Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 14

The slap still echoed through my head, the sting of it reverberating through my bones. I couldn’t believe that the head maid, a mere servant, had slapped me-a former Luna.

I’d gotten used to the fact that my status as Luna granted me a level of protection and respect that could not be breached, even by those with authority over me. But here, in this stupid park, I was nothing but a slave, to be beaten and humiliated at the whims of a head maid, of a f***g mere head maid!

My blood boiled with anger and frustration as the guards dragged me to the punishment chamber. I never even knew there was one. What sort of sick person had a punishment chamber where he lived?! T

The chamber was cold and dark, the smell of sweat and blood hanging heavy in the air. The guards shoved me into the centre, laughing as they circled around me. They derived so much joy in seeing me suffer and I couldn’t understand why. I stopped trying to understand why.

They had no reason to be nice to me and I knew they had no reason to hate me either but I was not the boss of time, the devil was and they were only but his minions.

“You should learn to behave, little Luna,” one of them jeered, a cruel smile twisting his lips and first, I was surprised. I thought that only a few of them knew that I was Luna but I guess they all did. The fact that they knew and still treated me the way they did saddened me more than it annoyed me. My position meant nothing? Nothing at all!

I bristled with fury, but I kept my mouth shut. I knew that any protest would only make them enjoy my suffering more. “Hold her, the head maid ordered, and the guards grabbed my arms, pulling them behind my back.

I winced as the guard drew back his hand and delivered a brutal blow to my stomach. I gasped, the air rushing out of my Jungs in a painful gasp. My baby! My f***g baby!

“You will learn your place,” he growled, raining blow after blow onto my body. I gritted my teeth, refusing to give them the satisfaction of my screams, but the pain was unbearable. My skin felt like it was on fire, my muscles screaming with every strike but all I could think about was the child in my stomach.

1 hoped that that they did nothing that would hurt my child, I prayed that my child was safe.

Finally, the guard stepped back, a self-satisfied smirk twisting his lips. “Have you learned your lesson, little Luna?”

I slumped to the ground, my body a mass of bruises and pain. Every breath was a struggle, and my head spun with dizziness but I clung to my stomach because all I needed to know was that my child was safe.

“I have,” I managed to croak, my voice hoarse with pain.

“Then apologize to the head maid,” the guard ordered. “Kneel and beg for her forgiveness.”

I lifted my head, defiance shining in my eyes. “I will not,” I said, the words tasting like ash in my mouth. I have done nothing wrong”

The guard raised his hand again, but the head maid stopped him

“No, that’s enough, the head maid said, her voice cold and calculating. “She’s not worth the effort. She can spend the night kneeling here, reflecting on her disobedience.”

The guards hauled me to my feet and shoved me toward the corner of the chamber, where I sank to my knees on the rough Mone floor.

“You’ll stay here until dawn,” the head maid said, her eyes hard a diamonds. “Maybe by then, you’ll have learned to respect your superiors.”

Hours passed, stretching into an eternity of darkness and pain. Ishivered in the cold, my body trembling with exhaustion. and fear. Every breath sent a wave of pain coursing through me, but I refused to give in. I couldn’t let them break me, not when I was carrying a child. Not when I was innocent.

At last, the first rays of dawn crept through the cracks in the door illuminating the chamber with a thin sliver of light. At one point during the night, I had thought of going to beg but I was just too stubborn,Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

The head maid entered, a grim smile playing across her lips. “Have you changed your mind, slave?” she asked, her tone mocking.

“I have not,” I whispered, my voice a hoarse rasp. “I will not apologize for something I did not do wrong,”

The head maid’s smile turned sour. “Very well then, I guess you’ll just continue to kneel then until your knees give away.” She grinned and left and I heaved a breath of relief that she was gone. I was scared for a second that she was going to ask me to be beaten up again.

I couldn’t take any more beatings, I was staring to wonder if the beatings were worth it. If I should just tell what she wants to hear, if not for anything but for the sake of my child.

I could hear footsteps approaching the cell, his scent was familia. I knew him. He was one of the guards stationed in front of my cell. He walked inside the room with a mocking smile on his face that made me just want to rip out his jaw.

“You really went from grace to grass, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, well what’s it to you?” I snarled and he snickered.

Nothing. it’s just really fun to watch.” He let out carelessly and I felt a tear sting my eye. I really did went from grace to grass. I went from being sure that my child was going to have a good life and be the alpha of a pack one day to trying to keep the child alive.

I went from ordering slaves around to being ordered around like a slave. I went from eating whatever I liked to being grateful for whatever I got to eat. I went from having a big loving heart to having a hole in my heart.

I went from being in love with myself and being envied to questioning if I was the problem. I went from being able to do whatever I wanted to begging for freedom. I really did fall off, badly.

The Alpha has requested your presence in his office. You will serve him directly now.” He said with a smile and walked away. leaving the door open.

My heart skipped a beat. It always did whenever I had to go and see Aston. The thought of what he would do to me next terrified me. The fear that gripper my chest each time I heard his voice was unrealistic.

I stumbled to my feet, the pain in my body sending me to my knees. The head maid watched, her face impassive, as the guards hauled me to my feet and dragged me down the hall. I thought she had left. It was like the witch didn’t have a scent, 1 could never tell when she was coming or even around.

The Alpha’s office was a grand affair, decorated in rich fabrics and heavy woods. Aston sat behind a massive desk, his eyes fixed on me with an unreadable expression. I hated it when I couldn’t tell if he was mad at me or not which was almost every time.

I wasn’t sure how worried I was supposed to be standing in front of him. I could barely even stand properly. My knee caps hurt so bad, it feels like they were crushed with a hammer or something

“So, you’ve been causing trouble, haven’t you?” he said, his voice low and dangerous. He had reading glasses on that made him look like he couldn’t hurt a fly but I would be a fool to think that. I would be a big fool to fall for that. He put down the book his hand slowly and tilted his chair to the back a little bit and now I had all his attention. That made my blood pressure spike and my heart beat even faster than it already was.

“How dare you try to cause trouble in my pack. Would you rather die than live in peace? Do you prefer I cut your head off than for you to do the right thing and be amicable?” he threatened and 1 glared at him in anger. What did he mean by live in peace? How could I live in peace when everyone around me acted like they were on a hunt for my head.

“I refuse to be ordered around like I’m sort of maid, okay?” I let out and he chuckled.

“Need I remind you that that’s exactly what you are, a maid. You’re delusional if you think that you’re still a Luna and still have some sort of authority here. Get your sorry a**out of my face and go get me my breakfast!” he ordered like everything I’d said was insignificant.

I was mad. I was really mad so the next words that came out from my mouth were not planned.

“Am I your personal s

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