Bound Forever

Chapter 1:

The road was empty as usual, I mean by this time it should be empty. It is 9 pm, I looked to both sides and heave up and down, at least I wasn’t walking alone Jane was here with me.

We never return home by this time of the day, if not for Jane who was still dancing with that old man.

My anxiety disappeared, because Jane was here and we were already approaching our hostel, just a few distances away. I calm myself down.

The source of my anxiety was the fact that Seattle town isn’t safe anymore like it used to. I was scared because of the robbery attack of late. It wasn’t really safe for us walking by this time.

” Jane….” I stopped holding my neck, while I gulp in the lump in my throat. I guess I was scared already.

“What is it dear?” She tore her eyes off the villa to respond. Then she starred into my eyes and squint her eyes.

” Don’t tell me you are scared Daniella?” she curved her brow. She grin.

” There is no need to get goosebumps now, we are close to home” smiling back at me. She locked my hands into hers.


A black Range Rover drove with fast speed along the road, the pedestrian crosswalk precisely. 

” Hello Beauties” the car stopped in front of us, the darkness inside the car hid his face from exposing it to us and his eyes were hidden by the dark shade. It whacks me when I saw the dark shades on him, who wears a dark shade by this time of the night? I mean for heaven sake it is dark already!

His voice was sharp and huge when he spoke, within a second.

” Can I get any good hotel around here?” 

I was about replying to his question, when I saw a man with muscles wearing black from head to toe. He wore dark shades too, his boot was black in colour as well as his trouser, it was a leather black one. 

We didn’t notice much that, someone stepped out of the car and went behind us. My mind must have thought he was going to pee or do something. We were distracted by the one driving the steering wheel. 

Out of the blue I felt suffocated, someone placed a drenched clothe on my face, which smell was choking, I manage to fight with the little strength I have, the drug was taking action promptly. The person placed his hand across my neck from behind, so I could only kick him with my foot and struggle to remove the clothe with my hands.

The more I struggle the weaker I become. My legs went numb, my eyes began to shut down slowly until I was finally out of my mind.

I was still unconscious when I felt something cold on my body. Making me to jerk out of my unexpected sleep.

A man poured a cold water on me. Dilating my eyes I became conscious. I look to my surrounding to mark where I was, but it was a place I wasn’t familiar with. The glass door reviewed the houses from out side, they were huge villas from every space of the estate. 

” Jane…” The only word that escaped out my lips when I woke up. I could barely recollect anything all I know was, I and Jane was walking home and then a car stopped in front of us to ask for help. Apart from that I’m wholly blank.

To my fruition, I opened my eyes clearly and saw a man with a dark shade just like last night as far I can remember. He was sitting on a red divan, crossing his legs and  smirking at me.

” Who are you!” I wiggled my body and glimpsed I was tied down to a stool already.

” Hey what do you want from me, untie me!” I struggled more with the rope tied on my hands, behind the chair.

I looked around to see if I would see Jane, but I couldn’t get a glimpse of her after surveying everywhere. I saw a man standing like a guard to the one sitting on the red couch.

” Where is my friend! What do you want from us” I shrieked, he still kept me silent, sneering at me.

He waved his arms in the air at the man standing beside him to excuse us. Then the light in the cozy room was turned off soon.

” What is that! Why is the light turned off” Fear crept up my skin, and couldn’t grab it off. I swung to the sides, and noticed some steps towards my stance. It was very dark, I couldn’t see anything anymore.

” Daniella, Daniella” he grins, calling my name twice.

I shiver at the way he know my name, and the tone he used. The tone was scary, like he was up to something that would make me lose my mind.

He stood up. Walking to where I was he removed his shade. I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing but darkness.  There wasn’t any flash of recognition even from his shadow. But his scent, he smells like cold wood. That scent…. I sniffed in, it was a familiar aroma.

” Who are you! show me your face and stop ghosting!” I shout on top of my voice, until it cracked.

” I finally found you” he squats in front of me, grinning. Raising my neck with the tip of his finger, he swung it to the other side in air. 

” Shiii” Do not say a word” he whispered into my ear.

I inhaled more while he moved close to me.

” Okay!” he stood up and quivered his hands in the air.

” Switch on the light” he announced to whoever was in control.

“With the light or without I doubt you can recognize me” he spoke in mysteries.

Okay, I can understand you don’t remember me. But it is impossible to forget you, or the treatment I received from your father.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Your father killed my dad, and once made us crash. Now I am going to take what he cherish the most” he grins.

This was something I was lost at, what does my father has to do with his? Who is he? And why did he say my father killed his father? My father might be capable of that, I am not surprised. But what does it has to do with me?

I am just a college girl, who depends on only her strength and no one else not even my parents.

” From now on you are mine!” he grin, leaning beside me he breathes into my face. His breathe smells of cigarettes and a little touch of alcohol. I almost poured out, it twist my stomach after inhaling it. I felt some twist in my stomach not entertaining the smell.

” I can never be yours! Now loose me and let me go!” I spoke with some confidence in me, until I was shocked a tiny sharp knife. He swung it out of his pocket.

I shrugged.” I am innocent, I don’t know what you are talking here” I looked bewilder, he starred into my eyes to confirm my words.

” Daniella Grey, correct?” he raised my face up with the knife. Asking if that wasn’t my name. 

I began to sob, “let me go please”

“Don’t move a muscle, except you want to get your neck cut off” he moved the knife closer to my neck.

I nodded.

” Good, whether you know about this or not you are mine” he grin again, blowing the last smoke of the burnt off cigar on my face. I coughed out hard, it trapped my lungs.

” Let me go!” I screamed, shaking the chair, I was tied to.

” Be careful, you might break your waist if you struggle more with the chair” he curled a smile on his face as he stormed out of the room.

The tall man, known as his guard to me walked in to the room and  untie me. He loosen the rope and caught a clutch on my wrist unexpectedly.

” Thanks__” I was about appreciating for him, for cutting the rope off , when I noticed his hard grip on my delicate wrist. His hands were strong as an iron, so solid.

” please let me go, you are hurting me” I said barely beyond a whisper, struggling to remove my hands.

The man was silent. He walked me upstairs, my hand were still firmly tied to his. He wasn’t spilling out anything seemed like a human robot, not even blink an eye.

” Where are you talking me to?” I baffled and gulped.

” To your room” he finally spoke his voice sounded so vibrant, he sends twitches down my spine.

” My room! I am not fucking staying here, tell that to your boss or whoever it is to you and let me go!” I screamed on top of my voice.

” You don’t have a choice now, your right has been sold. Now get into the bathroom and refreshing up, I will get you the clothe to use” he spoke with no smile on his face, not even a smirk like that man which smell of threat.

He tossed me into the room, compelling me to land on the hard cold floor. Then he shut the door behind him.

I got on my feet, running to the door to escape. When I noticed I was locked inside already.

I slowly moved to the ground, laying on the floor.

“Is this how my life is going be now? I remember his words I am his now, and my right has been sold!” I pushed my legs up my chest, leaning on the white fancy door. Tears streamed down to my mouth, making me to taste the salt in my tears.

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