Claimed By The Don

Chapter 45

Ava p. o. v

“I got your pills replaced.” He repeats, the words were spoke with guilt but no remorse or regret, my eyes widen and my body posture straighten in shock.

I studied his expressionless face searching for any hint of lie but didn’t find one.

“I said I got your pills replaced.” He repeats as he impatiently awaits my reaction. And believe me, I wanted to yell at him, fight with him but surprisingly I remain mute. I can feel the dormat anger building inside of me, pushing at me to unleash it.

My period was supposed to be due by on Sunday and I’m very much certain it’s not coming, because my unreasonable husband has just unashamedly confessed to have been changing my birth control pills.

I’m boiling with rage, and it needs to be let out before it turns in tears.

“For fucksake, Ava! Say something, anything and react please” His hands fly to his face rubbing at it in frustration.

I didn’t bother to reason anything because there is absolutely nothing to reason about in this situation. He watches me closely as I slowly makes my way towards him cautiously and standing before him. I swing my hand in the air landing perfectly and neatly on his left cheek, my palm hurts from the impact but I’m way too angry to focus on the physical pain. His head turned to the side from the impact, eyes casted down, all I could hear was our heavy breathing.

A frown spread on his forehead and his lips pulled into a scowl, his fist clenched and unclenched clearly holding himself from reacting. He lifts his face back up only for me to repeat the action but this time he catches my hand right in front of his face.

I yank my hand away from his grip and proceed to throw useless pounces on his broad chest. He let me, standing still and taking all my attacks, my fist strikes him continuously as I scream out all my bottled anger at him. When I’ve completely exhausted myself, I step back losing control of the water works. Hot fat tears stream down my cheeks.

“Why?” I whispered, drained of any strength.

He wanted to touch me but stopped himself. He remains standing in the doorway, still with no emotion on his face. His frown line isn’t even there, but I know he must be concerned and want to comfort his angered breeder.

“You ignored it, I’ve asked you before if you would bear my child but you ignored it, I had to decide it myself. And as my wife you were supposed to carry my child.” His voice is soft.

“You don’t get to evade your reasons for this. You’ve taken it upon yourself to dictate my life direction. Yes! I’m supposed to give you children but I don’t want a fucking baby now! It is my body! You don’t get to make these decisions for me!” My voice is breaking through my sobs.

“Why would you even do that!”

“Because I want to keep you by my side forever.” He whispers.

I step away from him. “You wanted to trap me?” I asked my eyes narrowed at him. He look away from me silently admitting to my accusation.

“Why? You think I’ll leave you when I manage to pay off my father’s debt? And how life threatening your life style is?”

“Yes.” He admits again still refusing to look me.

“And you think a baby is going to stop me from leaving you?” He didn’t answer but I already know what his answer is.

Turning my back to him, I inhale and exhale audibly an attempt to calm my raging emotions.

“Please leave I need to be alone.” I demand some quiet time to myself to process things, but his overwhelming presence won’t give me that quietness that I need.

“I’m not leaving Ava, we need to talk about this.” I swing around in shock.

“Talk? Did you say talk?” Dumbstruck at his oblivious behavior towards my anger.

“Please.” He pleaded.

“What are we going to talk, Like the way you decide to destroy my plans and life? What’s there to talk about?” I huff out some air. “Look, you’ve done the most unreasonable, unrealistic thing possible; there’s nothing you’ll say that will make me understand this. You do not get to make decisions for everything. You don’t get to control me, my life and everyone around.”

I walk past him to the door, slamming it open for him to exit.

“Please leave.” I muttered. He stared at me with narrowed eyes, he remains standing as if telling me he won’t complie to my demand. Of course he won’t so I have to do it the hard way.

“Get out or I will leave.” This left him breathless as he weighs his options, knowing I’ve hit a spot I across my arms over my chest and dare him to say no.

“Don’t do this Ava!” His terrified face nearly makes me throw my arms around his big shoulders. Even now, when he has confessed to what he did I’m still struggling not to fall into his arms.

But if I let this one slide, then I’m getting myself ready for a lifetime of dominance and manipulation. I’ll deal with it. What we need right now is some time apart from each other to have a clearer mind.

“Get. Out.” This time he paid heed to my order and walk out slamming the door in the process.

I sat numbly on a bench in the secluded part of the park in my own world of daze, still unable to accept the harshness of Vince confession.

I couldn’t focus on anything, my mind is in a haze state. The one thing that was stuck in my skull is the fact that I could be pregnant and it scares me.

It scares the hell out of me.

I’m not ready to be a mom, Although there’s Marco and I have to take responsibility of him but I’m still not ready to have a baby right now.

That’s far from the plans I have for myself. Why would Vince even do this to me, does he not for once think about my feelings? Babies are adorable, cute and all but they demands sacrifices which I’m not ready to give. I’m supposed to focus on my career.

I wanted to scream out my frustrations, anger and pain but couldn’t since I’ve went numb.

I am suddenly aware of how the once bright afternoon has changed into the early evening. I must be sitting here for hours but it’s felt like minutes. I don’t want to go back home, I definitely do not want to see Vince right now.

Because he wouldn’t let be and can easily find out of my plans which I can’t risk him knowing.

There’s only one place I can go now that will make me feel better.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

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