Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 LILY I decided to take a break from work for the weekend because, well, I’m human and I need some downtime too. So, Jake and I snuggled up on the sofa, wrapped in a warm blanket, with a bowl of popcorn as we settled in to watch a romantic movie I picked out. However, it seemed like Jake wasn’t really feeling the movie. He was more engrossed in his phone than the storyline. Teasingly, I remarked, “You should’ve picked the movie yourself finding his lack of interest quite amusing. There was a time when he would really try to get into the movie, but this time, he didn’t even bother. I reassured him, “Don’t worry, it’s your turn to choose the next movie we watch” His chest vibrated with laughter, a deep rumble that echoed through the room. “I don’t know why you chose such a gruesome movie,” he commented, his face contorting in distaste at the sound of yet another person meeting a grisly end on screen. “Perhaps you’ve grown accustomed to it because of your background as a medical doctor. You’re probably more desensitized to blood than I am. After all, I work in real estate management; blood isn’t exactly a common sight in my line of work. As his phone pinged, stealing his attention once again, a sudden tension crept into his body, his muscles tightening visibly. Sensing his change in demeanor, 1 paused the movie and looked up at him, concern evident in my expression. “What’s going on? Did something happen!” My own phone chimed intermittently in the background. With a furrowed brow, Jake turned his screen toward me, his face etched with anger. “When did this happen?” he growled, his voice low and menacing Taking the phone from his outstretched hand, I glanced at the screen, greeted by the sight of a picture capturing a moment between me and Ryan from the restaurant the other day. The mischievous glint in Ryan’s eyes and the way I was gazing at him could easily be misinterpreted in the wrong contexL “It’s not what I think, I mumbled, the words tumbling out in a rush as I handed the phone back to him, my heart pounding with apprehension. “He just met up with me the other day when you couldn’t make it to lunch, Jake’s glare pierced through me. “And why was he smirking like that he demanded, his voice still dripping with anger. “Why are you two even this close to each other?” With a heavy sigh, I averted my gaze. “He wanted to apologize for what happened in the past, you know, for the sake of civility, I explained, my voice tinged with frustration. “I swear to you, I didn’t even spend up to thirty minutes with him.” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jake’s agitation remained

evident. “And why didn’t you tell me about meeting him?” he pressed, his tone laced with hurt. “Why didn’t you mention that you had lunch with him?” The atmosphere soured, and I knew there was nothing I could say or do to salvage the mood. I didn’t think it was important, 1 confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. Perplexed, Jake leapt to his feet, causing me to flinch as he towered over me. “What do you mean you didn’t think it was important?” he demanded, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. “How is having lunch with your ex not something that’s important enough to tell me about?” I never expected this situation to escalate as it did. “Jake, please listen, I began, hoping to get a chance to explain the sultation of things.. “We weren’t planning to have lunch together. It was supposed to be my lunch, a date that you unfortunately couldn’t make it to. Ryan just showed up unexpectedly and said he wanted to talk. I felt caught off guard and didn’t know how to decline. He scoffed incredulously, his expression a mix of disbelief and frustration. “You couldn’t say no!” he questioned, his voice tinged with disappointment as he grabbed his jacket from the sofa. “I do not have the time to deal with this not he muttered before storming upstairs, the weight of his steps echoing through the house. Left alone on the sofa, I wrapped myself tighter in the blanket, the heaviness of the situation settling around me like a shroud. Switching off the television, 1 absently scrolled through the comments, each one carrying its own weight of judgment and speculation. It was disheartening to see how many people were quick to assume the worst, urging caution and warning against potentially damaging what they perceived as a budding romance between Stephanie and Ryan. Shaking my head in disbelief, I continued to sift through the comments until exhaustion finally pulled me into a fitful slumber on the sofa. When I awoke the next morning, the house was eerily quiet, devoid of Jake’s presence. His absence was so obvious. his car missing from its usual spot in the parking lot. He had left without a word. Leaving for work, a heavy sullenness dr@ped over me like a suffocating shroud. Throughout the drive, I persistently dialed Jake’s number, each call met with silence. Desperation tinged my fingers as I sent a pleading text, urging him to reach out whenever he could. As I neared the hospital, a swarm of paparazzi awaited me at the gates. How they discovered my workplace remained a mystery, amplifying my frustration and confusion. Munering curses under my breath, I swiftly diverted my route, steering towards the bridge. Utilizing the hospital’s emergency exit, I drove into the parking lot. 11:34 AM Chapter 23Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Bringing the car to a halt, I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, the weight of the situation pressing down on me like an unbearable burden. The spotlight that once accompanied my divorce from Ryan had faded, but its sudden reappearance now felt suffocating and unwelcome. Stepping out of the car, I entered the elevator, steeling myself for the day ahead. However, even within the hospital walls, the prying gazes of nurses and fellow doctors felt like an added layer of scrutiny. Although they didn’t have the courage to say it to my face, but I know they are discussing me. During lunchtime, I opted to remain in my office, my appetite overshadowed by a mix of emotions. I couldn’t decide which troubled me more: the fact that I was suddenly thrust into the spotlight over something I hadn’t done, or the disheartening silence from the one person I had hoped would believe in me. The sudden ring of my phone shattered the stillness of my office, sparking a flicker of hope that it might be jake finally returning my call. However, the caller ID displayed an unfamiliar number, leaving me momentarily puzzled. Despite my reservations, I answered the call, knowing that only those close to me would have this number. Pressing the phone to my ear, I hesitantly greeted, “Hello?” “Lily,” a familiar voice breathed out, instantly causing a knot of tension to form in my stomach. “It’s Ryan.” My frown deepened at the sound of his voice. “What do you want. Ryan?” I hissed, unable to conceal the

edge of bitterness in my tone. “Haven’t you caused enough harm already?” My relationship was already strained, and the relentless presence of paparazzi outside the hospital only added to the chaos, hindering the movement of ambulances and patients alike. “Do I need to ask that question again?” He cleared his throat, his voice betraying a hint of remorse. “I called to apologize.” “When aren’t you apologizing?” I snapped angrily, unable to contain the frustration boiling within me. “For heaven’s sake, Ryan, stop appearing wherever I am! You bring nothing but trouble?” He winced, “I deserve that, he mumbled, his voice tinged with remorse. “And I promise you, Lily, I’m going to fix this.” “Fix what?” I retorted, my voice laced with bitterness. “My boyfriend won’t even talk to me!

How do you plan to fix that?” His silence spoke volumes. “Well I pressed, my frustration reaching its peak. “Cat got your tongue? How do you plan to mend my relationship?” “I can’t say I’m not pleased about that, he muttered. “But as for the paparazzi outside your hospital and trailing your every move. I’ll handle that, I promise.” “Just do as you please, I replied tersely, my skepticism dripping from my tone. I had learned the hard way not to place too much faith in his promises. “When we had that conversation, I certainly wasn’t expecting this level of media scrutiny, I continued. I want this resolved before my children get home. Otherwise, they’ll be thrust into the spotlight, alongside me, for the whole world to see. “You’ll have to trust me, Lily, Ryan pleaded. “Trust?” I scoffed bitterly. “That’s a strong word, Ryan, one that I can’t offer you again.” There was a brief silence on the line before Ryan spoke again. “Like I said earlier. I’ll handle the paparazzi, but I can’t do anything about your relationship. If your boyfriend is having issues with you over such trivial matters, then you shouldn’t be with him at all” The call abruptly disconnected.

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