Caught Between My Mate And A Demon

Ruin of humanity

Gama had his guards up as the witch made them appear inside a cave.

It was dark and disturbingly quiet with two dark eyes with silver lines of creatures. Gama guessed to be birds and stared at him from different angles in the dark space.

With a few whispers from the witch’s mouth, the place had lit up and looked around the space he sneered.

If not for the power the witch held and the help he needed, Gama would have killed her for making him step foot in a place like this, but if he would kill her, he must not miss, or he would have a vengeful witch on his tail and the thought of it was unpleasant.

There were five raven at each corner of the space, looking like a statue, as they gave intently at him. Those were the eyes he saw in the dark.

A few items similar to what he had seen at the other witches’ hideout were displayed everywhere.

A shelf with odd looking scrolls and Grimoires, jars with creatures like snakes, lizards, and other reptiles were enclosed in them.

He was getting impatient with the way the witch was taking her precious time.

“Take me to Nimalaya.” He demanded like a spoiled child.

“Gama, I will do what you want, but first listen to what I have to tell you about Nimalaya.” Kira spoke, then waved her hand to make a wooden chair at the corner of the room, moved behind Gama on its own.

Having heard that she would do what he asked after her gibberish, he sat, and the witch did the same.

“First of all, her real name is Alaya, a fallen archdemon that had once upon a time put the human and demon world at the brink of ruin before her fellow archdemon killed her.” Kira said as a matter of fact and realized Gama still had an irritated look on his face.

Gama felt his demon that had gotten possessive of Nimalaya like he had moved in discomfort to his suppression.

It definitely couldn’t wait to try ripping the woman’s heart out of her chest.

The heck she’s talking about? Nimalaya was an archdemon?

Gama inwardly scoffed.

The witch continued anyway. At least she would do this much for the sake of innocent lives that might get lost if Gama managed to visit the human realm and hurt Nimalaya’s mate.

“Demons, witches, humans, and other creatures you were accustomed to their existence in our world had once lived in harmony. Humans had no idea what your kind was called, but they deemed them as humans above them. They see your kind as gods.

Many of your kind took advantage of this and managed to have humans serving them out of fear.

Marriages were destroyed due to demons hypnotism over human and also their natural beauty that women couldn’t resist.

The made girls experience sex quickly due to their obsession over fresh taste and many other unacceptable behaviours.

The wealthy humans were able to escape most of this treatment, but it cost them to use their money and influence. They would even dirty their hands to keep in good books with demons.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

It was an uncomfortable existence for humans.

The witches just lived quietly, just as we are doing presently, unless a confrontation is necessary. Humans also see people like me as fortune tellers due to my ability to see the future.

That was the situation of life back then, but Humans weren’t as stupid as Demons thought them to be.

although their growth was suppressed, there were some that had broken out of that shackle and wanted to make a change for the world.

They want to get rid of the gods that live among them and terrorize them.

Alaya wasn’t someone people knew at glance, but humans were aware that the gods among them had a superior being known as archdemon, while the demon knew about the existence of their higher ups that don’t get involved in human and lesser demon affair unless necessary.

Due to the archdemon not showing themselves publicly, no one could distinguish their appearance. They prefer to stay at the realm meant solely for their kind.

They were the true power, and humanity got to face the wrath of that power.

Alaya was blessed with the affinity that best describes your kind. She not only controlled fire, like some demons could, she was blessed with a rare blue flame.

It destroy as it touches, and nothing can quench that fire unless she willed it to stop. She was considered very dangerous among her pairs.

Rumalaya was blessed with a mate who was a demon, lower in rank to herself. He was a warrior.

They were crazy about each other. Alaya was nothing but a love struck archdemon whenever they were together.

Her demon being more powerful only intensified her obsession towards her mate. Although it’s fate to meet with one’s mate and nothing else would be more important, the way Alaya loved was more intense.

She lived like she was born to love and be loved. That was where her happiness lied.

One couldn’t blame her. She had almost lived for eternity before finally meeting her mate then. They were happy.

Meanwhile, the humans against the idea of being controlled had started their rebellion.

They created a research program called “How to Slay gods.”” and Alaya’s mate was unfortunately their prey then.

It was more devastating because Alaya mate happened to be among the demons that fight to maintain equality and balance among all species.

He wasn’t part of the oppressor but fought in a group to suppress the rogue demon that was disturbing human’s peace.

He was said to be a good man, but it made him an easy prey for the humans, who should be glad some demons had stood up to protect them from their kind.

They betrayed his effort and loyalty, making him a scapegoat.

Alaya constantly visit the combined realm, despite demons having their own, to be with her mate.

She whined about how she wanted him to leave with her to permanently stay in their own personal space, but her mate’s position couldn’t allow him.

The man was obsessed with the balance his work had started to bring to the realm. It was through this setup by archdemon that Alaya and he had met and realized they were fated.

Demons lived a very long life, and Alaya’s mate was among those who were tired of continuous living without anything interesting happening until the introduction of his job and other positions were in existence.

He didn’t want to stop the work. He believed his little input was helping someone out one way or the other.

There were occasions. He had saved lives and marriage through his high tracking skill.

He explained to Alaya, and she couldn’t refuse him. She wouldn’t want him to feel she’s using her superior authority on him.

A few months after their mating ceremony, which now considered them not only fated but being officially married, Alaya had descended to see her mate at their home and couldn’t find him.

She waited, thinking she had work to do, but he still didn’t show up. Her demon got restless, urging her to search for him.

She began to search for him everywhere.

With their mate bond, she could still feel him, but Nimalaya realized the bond was so weak. It was that moment she knew he was in danger and desperately searched.

She tried to follow their bond instinct, but she was too late to meet him alive.

She saw her mate lay flat with so many devices plugged into his body, his blood drained to almost nothing.

He looked like a dried fish with his weak cells, struggling very hard to regenerate. He was in his demon form, not able to change back.

His fangs protruded and eyes flickering red.

They had broken him and his demon.

He had been used as their lab rat. Humans were looking for weaknesses and ways to kill a demon without having to go through so much to capture one, when there are thousands of them in existence.

She couldn’t believe how she had just been a few seconds late because she was just outside the hideout of the humans that called themselves researchers when the link to their bond disappeared.

If she had just been 1 minute early, she could have healed him with her superior blood. She could have let him feed on her blood till the last drop if possible, just to save him.”

Kira halted her tale and stared deep into Gama’s eyes. They were so intense as if he were affected by the story.

Gama couldn’t imagine Nimalaya’s pain if the story was actually real. Nimalaya wasn’t his mate, but he could swore that it was so difficult to part from her, ever since his demon also took interest in the girl.

To imagine a mate bond involved is scary. He would definitely go crazy if he were to be in her shoes back then.

He looked serious, making the witch had her hopes up that Gama could perhaps be reasonable and let Nimalaya go.

He was now listening with interest. He wanted to know more and shower her with the love that the human stole from her.

Maybe they could start their little revenge on the humans once he got there.

“Do you know what happened after that?

Her demon took over and first tried to do everything to bring her mate back.

I had seen a vision a few minutes before her mate died, and the destruction of everyone and everything followed after her demon finalized that their mate was really gone, so I lied to her.

I appeared before her and told her it is possible to bring her mate back. She threatened to ruin everything if she didn’t have him back in a few days.

I took the dead demon with me, and she killed the humans, as well as burning down their lab.

She bore a huge grudge on humans, but my promise kept her demon at bay for the main time for me to warn my kind to flee to wherever possible.

With our combined power, we created a safe hideout that would be immune to the huge flame I had seen in my vision.

I know it was going to happen, and we witches only care about ourselves. I didn’t warn the humans or demons about what I saw.

Society had always taken the chance to get back at us, a powerful being that they considered similar to demons.

Not all of us were great in power. Hence, we easily fell prey to their schemes until Nimalaya’s mate became the first demon to be successfully killed.

The timeframe she gave me was running out while she was busy with her own little revenge. She killed and tortured humans and demons she blamed for her mate’s death.

He was a warrior, and they were supposed to have each other’s back.

She questioned how he was taken, and no one searched for him.

Her little massacre happened, while my kind was all at a safe place until she seeked me out and burned my doppelganger made out of witchcraft before hell descended after the news she got about not ever seeing her mate again.

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