Claimed By The Don

Chapter 35

Ava p. o. v

“Ah, you did make it alive, Dario was positive you would, guess he was right after all.” Tricia Puff out air of relief.

“You thought I wouldn’t make it, didn’t you?” I eyed her.

This is our first quiet moment alone, since Vince was so determined to lock me up in his beach house and keeping me glued to his side. I had to follow him everywhere he went, bathroom, study, closet, everywhere. I was frustrated, I even went as far as begging him to let me out for some fresh air but he won’t budge, claiming I had disobeyed him by leaving the house when he told me not to.

Please is walking to the sea side leaving the house? For Christ sake I was still in his property.

The only reason I’m sitting here in a five star restaurant with Tricia, is because Vince is here for business and since I’m his personal bodyguard I tagged along.

“Don’t give me that eye, did you not see his angry scary face that day? It’s was like a volcano ready to erupt.” Tricia spoke earning a giggle from me.

“It’s wasn’t that bad.” I tried to defend.

Tricia gape at me unbelievable.

“You and I both know it was that bad.” She scoffs folding her arms across her chest like a five year old.

Remembering that day send cold shivers down my body, I was scared shitless. I didn’t know what he’d do to me, but thank God it’s all okay now.

Although, the outcome was quite pleasant.

“What’s so funny, why are you smiling like a dead goat.” Tricia smirked at me as I gaped at her. I so much want the wipe that smug look from her face but resist the urge to.

“I don’t in any way smile like a dead goat,” I grits out baring my teeths at her.

She release a hearty laugh which I was tempted to join in, I gave her my best death glare but that still didn’t fazed her. I let her laugh till she’s short of breath, she seat up properly when she has somber up.

“Seriously how did you make it through,” She muttered curiously.

“I have my ways.” I grinned.

“Yeah, you sure do.” She spoke sarcastically.

I just shrug it off, I’m not about to tell her that to come out alive, I have to open my legs for him. Though she might have guessed that we’ve had sex but I not ready to give her details, just for her to taunt me.

I still, when realisation hits me.

Fuck, I can’t get pregnant now and Vince and I haven’t been using protection. I need to buy a pregnancy test and also birth control pills, who knows when I’d have this chance again.

But Vince ask me to wait for him here.

When we got here Vince was quick to leave mumbling something about having to get this business done with. His hands skimmed along the length of my arm for a fleeting moment as a temporary goodbye.

“Wait here for me.” He whispered almost pleadingly, before turning on his heels leaving with Dario.

If I go out now without telling him it will break his trust in me, possibly hurt his feelings if he had any. And If I tell him, he will come with me which is equal to nothing cause I can’t buy birth control pills with him there.

The only option is to find someone to get it for me.


Yes only she can get it for me.

I brought my stare to her, she is busy sipping her drink while taking in the restaurant clearly oblivious to my worried state.

“Tricia,” I called, she brought her gaze to me raising an eyebrow in question.

“I need you to do me a favor.” She drop her drink on the table giving me her full attention, hearing how desperate my tone is.

She studied my face for a while.

“What can I do for you,” She sighed.

“I need you to go get something for me from the pharmacy.” I whisper as if Vince would hear if I spoke too loudly, Tricia narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

“What is it.”

I look around the restaurant to make sure Vince isn’t anywhere near, even if he is not here. He must have placed someone here to watch us.

Ah, There he is, sitting like a normal customer.

The way he look around the restaurant for any possible danger and his occasional glances at our table with the Bluetooth in his ear gave him away.

I return my gaze to Tricia who’s staring at me waiting for me to speak up.

“I need you to get me birth control pills and pregnancy test too.”

Tricia blinked. Once. Twice and thrice, before releasing an ear piercing squeal. She smile in apology when some people glare at her, she faced me grinning from ear to ear.

“You sneaky bitch, don’t tell me that’s how you came out alive.” Tricia gasped.

“Okay, I won’t.” I answered meekly.

“Oh, Oh. You’re not ditching me this time, tell me how was it. I mean it’s was your first time, I bet it was wonderful.” Tricia sigh dreamily, I groan dreading this moment but I know she bring it up sooner than later.

“It was awful and very painful.” Tricia gape at me as if she couldn’t believe what I just said, then it Dawn on me.

“At first it’s was painful.” I corrected.

She rolled her eyes in a duh manner waiting for me to continue.

“But after that it was….”

“Paradise, like you’re in cloud nine. Right” I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration, but I have to admit. It did feel wonderful, everytime we have sex it feels like I’m floating and it’s the best feeling so far.

“Awww, she blushing.” Tricia gushed, I scowled at her to stop with the teasing but she responded with a wink and flying kisses.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Congrats. So why do you need a pregnancy test and birth control pills, don’t you want to get pregnant.?”

“Tricia, I do want kids someday, but not right now. I still have to focus on my study and at least figure out what to do next, I want to complete my studies first before thinking of having a baby. I know it will take a year or two but that’s what I want.” I finished.

“Does Vincenzo approve of this, I mean the birth control pills have you discussed it with him? I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

“No, he doesn’t have to know about it.”

I stare at Tricia thoughtful face, she smile at me.

“Okay, if that’s what you really want, you have my full support”

“Thanks that’s all I need.” I breaths, to say the truth the thought of having a baby scares the hell out of me. I want kids and I love them, but what if I’m at good at being a mother, what if I fail at it. I just hope before I complete my school I will be physically and mentally prepared.

“Hey! are you here?” Tricia snaps her finger in my face.


“I said I’m going to get what you requested for, before Vincenzo gets back.” I grasped her arm before she could leave.

“Please be quick.” I mumbled fearfully, with Vince watch man watching our table he’ll be informed about Tricia’s departure and might burst out any minute.

“Don’t worry I will be quick.” She assured before turning on her heels and left, I watch as she disappear out of sight. I sighing, I return my stare to my personal watch man, I found him squinting at our table with an alarmed look.

I beckon him forward, he stood up and walk to me standing behind the chair Tricia had previously occupied.

“Listen, Tricia stepped out to get something, she will be back soon. So please don’t tell your boss about this.”

“Don already knows. He has instructed you to remain put, he’ll join you soon.” The bodyguard spoke.

I froze.

Is he mad? Am I in trouble? But I didn’t leave as he has asked, he can’t be mad because he didn’t put restrictions on Tricia.

“Donna, if you’ll excuse me.” I nod.

It’s been twenty minutes since Tricia left, I’m getting worried, Vince would be done with his business and come out any minute.

What is taking her so long.

I anxiously glance at the main entrance expecting to see Tricia whenever someone walks in, I think I’m about to faint from nervousness.

I just pray and hope Tricia get here before Vince and Dario does, but guess luck wasn’t on my side today, as if it has always been on my beside before. The door in which Vince has entered cracks open revealing Vince.

Vince took long strides to where I’m sitting, he took the seat closer to me. He pecked my cheeks and frown when he saw my flushed face, I must have looked drained of blood.

I look away, I’m scared that he might see the anxiousness in my eyes.

“What’s wrong Cara mia?” He kissed the back of my hand before glancing through the place to see anything out of place.

“Nothing, nothing is wrong.” I rushed too quickly, he rised an eyebrow at me. Vince stares at me for a moment trying to figure out something.

“Okay, if you say so.” He said not pressing the issue further much to my relief.

“Have you had something to eat?” Vince asks staring at the menu.


“Good, I want you to be healthy and in good condition to bear my child.”

I gasped, my eyes widened at the realisation of what he meant.

Like what the hell, he’s expecting me to be pregnant and here I am getting prevention pills. I don’t want to, not right now at least. I’m still too young for it, at least I want to enjoy my youthful age not been stuck with birthing babies and beside I already have one child to take care of.

“What’s it, you don’t want to bear my child?” I saw his jaw locked.

“I… uh….. I”

“I’m back.” Tricia announced saving me.

“Where the fuck have you been.” Dario scowl showing his distaste of her leaving on her own.

“I went to get that story book I’ve been telling you about.” I sigh in relieved at her reply.

“You could have waited for me to go with you,” Dario spoke obviously still not happy.

“Sorry, I got too excited.” She smiled taking her seat.

While I watch the exchange between Dario and Tricia, I can feel the weight of Vince stare at the side of my face but I ignored it.

“Ava can I keep the book in your bag I take it later” I nod at her and watch as she gingerly kept the book in my bag.

“Come let’s go, I want to take you around Italy.” Vince said taking my hand in his pulling me up.

“They’re in your bag, I put they along with the book. Becareful.” Tricia whispered as  we hugged. “Bye.” With that Vince pulled me along.

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