his. Eyelids fluttered and Sandy was looking up at him.

“What? What happened?”

Stanley couldn’t think of a more reasonable response so he used the suggested one. “She had a stun grenade. I woke up and she was gone,” he explained and stood up to move to the others. Once he’d woken them he made his way to the power panel and flipped the breakers to their on position. The lights came back on.

“What the fuck just happened?” Roger asked.

“Sorry, the housekeeper my company hired for me became fixated on me and when I didn’t reciprocate she got a little… hostile. I’m terribly sorry you got involved in that!” he said apologetically as they all watched him with wide eyes. “I- I think I’d better just go home. I had a lovely night. Thank you so much for the invitation. It was very nice meeting you all.”

With that, he made a hasty exit.

Roger stood up and looked at the others. “We are DEFINITELY inviting him back to the next party!”

Monday morning Marisa had her first session with a professional seer. She’d be registering with her and getting her first assessment. Then the lessons could begin. The one skill she’d learned on her own, and she would have gone mad if she hadn’t, was how to put her talent into a muted background state. That skill must have been a survival technique. Her seer vision was still active, it never really stopped, but she could mostly ignore the flashes of colors, auras, and hazy, superimposed alternate potentialities surrounding each person she looked at.

Her doorbell rang and she opened the door to see the smiling face of a woman with a frizzy mane of sandy blond hair. She wore a flowy, flowered sun dress, sandals, and many rings and necklaces. She was slim and stood about 5′ 5″ but even to Marisa’s muted seer sight she shone as a beacon of calm and joyful light.

“Good morning! Marisa?” the woman asked with a cheerful voice.

“Yes, good morning.”

“I’m Katrina. You’re assigned teacher.”

“Please come in!” Marisa said and stood aside to let the woman into her condo.

The woman walked in and closed her eyes with a wide smile. Marisa locked up and watched the woman reach the center of her living room and slowly turn in place with her arms outstretched, fingers moving like she was plucking the strings of a guitar.

“You have a lovely home! Such good energy flow!” Katrina sighed. She opened her eyes and looked behind her at the sofa and sat. She patted the cushion beside her with a smile.

Marisa sat and smiled at the woman who took a small paper notepad and a pencil from her oversized purse.

“Let’s get the official stuff out of the way first. I’ll need your personal details to register you in our Seer Community,” Katrina said.

Marisa answered a few questions that didn’t dip too deeply into her personal life. Mostly just her Human system ID’s. Privacy was still one of the most precious aspects of every member of the Hidden Races.

“How long have you had the seer ability?” Katrina asked.

“Since I was in my early teens but recently it became… much stronger.”

Putting the notepad and pencil away with a sigh, Katrina smiled once more at Marisa. “Now, with your permission I would like to open my sight to take in your aura. Once I’ve got a good impression of that I’ll begin outlining each step of my evaluation. We will also go over some basic do’s and don’ts.”

Marisa nodded nervously and the woman took her hand. “Relax. I’m here to help, not hurt.”

Marisa’s smile returned and she did her best to relax. She watched as Katrina relaxed and her eyelids closed slightly. Then they flew wide.

“Oh my! Your aura is beautiful! So bright and colorful!” the woman gushed.

“That’s good, right?” Marisa asked.

“It’s very good!” Katrina answered. “OK, may I assume you are able to control the activation of your abilities? You seem too calm to be continuously immersed in the flow,” Katrina noted.

“Yes, thank goodness! It’s never off but I can mute it to the point where I can ignore it,” Marisa said with a relieved smile.

“It never goes away completely?” Katrina asked in surprise and a little concern.

“No, but it’s much easier to push into the back of my perception when it’s muted,” Marisa assured the woman.

“OK, well, what I’d like to do now is do a reading, again with your permission.” Katrina asked looking the younger woman in the eye. Marisa nodded.

Once more she relaxed and watched Katrina’s eyelids relax. Her hazel eyes began to glow slightly and Marisa watched the seer’s expression go from surprise to shock.

Katrina quickly closed her eyes and put her hands over them. She began muttering a mantra to center herself.

“Is… is something wrong?” Marisa asked nervously.

“No! No, it’s… your energy levels are so… intense! I’ve never seen anything like it,” Katrina said quietly. “You say you’re currently muting your abilities?”

“Yes,” Marisa answered in concern.

Katrina patted her hand. “Not to worry. All is good. I need to do another reading, with your permission, as you slowly open your seer sight.”

“On you?”

Katrina gave her an impish smile. “Is there anyone else present?”

Marisa giggled nervously and shook her head.

“Then yes, on me. Do it as slowly as you can.”

They faced each other and relaxed. Once more Katrina’s eyes began to glow slightly.

Marisa released her hold on her vision and Katrina’s aura exploded into brilliant gold and yellow. An almost overwhelming sense of calm flowed from the woman in every layer of her potential. The overlays ran deep and each was a similar flavor of joy and peace. The beauty of such a future drew tears to Marisa’s eyes. One rolled down her cheek breaking her focus and she pushed her vision back into it’s holding state. She blinked and saw Katrina slumped back against the cushions, unconscious.

She squeaked in fright, terrified she’d hurt the future she’d witnessed but Katrina began to stir.

“Katrina! Can you hear me? Are you alright?” Marisa said, patting the woman’s hand.

“Wha… Oh… yes, I’m fine. Just… overloaded,” Katrina said quietly as she struggled to resurface. She looked at Marisa with a puzzled expression. “Your abilities aren’t- they don’t behave like anything I’ve seen. The power. It feels chaotic. Wild. I’m afraid I won’t be able to train you after all. Seers are taught by other seers who are able to synchronize their abilities and compare results. Your power levels are far beyond anything I’ve seen and they overwhelm my own.”

“Couldn’t you describe the methods…” She stopped when she saw the sad look in the woman’s eye.

“It’s not something that can be described. It’s a new sense that can only be compared with its like. But your skill is unlike any other. You will have to be your own teacher. I’m so sorry,” Katrina said and Marisa felt her compassion.

“What I can pass on is the most basic of rules. Never do a reading without explicit permission. I have no idea what you’d see when you do.”

“Potentials. Possible future paths and the energies from them. I think,” Marisa said quietly.

“How far?” Katrina whispered. “NO! No, don’t answer that!” She yelped as she shook with reaction. “Sorry. With the strength of your vision I was almost seduced with the idea of that knowledge. This is another basic rule. Don’t speak of the future as they are only potential routes and knowing them does not guarantee their becoming true. The only way to live is to live each day as it comes.” She looked away and centered herself once more. She looked into Marisa’s eyes.

“I did pick up that the source of the energy is someone very important to you and that you are protecting him. I’m not going to pry or report this. I know genuine emotion when it clobbers me over the head.” She smiled and got one from Marisa too. “I do hope one day you’ll be able to fully disclose how you came to have this energy. Maybe then we could find you someone who might be able to train you.”

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