Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 27

“Since she’s part of the club, we have to have church and decide her fate. She has to be voted out.” Jax explained.

Raine looked at him in disbelief. Then turned her back to him and started towards the steps to their bedroom. Kim and Sam followed her.

Sam had met her and Kim in the parking lot before she went into the clubhouse. After talking to her on the phone, she knew her bff needed her when she confronted Angel.

“Raine?” Jax asked.

She ignored him and kept walking.

Raine!” He raised his voice, but she kept walking.

Once she’s in their room, she walked into their closet and pulled out her suitcases.

“Raine? Are you sure about this?” Kim asked.

“Yeah, I mean you’re going to let her win?” Sam asked.

“Fuck this shit! I am so done with this club shit. I mean is he Prez or what? I am done with skanks like her. Guess I’m going to have to show him how serious I am!” Raine explained.

Downstairs in the clubhouse. “Angel what the hell did you do?” Jax demanded.

“Nothing baby, I swear. She’s just not cut out for this life. Always delusional and paranoid.” Angel replied.

“I don’t believe that. I know Raine. Besides, even if someone is paranoid, it doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get them.” Jax retorted. “Church in 30!” Jax yelled out then headed to his office.

The guys have their meeting. Raine finished her packing and Kim and Sam help her carry them out to Sam’s car. They loaded the car, hopped in and left. At Sam’s Raine told her and Kim about the other stuff Angel did.

“We need to make that bitch pay!” Kim replied.

“Why didn’t you wait until after their meeting?” Sam asked.

“Because first I needed to show how serious I am. And second because if he didn’t kick her out, he would try and stop me from leaving. And if she doesn’t leave there’s no way in hell I would stay. And I didn’t want to fight with him. I am mentally exhausted.” Raine explained.

“You know Jax would pick you over her any day!” Sam replied.

“The way he’s been acting? I don’t know.” Raine replied.

“Raine, you don’t believe that do you?” Kim asked.

“She’s a part of the club. Born into it. Her dad paid his dues and even died defending his brothers. According to Jax, they have a responsibility to take care of her. Besides, I have no proof she did all that stuff.” Raine explained.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s such club shit! Smokey is hot and sexy, and we play hard, but I don’t think I would put up with that club shit either. The sex is amazing with him, but I dunno if it’s amazing enough to have to deal with that crap or lose my sanity!” Sam explained.

“Sam, not helping!” Kim warned.

“I’m going to bed to sleep for 24 hours. Wake me when it’s all over. And please, don’t let Jax in.” Raine replied.

“Ah Raine? Where’s your ring?” Kim asked.

“I left it with a note on his bedside table. I want him to know serious I am. And I told him if he got rid of her to call me and I’ll come back.” Raine explained.

She went to bed both physically and emotionally exhausted. The events over the weeks and constantly watching her back have worn her down. Within minutes she’s fast asleep.


“I. T. I want you to check our surveillance in our bedroom and let me know who’s been coming in our bedroom. I just need to back up her story.” Jax commanded.

“On it Prez.” He replied.

“You need any help brother? All that porn might strain your eyes!” MD laughed.

“No!” Jax yelled. “Just skip those parts.” He demanded.

“Sure thing Prez.” I. T. replied.

“Anyone hear what set Raine off today other than what she mentioned? It had to be something big.”He asked.

“I’ve never seen her that angry even over some of the shit I pulled in the past. She doesn’t lose her shit like that over petty shit.” Jax retorted.

No one said anything. Just then a knock at the door had everyone turning their heads to it. Ice got up and walked over to it to see who it was.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Providing evidence.” Kim replied and she pushed by him carrying a box.

“Let her in.” Jax stated, but it was too late as she had already stormed in.

Kim walked over to the table with the box and slammed it down on the table. Some of the brothers jumped back in their seats.

“First we have Raine’s perfume. Jax, you know what it normally smells like. So, you tell me how it smells now.” Kim demanded.

“Perfume? Really?” He asked.

He smelled it and gagged choking.

“What the fuck is that?” He demanded.

“Remember that Friday night Raine was an hour late for her shift and you jumped down her throat? Well, it was because she didn’t know her perfume had been fucked with and had sprayed it on herself.” She retorted.

“Would you have preferred her showing up on time stinking like that? Of course not. So, she had to shower again and scrub her body to get the smell off.” Kim explained.

Next, she grabbed the shampoo bottle. She flips the lid to the box over and squirts out the shampoo on it. The blue shampoo. Jax tightened his jaw.

“Evidence B. Raine’s shampoo. Yes boys, that is blue permanent dye! No boys it’s not supposed to be in her shampoo. Jax already knew that.

“Remember the day she had blue hands? Thankfully, she had poured her shampoo in her hand before washing her hair. This type of dye doesn’t come out. You have to cut it out.” Kim explained.

“I’m sure you recognize evidence C. All of her Victoria Secrets bras and panties sliced up. Such a shame!” Kim replied.

“Evidence D, E, and F you will have to take my word for. It’s the fact that a woman called the Caterer, Florist, and the Baker and canceled all of Raine’s wedding ordered. And evidence G, a picture of her wedding dress with the same blue dye from her shampoo poured down the front of it!” Kim retorted.

Jax and the brothers muttered, “fuck!”.

“Evidence H I saved the final nail in the coffin for last. No, I take that back, it wasn’t the final but the costliest. The vehicle report on Raine’s car. Someone put sugar in her gas tank. Her car is destroyed.” Kim grimaced.

“But out of all of this you know what the worst was?” Kim asked looking at each one before stopping to look at Jax. ”

Well, tell us what else?” Ice asked.

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