Bullied By My Alpha Stepbrother

Her fault

Chapter 37


I could feel the walls of my room shake as I slammed the door to my bedroom in rage and even though I had thought that I could take off the edge by taking out my anger on Jasmine sexually, which had worked for the most part, I could not for the life of me get over how Lorenzo thought it was okay to provoke me.

And how he had stood up to me, with a frown that challenged me and wanted to see what I could do to him.

The fact that it had been in public was even worse and I knew after hitting him that I had made a mistake because now, not only would the news reach my father, it would not matter what my side of the story was.

It never mattered to him anyways.

I was definitely going to have no choice but to attend even more sessions with the guidance counselor than before.

And it was all Jasmine’s fault.

There was a knock on the door and when I opened it, a servant was standing outside, her gaze on the floor as she spoke shyly.

“Your father would like to see you in his study.”

My face paled and I had to force my clawed hands into a fist to stop myself from turning around and tearing my room apart in rage.

Nodding, I made my way to the bathroom after she left and washed my bloodied hands before heading to his office.

Already dreading whatever conversation was about to happen because I was sure as hell that it was not going to be a friendly and casual one, I knocked once on the door as I tried to reign in my anger and as I was about to enter the office, the door opened and Jasmine walked out of the office, her eyes widening in surprise when she looked at me.

Her eyes were still bloodshot, probably from crying all the way home after what happened between us in the car and a part of me wanted to feel bad for her, wanted to pull her into a hug and apologize to her but then I forced myself to remember the reason why Lorenzo had gathered the guts to challenge me in front of the entire school today.

Why he had tried to show off the Alpha he was and had the temerity to glare at me and speak against me in a school where no one could even dare to cross me.

It was all because of her. And I was sure that given the way her heart was beating in her chest as she just stared at me, whatever she spoke about with my father was not good.

Curbing my desire to pin her against the wall and ask her what she must have said, I entered my father’s office and slammed the door, hearing her gasp and ignoring the strange urge that I had to see if she was okay.

My father was sitting behind his large black desk and his eyes narrowed as he stared at me as I stood in front of the door, my hands clasped at my back.

“You know why you’re here, don’t you?” He asked and maybe I was just interested in making him even more upset or I didn’t care, but I shrugged because I already knew how this was going to end

“I might have an idea” I trailed off and sure enough, he slammed his hands on his desk and rose to his feet, his eyes filled with anger

“You assaulted another human being. And not just the two of you were there, which would enable you to even settle this amicably even if it meant that I had to force you to pen down a handwritten note, but in the cafeteria, Hardin? In front of the entire school? Are you out of your mind!” He yelled and I looked away from him , not wanting him to see how deep his words had struck me.

“He provoked me, Father.”

“And so, you’re going to go around hitting anyone that provokes you now, isn’t it? You’re going to show them that you are the Alpha’s son and have Alpha blood running through your veins and you’re going to cut them down like grass, isn’t it? Answer me, Hardin.” He screamed the last part and I shook my head immediately.

“It was just the one time…” I interjected, trying to defend myself but it made him growl and I stopped speaking.

“Might I remind you that you are already in anger management classes and yet have somehow managed to become even worse than when you started. You were supposed to be out there protecting your sister and instead, you were busy exchanging blows?”

My father shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose before he looked at me again.

“Well, I have news for you, son. The school called to inform me of what happened and even though I could ensure that you walked away from assaulting a kid like nothing happened, it is high time that there are consequences for every action. Starting with your lacrosse team, you have been placed on probation until further notice.”

“But Father…”

“The school will decide what else to do with you and the boy’s family has thankfully decided to not press charges so I’m very thankful for that. But you are grounded for a week. Is that clear?”

I remained as still as a gargoyle because I feared that if I spoke, it would be catastrophic.

And it would not change the permanent look of disappointment on his face.

“Message received. Will there be anything else?” I said stoically and my father looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he merely shook his head and returned to his seat.

“You may go now, son. And I hope you reflect on this.”

I didn’t reflect on anything. I knew that as I entered my bedroom and shattered the reading chair into two, that reflection was never going to happen.

The door to my bedroom opened and when I turned around to see who had entered, I fought the growl that bubbled in my chest because of the way Lisa walked into the room and stood by the door, her eyes not filled with surprise, like she had just been waiting.

“What do you want? I hissed, even though my aunt’s smirk grew wider and it made me wonder if she already set up something else again where Jasmine and her mother were concerned.

She had done things that would put even the devil to shame and I wondered why she was still able to walk around in the same house as the woman that she tried to frame with cheating allegations in order to have her thrown out of the mansion.

Parts of me were not sure whether to be disgusted or ashamed that I was responsible for bringing her here, because of how Camila turned out to be towards me.

“What do I want, Hardin? I want you to open your eyes and see for yourself what is happening. See how you’re losing everything over a woman.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” I growled and she merely looked at me like I was a naive child that would never understand life.

“Because of that girl, you have been put on probation. A whole Captain of the entire team and trust me when I say that you’re probably the first captain that has been done so dirty. But you still don’t see how you are clearly losing your father’s love and concern and he’s showering it on Jasmine. Says he wishes that he could be the girl’s actual father and you still think nothing is happening, don’t you?”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

I hated how every point that she made hit home and how she knew all of my insecurities and my fears. Worst of all, it was the fact that she was right.

“You’ve become complacent. Accommodating. I see how nice you are to Camilla and her daughter. You forget that it’s only a matter of time before you lose everything. You should show them your place. Remind them that everyone submits to you.”

And before I could even reply her, she walked out of the room and slammed the door, leaving me with nothing but renewed anger at Jasmine.

Because Lisa was right. When Jasmine feared me, she couldn’t dare question what I did. I had become too accommodating and it looked like even that was not enough to change my father’s mind against me so I was going to return to exactly who I was before.

I was going to show Jasmine exactly what happened when you messed with the wrong person.

And by the time I was done with her, they would have no choice but to leave my family.

It didn’t matter that things had changed between us.

Because I was going back to being the old Hardin. And Jasmine was going to wish she never met me.

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